6. Yet

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“So oppa how come Doojoon has to work?” Hyorin asked him as she, Hyunseung and Dongwoon were playing go fish.

“Well we need money and he’s the only one that is able to work,” Yoseob told her as he shuffled through his cards. Hyorin nodded.

“Hmm, got any threes?” She said to Hyunseung, the otter moved through his cards and handed her one in his mouth.

“Here,” he squeaked. Hyorin patted him on the head with a smile.

“Thank you.”

“Hey where is Sookyung?” Hyunseung asked, Hyorin glanced around the room.

“I think she’s doing some study,” Hyorin smiled at the thought of her friend with a book.

“Wow Sookyung must be really smart then,” Hyunseung said as he went through his cards, “got any kings Woonie?”

“No and don’t call me that,” Dongwoon bared his teeth at the otter.

“Don’t eat me,” Hyunseung squeaked going over to Hyorin.

“Hey you’re peeking at my cards,” she laughed with her raspy chuckle.

‘Sorry,” Hyunseung scrambled back to his place on the table.

“You’re so cute,” Hyorin remarked.

“Hey can you scratch me under the chin?” Dongwoon stretched his neck out.

“Scratch it yourself,” Yoseob snapped feeling annoyed at the fox.

“Aw it’s ok,” Hyorin leaned forward and scratched him under the chin. When she was done, Dongwoon yapped happily.

“Yah you’re not a dog,” Yoseob muttered covering his ears, “you’re a fox!”

“Hey Hyorin won!” Dongwoon quickly changed the subject. Hyorin counted her pairs.

“Oh yeah, yay for me,” Yoseob clapped for her.

“Good job,” Hyunseung said, “I’m going to see Sookyung-ah,” he bounded off the table and wandered to the stair way. Due to his size he had to jump up each step one by one.

Sookyung lifted her head from a notebook at the sound of a tapping. She stood up and went to the door. She opened it, seeing an otter behind the door.

“Hey Sookyung.”

“Hey Hyunseung,” she said smiling, “come in.” Hyunseung made his way into the room, walking over to her books when he spotted them.

“What are you studying?” He asked looking at the cover of the textbook.

“Ah just boring old behavioral studies,” she said taking out a highlight from a small yellow pencil case and colouring in some of the notes with a few .

“Cool, so what is it that you are actually going to become?”

“I’m going to be a behavioral therapist,” she said.

“Wow, that’s amazing, you will be great,” Hyunseung beamed at her. Sookyung gave a small smile.

“Thank you,” she said watching Hyunseung plod over to the window.

“Uh oh,” Hyunseung squeaked anxiously.

“What?” She walked over to the window to see what he was looking at. They watched a figure slowly coming towards the house.

“its Doojoon hyung,” he said turning to her. “He never finishes work early unless... He got into trouble.” They saw someone coming outside. It was Kikwang. He stared at Doojoon and then put an arm around him and they walked into the house. Doojon made no effort to remove it.

“Let’s go see,” Hyunseung told her plodding down to the stairs.


“Yah hyung what happened?” Yoseob asked as they all gathered by the front door.

“Nothing“, Doojoon replied wincing a bit, “A shelf just fell on me.”

“Ah what? You alright?” Junhyung questioned, nobody noticing how close he and Bora were standing near each other.

“I’ll be fine,” Doojoon waved them but bent over, clutching his side, “I should probably get lunch ready.”

“Lunch? No you’re in bad condition hyung,” Yoseob told him, “you should take it easy.”

“But I’m the only one who can,” Doojoon argued. “The only other people who can is Hyunseung and you! But you’re a monkey for the next two days and it isn’t broadcasted to rain today!”

“Junhyung can get takeaway,” Yoseob reasoned pointing to him, “it’s ok if we eat KFC.”

“But I don’t eat chicken!” Hyunseung whined, “I’m an otter! I don’t eat anything but fish!”

“Hold on,” Dongwoon looked at the girls, “can any of you noonas cook?”

“Oh me, me,” Hyorin raised a hand.

“Yes, noodles in a packet,” Bora teased and Junhyung laughed. Hyorin pushed her lips into an embarrassed pout.

“Well its better than what you make,” was her rebuttal.

“What about Sookyung?” Bora suggested. All eyes turned to Sookyung. She pointed at herself.

“You want me to cook?”

“Sure, you are a good cook,” Hyorin winked, “you’ll be fine.” Sookyung could see the eyes of the idol group members from Beast and Sistar looking at her. Hoping for her to say yes and feed them.

“Alright,” she gave in. Everyone made triumphant responses.

“Yay Sookyung noona,” Hyunseung squeaked. Sookyung turned to the kitchen, “Well it’s midday I should probably get started.”

“Let me help you,” she glanced at Doojoon who had volunteered.

“But hyung, you…” Doojoon cut Yoseob off.

“It’s the least I can do seeing as you’ll be making it,” he said. Sookyung nodded.

“That would be good thank you,” she told him starting to walk to the kitchen. Doojoon released himself from Kikwang’s hold and walked after her. Everyone who was left started to talk to themselves.

“Hmm something is going on with those two,” Kikwang noted to Yoseob. The monkey nodded.

“Yes, since when was Doojoon so… Umm…”


“Umm not quite the word there Dongwoon,” Yoseob told him, “but it will do for now.” Hyunseung was quiet for a while.

“Hey are you alright oppa?” Hyunseung turned to see Hyorin had been talking to him; he nodded.

“Yeah,” and left it at that.

Doojoon showed Sookyung where a large sack of rice was kept. She scooped a large amount with a mug into a pot and left it to boil while she started chopping some vegetables and bits of fish.

“What’s this?” He asked standing next to her as she poured oil into a fry pan.

“Umm just some rice with a bit of protein and what not.” She hastily dropped the bits of leek into the frying pan.

“You seem to be rather intermediate when it comes to cooking.” Sookyung frowned, not sure how to take what he said.

“Well I need some practice, it’s been a while since I last cooked.”

“When was that?”

“When I was visiting Hyorin and Bora unni,” she said adding the other vegetables. Doojoon took a step closer next to her. She looked up and leaned back, startled at how close he was.

“What are you looking at?”

“Oh nothing,” was his answer before walking back and sinking into a chair at the table. He winced, lifting his shirt up pressing against his ribs.

“Do you want me to take a look at that?” He lifted his head, he had Sookyungs attention diverted.

“Your food will burn,” he said and she quickly turned back to it flipping the vegetables and then placing them on a plate. She combined it with the fish and looked back at him.

“Where is the first aid kit?” Doojoon stared at her. He pointed with a free hand at an upper cupboard.

“In there,” she nodded and walked over to it. She tiptoed as she opened the door. A spider fell out and on to her head. Sookyung screamed causing Doojoon to jump up.

“What? What is it?” He asked rushing over, ignoring the pain flooding through the injury.

“There’s something on my head!” She yelled. Doojoon saw the arachnid and swiped it off with one . It fell on the floor before it scurried under a door.

“Ok it’s gone,” he said seeing she was still tense. He put a hand on her shoulder; she jumped backwards onto him.

“Whoa,” he was forced to take a step back to gain his balance, “you need to relax.” Sookyung took a deep breath.

“Sorry,” she turned to him, “I just freaked out a bit.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” Doojoon made a small smile. He went back to his seat while she got the kit. She opened it on the table before going back and serving the fish on another plate. “You know you should relax more often,” Doojoon told her as she gave him painkillers still in the foil.

“Why does it matter if I relax?” She asked running the tap and giving him the glass of water. He swallowed the tablets in one go, gushing them down with a big gulp from the glass.

“Because you seem so tense around people; that’s all“, Sookyung tipped some antiseptic onto a cotton wool pad which she then placed it against his cut. He winced and cursed, “Ouch, damn…”

“I’m not tense around people,” she said opening a band aid.

“Well you are…” Doojoon closed his eyes for a second as she placed it over the cut, “around me at least.” She didn’t respond, just gestured for him to lift up his shirt. She winced as she saw the bruise. “To be honest, I didn’t have a shelf fall on me.” She grabbed a cream while he continued to talk. “I was… Don’t tell the others. I was in a fight.”

“About what Doojoon, if I can ask that.” She dabbed her fingers in the ointment and pressed it against the bruise. She did her best not to pay attention to his defined stomach muscles.

“Some guys, my age I believe…” He stared outside the window, “they were saying all this crap about Beast and how it’s good we have disappeared.” He winced as she touched a tender spot. “As the leader I couldn’t stop what happened to us… But I can at least protect our name.”  Sookyung smiled and Doojoon managed to catch a glimpse of it.

“What are you smiling for?”

“Well… What you did was stupid,” she began standing up and going back to the food, “but from what I’ve gathered from being with you for less than a day…” She stirred the rice and replaced the lid before continuing. “You seem to be more of a feeler than a thinker. But this can be a good thing sometimes.” Doojoon knew she was right but the compliment was something he didn’t expect. It was his turn to grin. This alarmed Sookyung.

“Did I just hear you say something nice to me?” He asked teasing her. Sookyung turned away as she felt warmer than before.

“So you do want to be friends with me,” Sookyung’s face darkened, in silence she began to leave.“Wait… Where are you going?” Sookyung turned her head to an alarmed Doojoon.

“We can’t be more than what we are,” she said touching the door handle with the intension to slide it open. She opened the door and pushed it behind her before she could hear what he was going to say. She closed her lips together, unable to think of how to react.

“Sorry,” she said softly as she walked up to the stairs.

Edit: I really fail at self editing. That is part of the reason why I am getting this fanfic reviewed, so I can see what I've mucked up on when it comes to writing and as a result become much better at it.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!