27. Come to me

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“SOOKYUNG!!” Hyorin yelled as they reached their friend. Her first reaction was to shake her.

“Wake up unnie! Wake up.”

“Hyorin…” Bora began her own eyes blurring again. “Hyorin stop...She’s gone.”  Bora put a hand on Hyorin's shoulder as her friend strongly denied the reality of it. Eventually the tears gave way and Hyorin bowed her head letting her tears soak Sookyung's shirt. Where Doojoon was the five around him suddenly jolted, backing away in fear. Doojoon's mouth had opened and eyelids revealed his eyes, clear and bright again. He sat up, choked before it gave way to easier breathing. 

 “Hyung,” Yoseob said with a cracked voice. “Is it really you?… Are you ok?” Doojoon covered his hand to cough, the color coming back into his face. The red underneath the bandage disappeared. It was as if nothing had really happened.
“You are ok,” Dongwoon exclaimed hugging his hyung firmly. Hyunseung, Kikwang, Junhyung and Yoseob all joined in to form a group hug. They were all speechless as they fought back the overwhelming joy.

“I'm... I'm glad to be back,” Doojoon said taking in their brotherly love they had for him. As they started to move away to give him room they paused. They weren't crying but someone was. They turned to see the girls around Sookyung. Their hearts dropped within their chests. They could see something was wrong.

“What's happening over there?" Dongwoon began but then saw Yoseob's face change.

"It's Sookyung," Yoseob started but his voice failed him.

"Hey hyung where are you going?!" Doojoon had slowly but steadily risen to his feet and went down the sand. His steps were slow as the grains slipped from underneath his shoes. He shivered from the cold. He'd forgotten he wasn't wearing a shirt.

“Wah its Doojoon oppa,” The fans called to him, waving as well as flashing their cameras at the rare sight. “Doojoon oppa hello!” Doojoon paid no attention to them as he ran along the beach, slowing as he came to Sookyung’s feet. 

“Omo….” There were hushes and whispers from the fans who dared to take another step closer. “Are they together or something?”

“Oppa she’s gone!” A fan called out. Soon there came a wave of gasps while others covered their mouths. They stayed where they were as they watched Doojoon. When he'd heard the fan speak he'd become solid and didn't move for a second. Slowly he finished his walk, stopping by her head as he talked to her distraught friends.

“What happened?” he asked them with a catch in his voice.

“It was… It was Heawoo,” Bora replied miserably, “ask her.” The other members of Beast ran to them, they ignored the cries of those fans who wanted to leave; feeling guilty for doing nothing. The group that remained on the ledge was seventy five percent of what had been there before. Doojoon stood upright and went over to Hea-woo. His hand shot out, hooking his fingers into her neck as he held her up in the air.

“Why did you do it?” He demanded.

“That was the ultimate consequence.”

“That is the consequence?!”

“You didn’t think I would just end it all and kill you?” She challenged. “No I’m cruel. I wanted you to ache. I wanted you to ache so much that your heart would want to break and die while you are still breathing.” Doojoon raised his spare fist to punch her. Hea-woo cowered in the spot. The others drew in breaths as the seconds flashed by fast. In the end Doojoon breathed out hard and tossed her aside. She fell onto her back, winded by the impact and then went unconcious.

Doojoon went back to Sookyung. The fans that were remaining were standing there in utter shock. Hyorin and Bora cried by their friend and even s had teary eyes from watching the girls cry. Doojoon started to feel his emotions overwhelm him. If the Beast song clenching a tight fist had been playing then it would have reminded him of when they first performed.But now, the flower whose beauty he had admired from a far had wilted within moments. He walked over to her side, each step feeling like they were being dragged in wet cement. He knelt beside her, admiring her pale face. He pushed hair away from her face.

“You are and were the only one for me,” he said, a lump the size of a tennis ball in his throat. His eyes stung and blurred as he ran a finger along her bottom lip once. Salt water drops hit the sand beside her face and one in her hair; he lowered his head towards her, closing his eyes. He gently touched her lips, like he had done that one time…  That one time in the alleyway… Their first and now would be their last time. He looked up at their fans for a moment, breathing in and out slowly as in silence the tears streamed down his cheeks; he then went back watching her and his friends.

Heawoo was shocked as she finally got back to her feet; the fans were standing there crying. Humiliated she pointed to Doojoon.

“Why the hell are you all crying for her?! That girl was going to take your oppa away from you!”

“Because it's just so sad.” One fan with a bob cut said.

“Ah is that all?" Heawoo was satisfied with her answer. "Hmm looks like I'm off." She turned to go to the ledge. The fans started to come down the bank towards the group.
"Wait," Yoseob called pathetically after her. "Y-You're just going to leave? After murdering her?!"

"Yeah of course," she saw no problem in this.

"," Yoseob frowned at Junhyung.

"Please reconsider," he had no choice but to try. Doojoon was in no state to do any talking and the others didn't know what could be done. "If you won't bring her back... Then please help us." His voice broke as he said 'please.' Hea-woo stopped to think, the fans were getting closer; the guys beginnning to panic as the fans called their names from every side.

"Hmm... I don't normally do this but here," that was what she said. Hyorin gave a gasp.

"W-wha...S-she's breathing."

"Huh," they were confused.

"What did you do?" Kikwang asked.

"It's just a coma, she will be like that for as long as I desire."

"Wait... That doesn't help!"

"Hey I'm not God. Bye," she gave a backhanded wave as the fans moved in. They were at a loss, Doojoon's eyes were dry but only when they heard the sounds of sirens from close by.

"They called the police?" Junhyung muttered while in the middle of signing autographs.

"Must be the neighbours," Yoseob pointed to a trail of smoke coming from a close distance. "Maybe this is a good thing," he made a weak smile. "We're going to be found." The others agreed but then felt guilty. Doojoon bowed his head without warning, biting his bottom lip as his shoulders started to slowly rise up and down. In the midst of it all he couldn't hold back the tears that were bittersweet.

"Hey hyung," Yoseob patted Doojoon on the back in comfort. "It will be alright, you'll see." Doojoon shook his head, sniffing before he managed to say four words.

"H-how will it be...?"



Guess who re-wrote this chapter and decided to update today instead of Monday? Yeah this is depressing so I am sorry. Hopefully you have a happy story to read on the side when you can't bear to read this one.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!