29. Wiping the tears

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Never had the six been so nervous. Their first stage for debut was nerve racking but even so being in the sterile environment, the safe haven of the ill and unwell was making their blood go cold. They'd had to cover up so people wouldn't recognise them but in the end one fan caught on and they had no choice but to leave when the mob grew.

"What now?" Yoseob sighed as they sat in their van. All of them were dejected by what happened.

"Looks like someone in the hospital knew we were coming," was all that their manager was able to say. Doojoon was quiet the whole time, he hadn't spoken to anyone for the whole trip.

"But we have to see her," Kikwang argued. "Because..." He thought of their leader. "He wants to."

"Well I know that you and Yoseob have schedules tonight," their manager began. "And Junhyung already has something he wants to do so I can bring the other three tonight. We can take a taxi just to go under the radar." Dongwoon shifted in his seat. He didn't really enjoy the idea of being alone with the two who had once been rivals in love.

"That's fine," Hyunseung answered, "what do you think hyung?" Doojoon just nodded.

"Alright it's settled. We will go at eleven thirty tonight."


Hyorin was annoyed when she read the message she got from Yoseob. It made her want to tear her hair out.

"What do you mean the fans stopped you?!"

"What's the matter unnie?" Dasom came into her room and sat on the chair by the desk.

"Oh it's just my boyfriend being infuriating again."

"Did he do something wrong?"

"Well.... It's just that he's a bit spineless." Dasom was confused. "He has no confidence in himself, on the camera it's different but in real life."

"Have you told him that?"

"I have hinted at it, but he doesn't get it."

"Be patient?"

"I can't wait any longer," Hyorin sensed an impending decision was coming up soon. "I think it's time we see if this is worth continuing." She sent a message to him telling him to meet her at a park at this time the next morning. Yoseob read the message and immediately sensed that there was another reason he wanted to see her and not to just go out.

"Will you be able to?" Kikwang asked as they sat in the dressing rooms getting their makeup done.

"I don't have a choice," quickly Yoseob typed out a reply. "It's either this or nothing and I think she has a reason behind this."

"Hmm maybe."

"Hey, have you got onto Hyosung yet?" Kikwang shook his head.

"I don't she's interested in me."

"Why do you say that?"

"I just can tell."

"Pfft, you just are lazy," Yoseob scoffed as he got out of his chair. He and Kikwang went to the studio to begin filming. He wondered how the other three would be getting on. In about four hours they would have arrived at the hospital.


Dongwoon glanced at Hyunseung who sat in the seat next to him. Doojoon was next to their manager at the front. It had been Dongwoon's idea to keep them apart in case their feud hadn't really ended.

"So who are you visiting?" Their manager had been out of the loop for a while since being laid off and then working temporarily for their new rookie group which had debuted just recently.

"A friend," Hyunseung answered not caring how Doojoon would interpret this. Doojoon just agreed with a grunt.

"Ah I see," their manager saw the bouquet of flowers Hyunseung had in his lap. "I'm sure they'll appreciate those Hyunseung-ah."

"Thank you hyung." They came to the hospital, the three got out and went straight in as their manager paid the cab fee and then called their other manager to tell them where they were and a time to pick the four up. Doojoon went to the reception desk where the nurse greeted them.
"Where is Sookyung-ah staying?"

"What's her family name?" They all stared at each other. They were friends with her but they had not once asked her for her family name. They shook their heads glumly.

"Is she the one in a coma?" Her doctor was walking down the hallway with a clipboard tucked under his arm.

"Y-yeah," Hyunseung was hesitant.

"Come with me," they all agreed as they followed him to the lifts. They rode the elevator to an upper floor and followed him down the corridor to an intensive care ward. Nurses stopped to stare for a bit but none of them seemed interested in getting autographs. Must have been how solemn they all appeared at this time.

The doctor stopped at her ward, her name Han Sookyung written. "You can only see her one at a time," he advised them. "She won't be responsive but she will be able to hear and feel you." With that they thanked him and he departed. The three spent the next minute organising their order. Since Doojoon would want the most time with her he was last with Dongwoon going first. The maknae entered with the promise he wouldn't be long.

Hyunseung glanced at his leader. He didn't see any flowers or get well trinkets. Just himself dressed casually in a brown leather jacket, white shirt, dark jeans and brown shoes. The atmosphere was tense though they'd buried the hatchet before. Fortunately Dongwoon didn't take that long and was out within five minutes giving Hyunseung his chance. He was ten minutes and returned without the flowers."So many flowers," he muttered as he came and sat down in his previous spot. Doojoon entered, silently praying that he would be able to hold it together.


It was a small ward. The table had been crowded with wreaths and bouquets of blossom. Some had started to wilt and brown while others were perked and emitted a fresh fragrance that was a blend of different textures. Then there was her. Aside from lying in the bed with her eyes closed and hair out you wouldn't know that something was wrong. Doojoon cleared his throat as he approached the bed, his hand gingerly touching hers. He slipped his hand into hers, hooking his thumb into the crevace while his fingers covered hers. Her hand was warm.

"Hey Sookyung," he began slowly, squeezing her hand before he continued. "How are you?" There was no response, just the beeping of the monitor which indicated her pulse was there. "I guess I should have come earlier before." He had to keep his eyes at her hand. Seeing her with her eyes close was difficult enough.
"I had a list of things that I wanted to say." He fumbled through his pocket to take out an A4 sized piece of paper he had folded. As he read the list his face fell. Everything there seemed so cliche to say. He felt that there wasn't much of a reason to go by it. He wasn't speechless like he had thought.

"Sookyung, I was going to tell you what was on here but I don't think it matters anymore." Using his free hand he scrunched the paper. When he'd done that he threw it into the bin, he almost missed it.
"I'm sorry, for not coming until now." He had no excuses to give. "Promotions are going well with our new CD. We even came first on all three music stations this week," he smiled however it faded as he continued with the monologue. "It was good, but I found it hard to concentrate at times... I guess it was because I was worried..."

He squeezed the hand again, "I've been worried about you. Since that day we were found everything's been so strange. Fans left us because we thought we'd actually abandoned music all together. Junhyung and Bora had a fight a week later and God knows what's going on with Yoseob and Hyorin-ah... But at least with them they still have each other and can hold each other..." He choked on the last part of the sentence.

"I had to lie to the fans when they asked about you." Regret was strong at this point in time. "It killed me to tell them that you were just an acquaintance... That I wouldn't see you again after that." His eyes were stinging. "Though it was true... It still hurt for me to say it." The breath he let out was slow and shuddering. "And being here... It's so hard to even see you like this because of me..." Finally his eyes moved up her arm to her face. He blinked, the tears closer now.

"I'm so sorry Sookyung-ah... I was able to protect my members... But I couldn't protect you. I wanted to protect everyone, my family, my friends, you. I can't consider myself a man if I can't protect the woman I've fallen for." Slowly he closed his eyes. A tear slipped down from underneath the lid and hitting her hand.
"Sookyung...If you can hear me... Please wake up," more tears fell. "I don't care what happens if the world finds out about this... Just please don't go... Don't leave your family... Don't leave your friends," he could barely talk as he added. "Don't leave me." With that his head dropped, mouth closed in resignation as the tears slipped down his cheeks. The monitor beeped out of beat, he didn't notice.

"Wow have you ever thought of acting?" He opened his damp eyes to the speaker. He was taken back as he saw it was Hea-woo. Her hair had grown but not by much. She was in a grey fur coat, a dark green shirt that hugged her figure and a pair of white jeans. She was in her typical footwear, high heeled boots.
"W-when did you--?"

"--Not important," Hea-woo butted in. "So... Do you like what you see?" Doojoon didn't know how to take such a statement. He just wiped his eyes with his spare hand. "Hmm... I guess you're mad. You may not say it but I can see that's what you're thinking. 'Why is the witch here? Why can't she leave us alone?' Isn't that right?"

"T-Think what you want..." Doojoon answered with little interest. "You've already won."

"True but seeing you suffer like this is fun too." Doojoon moved to lash at her but his hand in Sookyung's kept him in place. It was like she was telling him not to give in. "You know you can save her." Hea-woo told him simply. "But it means that you have to give something else up in place."

"If it's my life then you can have it."

"No that's boring," she examined her nails as she played with him. "If you're living then it's better for all of us... How about something else of importance? Like... Maybe your status as leader?" Doojoon's mouth opened. He stared at her in disbelief.

"You mean... Give up my position?"

"Yeah I suppose, the fans would hunt me down if they found out it was because of me. But yes I want you to step down as leader." Doojoon was torn. His choices lay before him. Either she would stay like that for however long Hea-woo chose or he could end it now, but it would be at a cost that would affect the group greatly and the fans moreso. 

"C-can I have time to think about it?"

"I already know your answer." Her smug expression made him uneasy. "I'll just wait and see when you decide to tell them." With that she spun on her heel and stomped out of the ward. As soon as the door opened the other two members exclaimed in anger upon seeing her. Doojoon paid no attention to them as he had to leave. He leaned down to Sookyung's head, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. He didn't need to say goodbye after doing this.

"Hyung what the hell was she doing in there?!" Dongwoon exclaimed a little too loudly.

"Yeah we didn't even see her enter," Hyunseung added. "She's a ghost." Doojoon raised his eyebrows at him. They dropped when he recalled what she'd said.

How about something else of importance? Like... Maybe your status as leader?

"Hey hyung what's on your mind?" Dongwoon's question bought him back.

"Guys.... There's something I have to tell you all."


Ah this is the only update for today. Cliffhanger to keep you in suspense XD

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!