18. Nothing Better than You

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

They all walked back to the house silently. The rain was starting to die down but Hyunseung didn’t seem interested in that. He was still holding  Sookyung. Hyorin walked beside him while Yoseob joined in a conversation with Kikwang and Dongwoon. Junhyung and Bora were in their own discussion and Doojoon was taking up the rear. He lifted his head to watch Hyunseung. That nagging feeling he had previously was making its way back. Unless… No it wasn’t possible was it? Didn’t he like Hyorin? The time to think on such a petty topic wasn't appropriate. He shook his head, deciding he wouldn’t ask until he had no choice.

As they went to the girls' room Hyunseung carefully placed Sookyung on the bed. They noticed the perspiration that had slowly built on her forehead.“We can take her from here,” Hyorin told him, “thanks for carrying her.”

“Anytime,” Hyunseung grinned as he left the other two to take care of their friend. He went to his room and sat at the desk while the rain started up again outside. There was a knock on the door. “Junhyung-ah we share a room you shouldn’t have to knock…” He jumped, Doojoon was standing in the door. He was asserting his dominance with his arms folded. An expression that meant he had business to deal with on his face. Hyunseung stood up to greet him.

“Hyung, I didn’t expect you...”

“--What are you playing at?” Hyunseung furrowed his eyebrows.

“I don’t know what you mean…”

“With you and Sookyung-ssi,” Hyunseung opened his mouth in an o shape.

“Oh that? There is no game as such--”

“--Cut the crap,” Doojoon walked over and stood in front of him. “I know that for one you like attention.”

“Oh hyung, she doesn’t give me that attention.”

“Which is why you are interested in her,” Hyunseung gaped. He soon closed his mouth, changing his tactics. In a casual manner he dropped his hands into his trouser pockets

“Looks like you may be onto something; but why do you care? It’s not like you’ve claimed her for yourself or anything.”

“I would; if the circumstances were different.” Doojoon clenched his shaking fists. “But you…Your playboy attitude would only hurt her and her friend if you made a move!”

“Someone always gets hurt in the game of love.”

“But I won’t let it be her!” Doojoon started to feel himself heat up in anger. Hyunseung laughed though it wasn’t something funny.

“What are you going to do?” He challenged. “Tell Hyorin that I like her friend over her? Or maybe you'll say that I find her ugly. Hmm doesn't that sound familiar?” Doojoon went for him, grabbing the collar of his shirt, lifting a fist up towards Hyunseung’s face. Hyunseung stood there, unfazed by his leaders’ fury. “Go ahead, but we both know that you are going to change soon.”

“This will be the first and last time I say this,” Doojoon growled, feeling his canines growing longer. “Stay away from Sookyung!”

“Fine then, but you must do the same then.” He released Hyunseung as he fell to the ground. The transformation starting to take place. “Run away kitty cat,” Hyunseung said as Doojoon crawled away, bones cracking into their positions. “Because in the end your anger will just get the better of you. I can’t say no; so sorry hyung but I won’t leave her alone.” Hyunseung grinned to himself.


Sookyung woke the next morning with a raging headache. She sat up feebly, unable to move much of her body. She was on fire, a slow burning blaze that consumed her joints as well as her head. She leaned forward, clutching her fevering forehead. “Ah you’re awake,” Hyorin said as she came in with Bora behind her.“W-what happened?” Sookyung asked while her friends sat down on the edge of her bed.

“After that witch left she tried to push you down the stairs.” Bora stated pushing her long brown hair away from her face. “Hyunseung oppa saved you from falling but you collapsed soon after.”

“Ah really?” Sookyung shuffled towards the edge, her knees starting to ache. “I should tell him thanks.”

“Not now,” Hyorin forced the blankets down, trapping her bed-ridden friend. “You are very sick and for to get up would be a very bad idea.” Sookyung sighed falling back against her pillow.“Alright,” she managed to agree. “I will tell him when I'm feeling better.”

“We hoped you would be better today,” Bora admitted. “But even after we gave you those herbs that Yoseob suggested it seems to have made little to no difference.”

“I was wondering why my water tasted foul,” Hyorin laughed along with Bora.

“Well, Yoseob is checking their medicine cabinet to see if there is anything that may lower your temperature,” Hyorin added, “but for now please just rest. The guys are worried about you.”

“They are worried?”

“Yeah, ever since you fainted they seemed to have forgotten that it was Doojoon who caused them to be animals…” Bora covered , regretting her action immediately. Sookyung was worried at what the others thought now that they knew.

“Do you hate him?”

“Huh?” Both Hyorin and Bora responded with confusion.

“I mean... Do you hate him for being the reason Yoseob and Junhyung are animals?”

“I think you’re sickness is starting to make you say crazy things,” Hyorin smiled as they got off the bed, “you take it easy and Yoseob oppa  should be by with something soon.” Sookyung nodded and she settled down to rest for however long she had until he arrived. Yoseob knocked on the ajar door and Sookyung nodded for him to come in.“How are you?” He asked.

“Ok I suppose,” he felt her forehead when he was a lot closer.

“Hmm still warm, but not as bad as before,” he added before taking out a small bottle and tipped a white pill from it into a hand. “Here, it warns that there are some side effects but otherwise it should be perfectly safe.” Sookyung took a deep breath and swallowed the pill from his hand before sipping water.

“Thank you,” she said breathing out slowly. Yoseob patted her on the head before standing up straight.

“Get some sleep, sweet dreams.” He left the door slightly open as he left her to rest.


"What do we do?" Yoseob asked the other five guys. A day since the event had passed and was now the late morning of the day after that. "What can we do?" Kikwang shrugged, "it's his fault we're the way we are." Junhyung and Dongwoon nodded.

"But you can't stay mad forever," Hyorin pointed out. "You may as well drink poison."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Hasn't nobody heard of the saying?" They shook their heads. An embarrassed Hyorin had to continue, "there's a saying that unforgiveness is like drinking a bottle of poison but expecting the other person to die." They all expressed an 'ah' as they understood.

"But, hyung he...." Kikwang gave a sigh, Yoseob patted him on the back.

"I know we all feel hurt," Yoseob began dejected, "but I think he's hurting too.... I haven't spoken to him since though I wish I had."

"He's our leader," Dongwoon said. "He's lead us this far, we should be grateful at that." The others nodded, they hated how things were at that stage. Doojoon had heard the maknae's words. He hesistated at the dining room door, afraid to face them now.

"Yeah, and we need to be together," Junhyung pointed out. "So we can be beastly when we get back on stage." They started laughing at his confident statement.
"True," Yoseob nodded while turning to Hyorin. He hoped she would turn and smile at him. It took a minute but she did and Yoseob knew he could die happy.

"Oh hyung," Dongwoon sat up from his position as he spotted Doojoon walk in. The leader kept his distance his stomach satisified for the time being thanks to the rabbits he'd caught. He had been in a hurry to change so he'd just worn whatever. He put his hands in his dark stone washed jean pockets, eyes reflecting guilt.

"I know how you all must feel," he began slowly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. You guys are family to me, whether we are singing or not." The others began to shift in their seats. Yoseob's eyes began to get blurred. "I'm sorry," with that their leader bent down in a bow further than the typical ninety degrees. Hyorin turned to Bora who was expressing the same feelings. The guys all watched Doojoon in respected silence, their hearts aching.

"Hyung," Yoseob wiped his eyes. "We're sorry... Sorry that we were cold to you just before."

"Yeah we've forgiven you," they said in unison. Hyunseung kept his mouth shut. Doojoon raised himself up straight. Gratitude filled him from the core up and he found himself moved. They stood up and they came around him in a group hug. Hyunseung stayed at the edge of the huddle. They patted each other on the back and moved away, Yoseob's cheeks were slightly wet.

"Thank you," Doojoon could barely talk through his tight voice, "thank you for forgiving me." They nodded, some tried not to cry. Hyorin suddenly had tears in her own eyes as well as Bora who pinched the corners of her eyes.

"It's alright," Yoseob hugged Doojoon again, "next time just say the fans are pretty." This bought much needed laugher to everyone.

"Of course," Doojoon was more than happy to agree.


She turned in her bed. Sookyung never had a worse dream in her life. She was wondering around aimlessly in the woods, pairs of glowing eyes staring at her. “W-where am I?” She looked up and saw Hea-woo with a pair of bat wings  perched in a tree.

“So do you know how to save your friends?” Sookyung shook her head. “It’s a simple answer, you take you out of the equation and presto,” she raised an arm and heaps of huge spiders started to crawl down from the tree, soon followed by ants that were half the size. There were also some snakes, all with red eyes and large fans leering at her. Sookyung screamed and tried to move, her legs were stuck in the earth.
“Hmm maybe your friends could help you, oh wait they’re already dead.”

Sookyung’s eyes widened as she saw the top of the tree. All of beast, in their animal form was hanging limp from the branches. Their necks had rope tied around them tightly so it was cutting into the skin. She glanced at the other branches and Bora and Hyorin were the same. The spiders and ants were on top of her by now, their little teeth digging into her limbs, pain and a fierce burning flowing where they punctured the flesh. Through the sweat and the tears she gave a feeble scream.

Doojoon was walking past her room. Thanks to the meal he wasn't going to change back anytime soon. It had been awkward at first but the members were then able to say that they forgave him. He would always treasure that moment. “No! They can’t be dead!” He stopped, the sound was coming from the girls room. Sookyung was stirring wildly, her sheets damp from sweat. Pausing he opened the door and walked in briskly, not caring if he was seen. “Tell me you’re lying!” She thrashed around, having difficulty breathing. Doojoon gently lowered himself onto the bed, reaching out with his hand to hers. She let out a sob, the sound catching him off guard. He froze as he listened to her speak.

“No… Bora, Hyorin unnie.  Dongwoon, Yoseob, Junhyung, Hyunseung, Kikwang and Doojoon oppa! Please answer me!” There was a change of plans. Doojoon put his hands to her shoulders shaking them. “Sookyung,” he waited for a response. Her eyes opened; she stared at Doojoon who tried to give a reassuring smile though he was scared.

“Doojoon…” She was still panting, her body heating up again and she winced.

“What’s wrong?”

“It burns!” She cried gritting her teeth, leaning forward. The shivers came violently. She rested her chin on the blanket to steady herself, teeth chattering.

“Try to relax,” he soothed patting her on the shoulder. Despite the shakes Sookyung managed to shake her head.

“I can’t…” Her eyes started to water profusely. “I’m burning all over! I... I can't move.” She clenched her teeth, trying not to sob. He swallowed hard, seeing her cry was tearing at his core. “I’m such a burden here… I'm a burden to all the members and especially to you. Y-you need to find a way to change back so you can lead Beast. Don't worry about me.." Doojoon shook his head leaning forward. his arms wrapped around her shaking form. She felt her head touch the soft fabric of his shirt. he spoke his next words to her with a gentle touch.

“You are not a burden. You never were. You are very sick right now and it's more important for us that you get better. Please try to relax, it will all pass soon.” He started to rub her back in circular motions with a hand. It reminded him of their trainee days, the trainers had been tough and the choreographers even tougher. He'd been in this position before, except it was with Dongwoon who had felt inadequate when a simple mistake had been pointed out. Words would not be able to describe the level of humiliation the maknae had faced when he'd argued back and was hit for it.

“Don’t worry about us,” he said in a soft voice. “We don’t mind you; I never did mind you,” he breathed out. “So can you please stop crying?” Sookyung stopped crying and managed a feeble nod of the head. Doojoon chuckled. “Thank you,” he tightened his embrace around her. Sookyung started to breathe easier, feeling the sound of his heart slowly beat. Doojoon sighed; relieved as her shivering began to decrease.

“I was wrong. There's no way can I stay away from you.” was what he whispered, Sookyung was falling asleep.”Not now that I know how much I care for you and you likewise." He her hair as he sat there, smiling to himself. It seems that neither of the two guys had been able to keep their promise.



Ah another edit finally finished. It's going to get harder as I get to the end due to me having to re-write (sorry) but I will be doing one final update and then I'm giving it a rest until tomorrow.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!