5. I am the Joker

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Bora felt a breeze on her face. She opened her eyes to see someone staring closely at her. Her eyes widened as she realized it was Junhyung.
“Morning dear,” he said beaming.

“Aaaaaaaaaah,” Bora screamed throwing her pillow at him, knocking him over. Hyorin and Sookyung woke up while a crowd consisting of monkey Yoseob, Dongwoon who was back to being a fox, human Kikwang, Doojoon and Hyunseung who was an otter entered the room, breathless.

“What is going on in here?!” Doojoon demanded, while Junhyung sat up from being struck down. Hyorin and Sookyung stretched.

“He’s a creeper!” Bora pointed at Junhyung who was looking at her innocently.

“B-but... I wanted to greet my dear good morning.”

“Since when was I your dear?!” Bora yelled.  Yoseob held his head with his tiny paws.

“Aigoo, unnie you’re being too noisy,” Hyorin moaned, “it’s still early.”

“I don’t care,” Bora swung her legs out of the bed and stormed to grab clothes from her back pack, “I don’t want to be woken up by a guy who smells like !”

“I’m a zebra,” Junhyung corrected her.

“Yeah, well whatever!” She slammed the door shut, shaking the items hanging on the wall. The guys watched the door and then turned to the girls. Hyorin nervously laughed while Sookyung sat dazed slightly.

“Well… Wasn’t that surprising?” Yoseob asked trying to lighten the mood.

“I can see why she’s upset,” Kikwang commented as the shower started to run, “I like my beauty sleep.”

“We know, just don’t dream about looking into a mirror when you sleep,” the otter said. Kikwang bent down and went for Hyunseung.

“Don’t think about it,” Doojoon stopped him, “we don’t need Hyunseung dead or me pissed, you leave it be and go get breakfast ready. It’s your turn to cook.” Kikwang drew back from the leader's request, nodded solemnly.

“Yes hyung,” he said disappearing down the stairs. Doojoon looked at the girls who were now more awake.

“Breakfast will be soon. Come down as soon as you can, otherwise you will miss out, I need to eat before I start changing again.” He made his way down the stairs, the fox, the otter and the monkey following.

“You should come, Junhyung,” Yoseob said to his friend, “she might be in a better mood when she’s eaten.” Junhyung nodded, moping as he went. Sookyung and Hyorin turned to each other.

“Well we should grab our things so we can get ready as soon as Bora comes out,” Hyorin made her way to her bag, “do you want to go first?” Sookyung shook her head.

“No you normally take longer than me, you go next.”

“Thanks unni,” Hyorin said smiling as she waited. Bora soon came out, her hair in a long plait and dressed in an orange dress with short sleeves and a tie around ribbon for a waist. Hyorin jumped in and now Sookyung just had to wait.


Sookyung came out of the bathroom, dressed in a pair of grey jeans, and a blue t-shirt with a white long sleeved shirt underneath it. She looked at herself in the mirror; strands of her hair were out of place so she moved them back before tying it up into a ponytail. She then went downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was seated around a large table, eating a rather thick porridge. Bora was stirring hers thoroughly while Hyorin ate during a conversation with Hyunseung and Dongwoon who helped themselves to side dishes. Kikwang was talking to Yoseob who sat at the sink while he washed up. Doojoon was taking small mouthfuls of the dish and Junhyung was staring happily at Bora, creeping her out.

“Ah she’s here,” Hyorin turned to Sookyung and gestured to a chair, “take a seat.”

“We saved some breakfast for you,” Yoseob said pointing to a bowl on the edge of the bench, steam coming out of it, “careful it’s hot,” he added. Sookyung went over a picked up the bowl, smelling a warm sweet honey aroma from it. She took a seat next to Hyorin and stared at the food. It was rather unappealing in sight. Grabbing the spoon she scooped up a small amount and placed it in . She jumped at the heat, her spoon clattering to the ground.

“Ah, you alright?” Hyunseung asked, stopping the conversation he was having with the other two parties. Doojoon watched her closely. Sookyung pressed her burnt tongue against the roof of and nodded.

“Mm, just burnt my tongue that’s all,” they all nodded.

“Yah did you taste it or not?” Kikwang snapped. Doojoon sent him a warning look. Sookyung nodded.

“Kikwang-ssi can cook well,” she said making Kikwang eye smile.

“Yay, oppa is so happy.”

“Oppa? Aren’t you younger than her?” Hyorin asked, Kikwang looked surprised at this.

“Umm, how old are you?”

“Twenty two,” Sookyung said. Everyone made an o shape in their mouth, except for Hyorin and Bora who already knew this.

“So you’re younger than me too,” Junhyung said, Sookyung nodded.

“Wow, when’s your birthday?” Kikwang asked.

“April nineteenth,” Sookyung said.

“Ha I beat you, march thirty so I’m older than you!” He said triumphant. He got hit in the head with a thrown spoon and he turned to Doojoon who was missing his.

“Don’t boast about stupid things,” He said standing up, “I’m off.”

“Where you going hyung?” Yoseob asked.

“I’m going into town.” The rest of Beast gasped.

“Umm that is not a good idea,” Hyunseung began, cowering from his hyungs glare.

“I mean…. What if people see you?” Doojoon pointed at himself.

“Does this look like the Doojoon of beast from our last promotions?” They shook their heads.

“No… Hyung was thinner back then… But he still looks good,” Dongwoon added when he realised that he had been talking carelessly.

“And your hair has changed too,” Yoseob added, “its no longer brown, its natural black.”

“Thanks to the hairdresser there we all have nice hair still,” Doojoon said, “but I need to work soon because we are running short of money… Someone spent about a hundred thousand won on clothes.” They all turned to Kikwang.

“I needed new jeans,” he protested.

“Oh yeah designer ones."

“I’ll be back by twelve, don’t worry I won’t get mad and have to leave,” Doojoon added.

“Ok, bye hyung,” they all called to him one after the other. Doojoon stopped by Sookyungs’ side. He bent down picked the spoon, wiped it on the underside of his shirt and placed it by her bowl.

“Try not to drop it again,” he said before leaving. When he was gone Sookyung felt the gaze of several pairs of eyes on her.

“Why are you all looking at me?”

“Hyung’s being very nice to you,” Yoseob told her while Kikwang grabbed a tea towel and everyone else sat at the table. Sookyung shook her head.

“One of you would do the same thing too right?”

“Of course,” Hyunseung squeaked, “I would Sookyung-ah!” Hyorin grinned.

“Oppa is nice,” she said to him which made him squeak even more.

“Ok, Junhyung your turn to pack away the dishes,” Kikwang placed the tea towel by the drying items.

“Sure, but only if Bora-yah helps me.”

“What?!” Bora was indignant, “I…”

“Oh come on it will be fun,” Junhyung said standing up and taking her hand, pulling her to stand. She gestured with her face to her friends for help.

“Go on unni,” Hyorin encouraged, “then you can come play go fish with me and the other oppas.”  Yoseob, Dongwoon and Hyunseung nodded. Sookyung stared down at her food; so much for her friends just being acquaintances with Beast. Bora sighed with resignation.

“Alright,” Junhyung silently cheered as he dragged her to the sink where he gave her the tea towel, “you dry and I’ll put away.” Bora nodded.

“Yeah sure,” she muttered, while Junhyung whispered happily.

“You want to join us?” Hyorin asked to Sookyung as she started to clear the table.

“Umm I will but not now,” she said. Hyorin nodded.

“Ok see you in the living room,” Hyorin told her. Soon all the people had left with just Junhyung and Bora in the kitchen, packing everything away.

“So are you the rapper of your group?” Junhyung asked as he put spoons into a drawer.

“Yes, I am,” Bora continued to dry one of the bowls.

“That is cool, I do too,” Junhyung told her.

“Ok, then do it.”


“Rap something for me,” Bora continued, handing him some bowls to put away. Junhyung thought for a moment and then one of their songs came to his mind.

(The bolded words are said in English)

Can’t breathe like freeze, my body’s getting stiff like an ice! Why! Why!
Hey dear, stay here, I’m going blind (Why! Why!)
No way losing my way, why are you drifting away?
I don’t want to get hurt, but what will we do with my love struck heart?” Bora nodded, satisified with his performance.

“Good to see you haven’t lost it,” she said.

“Ok your turn.”

“Is that a challenge?” He nodded playfully. Bora decided to go for the one from an old song they were promoting.

Stop trippin’, you’re the one who played with me, keep slippin’
You’re seeing me.
But you still act like a free man, you’re such a player
“Lady, lady, lady” you are the, are the, are the
Number 1 cheater, don’t you know
I hate you
But why does my mind always think of you.” Junhyung clapped for her like a child.

“Wow you’re really good,” he told her, Bora managed to grin.

“Ah well… I guess I always wanted to be able to rap as fast as you,” she admitted; Junhyung’s cheeks flushed a bit at this.

“If you want… I can always help you get better,” Bora turned to him.

“Really?” Bora bowed to him, “thank you oppa.” Junhyung chuckled.

“What’s so funny?” She asked embarrassed.

“It’s just that…You called me oppa.” He said grinning, Bora turned away her own cheeks getting warm.

“Let’s hurry noona so we can go practice,” Junhyung said finally. Bora nodded.


Hehe aren't these two cute?

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!