23. Truth be told

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Unfortunately for Yoseob they had to postpone the double date for the rain was still pelting down. They were in the living room when the front door finally opened with Sookyung coming in. She slipped her shoes off and was in her room where she remained hidden for the rest of the day.

That night she stared out of the window. She made no noise but her breathing. The sounds of the other two coming in to grab their belongings for other things didn't even make her move.

“She’s been like that all day,” Hyorin whispered to Dongwoon who scratched his head. They were sitting at the dinner table, there were empty chairs.

“It must have been to do with Doojoon hyung,” Dongwoon noted. “Have you said anything to her?” She shook her head.

“I get the feeling she wants be left alone.”

“Yah where are you Dongwoon?” The two turned to Kikwang holding a black phone. He was glad to be human again. “It’s been ringing for the past minute,” Dongwoon hurried down the stairs to Kikwang and picked it up. It said ‘evil girl’ on the screen.

“Ah Hea-woo,” Dongwoon answered it. “good that you called me I’m low on credit.” Hyorin raised her eyebrows and Kikwang shrugged.

“So you want us to come to the beach?” He nodded.“ Yes, sure I will tell them. Ok then,” He hung up.

“So we're going to see her in two days.” He put the phone in his jersey pocket and went downstairs. Kikwang paused, troubled.

“Is it to do with Sookyung?”

“How is she?” Kikwang looked down, “I haven’t been… You know friendly much to her but... I feel bad about Doojoon hyung.” He bit the edge of his lip. “He is my hyung and I don’t like seeing him this way.”

“Oh really?” Hyorin raised her eyebrows. “I thought he was fine.”

“You may think that but.” Kikwang glanced around in suspicion before adding. “The others would disagree with me.” Hyorin frowned.

“He says it’s an act. He would say he’s fine but we know different.” Kikwang said in a strong tone as Dongwoon joined them. “We need them to sort it out.”  Dongwoon nodded.

“What about Hyunseung?” He asked. Kikwang shrugged again.

“He’s been quiet; he just went out for a walk to cool off.”

“Hmm… Do you think,” Dongwoon looked at Hyorin, “that Sookyung noona might like him back?”

“I don’t think so Dongwoon-ah,” Hyorin pushed hair away from her face. “Doojoon is more of her type; if she were to ever admit it.”

“Well they need to make up and soon,” Kikwang said, “I don’t care who she ends up with. As long as one of them is able to move on with she and her guy are happy then we can move on as well.”

“Mm we should make a plan and do it fast hyung.” Dongwoon added as he hit his palm with a clenched fist. Kikwang and Hyorin nodded.

“Ok let’s go downstairs and plan ahead.” Kikwang agreed and they followed him to the living room where everyone minus Hyunseung was sitting.


“You have the same idea as us.” Yoseob said  after Kikwang gave his suggestions for their plan.

“So what will we do?” Junhyung asked.

“Maybe we can plan it so that it will happen before we meet Hea-woo again,” Hyorin asked. They all pulled faces when her name came up.

“I can’t stand her.” Junhyung pretended to gag. “she is just…..”

“Not very nice?” Bora finished for him with a smirk. He put an arm around her shoulders so she would be closer to him. Her head rested against his shoulder. “Yes, indeed.”

“Well she’s our key to getting transformed back into fully human again,” Yoseob told them with reluctance. “We can’t let our grudges get in the way of that.” They nodded. Yoseob got up and left for a bit. He came back with a large piece of paper and some thick felt tip markers.

“Ok so let’s write some ideas down and we will choose our plan of action." They spread the paper out and got to work.


Doojoon sat on the edge of his bed. He winced as a headache came on. Getting into a fight with Hyunseung had not been the smartest idea. He was stronger than he had realized. He stood up, pulled on a jersey and left the room. On the way downstairs he stopped at the girls’ suite. Sookyung was sitting at the window, she was barely moving. She turned her head for once and he hid behind the door. A phone began ringing, a minute later he heard her answer. “Hello? Oh hello mum,” she answered calmly. He peered around the door. Her back was turned to him, her phone pressed against her left ear.

“I’m fine, what about you? Enjoying the holiday?” Her ability to lie stunned Doojoon. “What have I been doing? Umm just chilling with Bora and Hyorin,” she made a small laugh. “What was that? Oh no mum I am fine, really I just have not been feeling that well,” Doojoon sensed the kick guilt gave him. “Is it a guy?” Sookyung nearly dropped the phone; staggering as she caught it. The movement rotated her in the line of sight where he would be seen hiding. Doojoon reeled behind the door again just in time.

“Mum where did that come from?” She was silent as her mum spoke, “no mum, there isn’t a guy at the moment….” She sighed. “Well there was. He was a friend of mine. A good friend, but now… I don’t know mum,” she sighed again touching the corners of her eyes. “--I do mum, but he has no idea how much though; even after he hurt me...” Doojoon clutched at the cloth on his shirt roughly where his heart was.

She had feelings for him? But when did she and why?

Doojoon was asking himself this now that there was full understanding about how much pain he’d caused her. “Yeah,” Sookyung nodded. “Dad would think I was stupid right?” To prevent himself from talking Doojoon put his hand in his mouth, biting hard on his knuckles. He drew blood. “Mmm, ok I will try mum. It might not be today though, thanks you too. I love you, bye.” There was a beep on the phone and Doojoon hurried to go downstairs. He nearly lost his balance as he went down, his mind not concentrating on one foot before the other.


“Hey you’re out hyung,” Doojoon stopped short as Kikwang spoke to him. He waited as Kikwang joined him in the kitchen. The urge to ruffle the hair of his shorter friend was hard to resist.

“Uh yeah,” Doojoon agreed opening the cupboards above the kitchen bench. “Hey do we have any aspirin?”

“We should, why?” Kikwang made his mouth pout in curiosity. “Do you have a headache hyung?”

“Yeah,” Doojoon opened the first aid kit and took out the box. He scanned the label and then opened three tablets and swallowed them in one go.

“Omo, you should only take two!” Kikwang scolded him as Doojoon took out a rinsed glass and drank a lot of water. Doojoon slammed the glass down on the bench nearly breaking it from the base up.

“My head’s killing me,” Doojoon snapped. He saw his friend flinch and then began to back out of the room.  “Wait… Kwang I’m sorry,” he sighed sinking into the nearest chair he could find, Kikwang spotted a gash on his hand. The blood had begun to clot but it was still slightly open.
“You hurt yourself hyung.” He walked over to the location where the first-aid kit was kept plus the other items. He took out a bandage.

“Its fine,” Doojoon argued as Kikwang sprayed antiseptic on it and then placed a cotton pad to soak up any fluid. Kikwang taped it on and then started to unravel the bandage.
“Like things with Sookyung-ee?” Doojoon opened his mouth in shock. He then resigned so Kikwang could finish the first-aid treatment. “You don’t think we don’t see? You must be blind hyung.” Kikwang said this as he opened the safety pin to keep the bandage bound. Doojoon sat there solemnly while Kikwang secured the pin. “Well whatever happened hyung I’m sure it can be fixed. Isn’t that what Yoseob always says?” At that moment Doojoon was reminded of what Sookyung said to her mum on the phone:

I will try

“By the way hyung; what did happen with you and her?” Doojoon stopped. Kikwang didn't realise he hadn't been listening.
“I told her I liked Bora, when all along it wasn't Bora I have eyes on.” Kikwang was able to put the puzzle pieces together.

“So you really like her instead?”

“Yes, I do."

“How much do you like her then?”

“Do I even like her hyung?!” Doojoon got to his feet. “In fact I don’t think I just like her.... I think in time maybe... Maybe I could love her.” Kikwang keeled back in fear. Good thing for him was that Doojoon mellowed again.

“But,” he lowered himself down onto the chair again. “It doesn’t matter now. Even if we did go out the Beauties would have something to say about it.” Kikwang stood with his friend, the mood was somber between them.

“Does it matter if they hate you for a while?” He asked with much thought; putting a hand on his leaders’ shoulder. “Why not go for it anyway? Even if the worst happens which is her saying no then at least you can still be friends.” Doojoon turned to him, his face showing he had taken in what Kikwang had said.

“Is that what you will do with Hyosung?” It was Kikwang's turn to be silent as he thought this over.  A moment later he had an answer.
“Yes, I will.” Doojoon held out his hand to him.

“Then let’s promise we will both do this,” Kikwang agreed as he shook his friends' hand.

“Sure hyung.” He said with a smile and he managed to cause Doojoon to do the same.


I think I'm laying out the dialogue incorrectly. I will have to ask my reviewer what she thinks. Her name's Swabluu and here's her profile.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!