26. This is a farewell for us

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“Any sign of them?” Yoseob asked to Dongwoon who lifted his nose to the air. The fox shook his head.

“Nope, can’t smell either of them.”

“Well this is interesting,” Yoseob glared at Hea-woo, “looks like the fox can’t hunt. I’m not surprised.”

“Shut up,” Hyunseung said folding his arms.

“Uh oh,” they turned to Dongwoon, “its sunset. That means…” He keeled onto the ground.  He started wincing as he began to change. It was more painful to him due to the difference in his human size and the fox.

“Look away,” Yoseob told Hyorin while Junhyung covered Bora’s eyes with his hand. Hyunseung watched with empathy while Kikwang just stared. Hea-woo let a smirk cross her face as she watched.

“I actually quite enjoy this.”

“You sadistic little--”

“--Don’t say it.” Yoseob cut off Kikwang. “That would be what she expects of us. Beast are better than that.”

“Oh how cute you guys still hold on to that belief that you guys have hundreds of thousands of fans who are waiting for you,” she rolled her sleeves on her black jacket. Junhyung wanted to bite back however he just sighed. Bora rubbed him on the arm to show that she was there for him. He appreciated the gesture.


Doojoon was slowing in his pace. Sookyung stopped along beside him. She dared not glance back and see the trail of blood splatters on the ground. “We really need to get that wound covered.” She tore the bottom of her shirt and while Doojoon was stable she bound it around his shoulder as best she could.

“Why are you doing this?” Doojoon asked wearily.

“Because it is the right thing to do,” Doojoon bobbed his head as his reply. When she was done he took a step. His legs gave way and he fell. “Doojoon!” Sookyung exclaimed coming over to him kneeling, by his side. He was breathing, but barely. She started to see his fur disappear and his form change.

She closed her eyes while the transformation continued. She peeked once at the transition but it wasn’t for long. In less than a minute an unconscious, human Doojoon was lying in the same place. She removed her hands. Though he still had the bruise on his nose and a wounded shoulder he remained handsome.

She crouched beside him and put his arm around her shoulder. Counting under her breath she stood, lifting him up. She almost buckled under the weight. “Come on oppa,” she said as he woke from being unconscious “we need to get to the others.” He nodded and started to walk with her slowly.  There were times they had to stop so he could replenish some of the lost energy. The blood started to seep through the make-shift bandage.

“Oh no Doojoon you’re still bleeding heavily.” .

“Never mind about me.” He groaned with little strength. “we must return, for the sake of Beast… For our fans….” Sookyung put a hand on his lips.

“That’s enough now.” She said as calmly as she could. “Please try to save your strength.”


They came to the edge of the beach. Sookyung could see the others a long way on the opposite end. The moon was out in the sky. They lost their footing on the loose soil as they came down to the sand. They fell onto the beach. Sookyung got up but Doojoon made no movement. “Doojoon oppa please don’t do this,” Sookyung sighed, tired from the trek but still shaking his shoulders.

“Come on oppa wake up.” No change. Sookyung took a shaky breath, trying to not overreact. With a shaking hand she pressed two fingers in the hollow of her neck. She drew in breath sharply and removed her hand. She was shaking.  “No,” she didn't believe it was so. “It can’t be…. Oppa you can’t be…. You were here just before. You can’t be dead!” She yelled as her eyes started to blur.

Kikwang heard something from close by. He bit his lip. “What is it?” Hyunseung asked him, putting an arm on his shoulder when he saw his face change. “I thought I just heard something…. Something about leader hyung.” Hyunseung looked over his shoulder. His eyes caught sight of the pair. One was lying while the other was kneeling. He recognized her hair. The curls had patches of moonlight illuminating their shine.

“Guys,” he said his throat tensing. “I think that’s them.” He pointed at them. Hyorin gasped along with some of the others. They all started to run along the sand. Hea-woo remained behind. The smirk still on her face but she ended up following them too


“WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!” Yoseob exclaimed as they finally reached the two. Sookyung looked up; her eyes filled to the brim.

“I’m sorry,” she couldn’t say anymore as the tears fell. Dongwoon lifted his head up to the heavens as tears began to form. Yoseob went over to Sookyung and sank beside him.
“Doojoon,” he said shaking his head, “no… No… Not hyung, please not Doojoon hyung!” He shook his head rapidly. He shut his eyes hard; Hyorin came next to him and put her arms around him.

Junhyung bowed his head. His shoulders starting to move up and down as he suppressed sobs. Bora squeezed his hand, her eyes were full of tears too.

“Sookyung-ah….” Sookyung stopped and turned to Doojoon. He didn’t open his eyes but for now he was still alive. Just barely breathing.

“Yes Doojoon-ah?” She wiped her eyes.

“Tell the others that I am sorry….Sorry for what I’ve done, sorry to Hea-woo too… I should never had called her ugly…” Sookyung nodded.

“I will tell them.”

“And I’m sorry Sookyung… “He stopped for a moment. “I’m sorry that… I was so mean to you... If it was different I...”

“No, don’t…” Sookyung’s lip began to quiver as he became still. Unable to suppress the urge anymore she gave a cry and started sobbing. The atmosphere had reached breaking point. Almost everyone was sobbing except Dongwoon and Junhyung who in silence let the tears fall. Hyunseung supported Kikwang who bawled in his arms while Bora hugged Junhyung; his head rested on her shoulder. Hyorin and Yoseob sat on the sand both of them sobbing hard against the other.

Sookyung bit her lip and stood to her feet. She wiped her eyes as she went over to Hea-woo. She seemed to be slightly moved but not a lot.  “Did you hear him?” Sookyung cried at Hea-woo, pointing at Doojoon.  Dongwoon and Kikwang were beside their fallen leader, Hyunseung had his hand on Kikwang’s shoulder.

“That was your apology; on his death bed!” Sookyung’s cheeks were wet again. There was noise as a lot of people began to appear. Sookyung recognized the fans from before.

“Oh he will be fine,” Sookyung drew her attention to Hea-woo.

“Because, his losing his life is not the ultimate consequence,” Hea-woo told her with a matter-of-fact. Sookyung furrowed her eyebrows.

“But then… What is it that he loses?”

“--The life of the one he loves.” The moment she said that Sookyung felt a hard pain in her chest. She toppled to the ground; her heart under great strain. Her neck, head and jaw as well as her chest started to ache unlike anything she’d ever felt. They burned with pain. Her forehead started to trickle with sweat as she gasped for breath. “Omo what’s happening to her?!” A spectator yelled from the ledge.

“She’s having a heart attack!” Another called out. The others stopped their mourning when they heard this.

“SOOKYUNG!” Hyorin screamed as her friend fell onto her back trying to breathe normally. Her eyes met with Hea-woo.

“Why…?” She gasped.

“Because you took someone I once loved.” Hea-woo  stated. “Do you remember Jung Woohyun?” Sookyung’s eyes widened.

“--It’s because of him?”

“He was my first love in junior high,” Hanmin said biiterly. “And you took him away for me.”

“--No,” Sookyung objected. “No I didn’t… He asked me out but I said no... D-don’t you remember that?”

“It’s too late for that now; your heart is failing on you. Farewell Sookyung.”

“Call an ambulance!”

“It won’t make it time!”

“But we can’t let her die!”

“We can’t do anything!”


“No don’t die Sookyung!” Bora called as she started to run towards her, Hyorin on her tail. Their sprinting was in vain. Sookyung’s heart gave a funny palpitation and then it stopped. Her breathing slowed; eyes gradually closed and then there was nothing.


CLIFFHANGER *dun dun duuuun* stay tuned

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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!