32. Can't you See?

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“Sookyung,” Hyorin hugged her friend firmly while Bora waddled in with a box of chocolates. “You’re finally awake.”

“Here,” Bora said simply. “I know you would be hungry.”

“Thank you,” Sookyung opened the lid and offered them some before eating a chocolate.

“So has anyone come to see you?”

“Mum and dad were here before,” Sookyung began. “They are happy to have me awake.”

“I bet they are,” her friends sat on the edge of her bed; “so a little bird told us that Beast may be coming by this evening.” Sookyung ended up sitting up higher in her bed; “w-who told you?”

“It was hinted,” Bora added just to shut her down. Hyorin would have slapped Bora if Sookyung hadn’t been watching. Sookyung held her hands in her lap.

“It would be a shame if they didn’t…” Sookyung had another meaning behind her words. The other two just nodded; they didn’t see why. “Because I have to talk to Doojoon-ah…”

“—oh are you finally getting together with him?!” Hyorin pounced at the chance. Sookyung didn’t confirm this. She stayed in her position for a bit until finally speaking again. “It’s… It’s actually the opposite.” Bora drew breath while Hyorin gaped openly.

“W-what, but why aren’t you going--?”

“Hyorin,” Bora put a hand on her friends’ shoulder. “Let her explain.”

“It wouldn’t be right.” That was all she said. This made the other two worry. Usually she opened up even if it was gradually. But for once she wasn’t making herself very clear.

“I guess,” Hyorin patted her friend on the head, “if you were going to tell us then you would have by now? It’s between you and him.”

“Thank you, for understanding,” Sookyung braved a smile.


The members of Beast arrived at the hospital barely able to contain their excitement.
“Wait…” Yoseob glanced at Doojoon who sat next to him. “Maybe it should just be you today.” The other members started to question it.

“Hey knock it off,” Junhyung snapped. “We can go another time, but this time it will just be Doojoon alright?” They finally complied as their manager opened the car door for Doojoon.

“You’ll only have ten minutes, use them wisely.” Doojoon nodded as he stepped out. The door closed and the car pulled away. In order to not be noticed he put on a beanie to hide his hair and then went inside.

The staff recognised him but Doojoon managed to convince them to keep this visit a secret. He just prayed and hoped that they didn’t just agree to keep their faces. He was given directions to her ward and went in, being careful to not be seen or noticed by normal people.

He peered through the window of her ward. She was reading a book; the title had the word ‘Psychology’ in it. He smiled to himself. Even while in bed she was still as studious as ever. He knocked on the door making her look in his direction. Carefully he slid the door open to reveal himself.

“Doojoon….” She was silent as he walked over to the bed.

“How are you?” The smile seemed strained but he managed to pull it off. He stood by her bed, “it’s good to see you’re finally awake.” Sookyung suspected that he had something else on his mind. She decided not to say anything hence her suspicions could be wrong. “What brings you here?”

“You of course,” his hand touched hers. He held it like he had the last time. Sookyung watched him.

“Sookyung… I gave up my leadership of Beast.” Though this was not new, hearing it from him caused a wave of fresh shock over her.

“Doojoon,” she flinched when his thumb started to her hand. “I don’t understand why…”

“Because there are more important things in life than always being a leader,” he reached out. His free hand touching her cheek, Sookyung blinked upon contact. Doojoon removed the hand from hand to hold her other cheek as well; the space between them, smaller than a moment ago.
“Sookyung… I know I apologised before, but I’ll do it again in case you don’t remember. I’m sorry,” Sookyung’s mouth widened, her eye contact wavering.

“Look at me,” Doojoon murmured getting her eyes again. She was at a loss for words.

“Doojoon… I-I know, I heard you before.”

“Really,” the corners of his mouth drew up into a smile. “I’m glad…”

“But we can’t…” She stopped him, right before his mouth was on hers. “We can’t… Be together.” Doojoon pulled himself back, he stood up straight. His stare was that of pure confusion with a hint of hurt. He had to swallow before he asked, “why not?”

“It…Is not fair for me to be with you when you had to sacrifice something that is so important to you. You love being a singer, you enjoy being on stage and your members and fans are so important to you. I only just came into your life recently, but I’ve been given so much priority over them.”

“The members understand, the company will in time.”

“But your fans; they don’t like you dating do they?” She had hit a nail on the head. Even Doojoon couldn’t deny that fact. He had to nod. “Your fans, they mean so much to you. And I can’t replace ten of them; which is why… I’m not going to accept, any confession you may tell me.”

The words stung on her tongue like they pierced Doojoon. It was only half true; the other reason was one she felt she couldn’t tell him. Though Hea-Woo didn’t like Doojoon in that way; fighting against her could prove to be bad. Doojoon clenched his fists at his side. He didn’t know how to respond, act or feel right now. With his pride broken from the top to the foundations he wet his lips to answer. “I understand I won’t bother you again.” He gave a bow while he still had strength in his legs. “Goodbye Sookyung.” Sookyung had to move to position herself to lay on the opposite side. Tears were fresh in her eyes.


Doojoon got back to the front just as the vehicle returned. This time it was just Dongwoon and the manager.

“Hey hyung how did it…?” The look on his hyung’s face spoke the words that need not be said out loud. He just patted Doojoon on the back as the car pulled away.

“She said WHAT?!” Yoseob was in utter disbelief. “B-but he gave it up for her…”

“Yeah so she gave up her joy for him,” Junhyung concluded. The others wondered where this random wisdom came from. “Like someone else did recently….” It all made sense as his expression became crestfallen.

“Oh hyung,” Yoseob patted Junhyung on the back. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out…”

“That’s ok,” Junhyung’s expression softened. “We decided that we’ll still be friends.”

“Good,” there was a chorus of others ‘good.’ Now was the question about Doojoon and Sookyung.

“So what can we do?” Kikwang asked. “He really liked her.”

“Are we sure it was just like?” This question raised eyebrows. Yoseob continued. “I don’t know… But I’ve seen hyung when he likes someone. This is more than just simple feelings… I don’t want to say what it may have been though.” They didn't have to get him to continue. They knew too well what he meant.


Lame cliff hanger. So I only have two chapters left and then I’m completely finished with this fanfic. I’ll get my reviewer to have a quick peek so she can tell me if I hit the nail on the head with this one. Thanks again guys.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!