7. Everything changed for me

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

The rest of the day was awkward for them both. Doojoon wanted to open his mouth at times but he felt that it may not have been best. Sookyung didn’t know what to do, she’d stated her intention yet he didn’t seem to listen.

Doojoon wanted to help her clean up but he was told by the other members that he should rest.

“It’s ok I will help her,” Hyorin told him. Bora thought for a moment and turned to Junhyung.

“Oppa, I should help too,” she made a signal with Hyorin who nodded.  

“Ok,” the guys and the animals were leaving the room. Doojoon glanced back at Sookyung who was grabbing a tea towel but then had to focus on what the maknae was telling her.


Hyorin had the job of drying while Bora put things away. Sookyung was given the task of washing up.

“So…. What’s going on with you and Doojoon?” Hyorin asked. Sookyung stopped scrubbing a pot in mid-action.

“There is nothing going on.”

“Yeah right,” Hyorin handed a pile of plates to Bora, “we know that something is.” Sookyung shook her head at her friends.

“Hyorin you’re reading into this the wrong way.”

“Nah, you just won’t admit it.”

“Admit what?”

“That he likes you!” The water dispersed as Sookyung dropped the plate into the sink, splashing the water.  The members of Sistar watched their friend.

“Hey that isn’t true ok!?”

“But then why is he so nice to you?”

“Why is Yoseob and Hyunseung so nice to you?”

“Oh good call,” Bora replied opening a drawer and dropping in the cutlery.

“Yoseob?” Hyorin crinkled her nose, “he isn’t nice to me.”

“Well you don’t notice it because of that otter,” Bora added.

“Ah that’s right, I really like Hyunseung though,” Hyorin told them, “he seems really sweet.”  Sookyung was relieved that Hyorin seemed to have lost track.

“So why is it that you seem so cold to him?” Sookyung turned to them. “You think I’m being cold to him?”

“Yeah, you just seem so… Well you don’t seem to like him.”

“I guess it’s because I don’t know him well.”

“But you could be nicer to him,” Hyorin pointed out. Bora’s face brightened from a possible revelation.

“Ah ha I think I know why!”

“Oh Bora-yah what are you saying?” Sookyung asked with some reluctance.

“You are afraid to fall in love with him!” Hyorin squealed from Bora's statement while Sookyung froze, turning around to check no one else heard.

“You’re being too loud!” She said pressing a finger against her lips, “and no, that isn’t the case!”

“But it’s true!” Hyorin agreed, “Doojoon is a nice guy, why else would you be unfriendly to him?” Sookyung sighed.

“It’s hard sometimes, being friends with you two,” she hated saying that but she didn’t have much of a choice, “because you’re both so busy I don’t get to see you much; how much harder would it be getting involved with a guy who is famous and has hundreds of fans that would bear his children?”

“Well if he’s worth it…” Hyorin began but Sookyung shook her head.

“I’d rather grab the bullet now before it pierces my heart,” Sookyung told them. Hyorin and Bora looked at each other with slight sadness.

“Poor unni,” Hyorin whispered to Bora while Sookyung emptied the sink, “she doesn’t realize how happy she could be.”


Doojoon sat on the bed reading. It was a boring book but there wasn’t much else except for magazines. Those were constant reminders of the life they once had and now lost. The door opened and Yoseob peered around the door.

“I came to see how hyung was,” he said. Doojoon smiled and patted the edge of the bed where Yoseob bounded on, his tail dangling off the edge of the bed.

“I was started to get bored anyway.” Doojoon said placing the book on the bedside table. Yoseob read the cover.

“I didn’t think hyung read murder mysteries.”

“I don’t but that was the only book that interested me.” Yoseob nodded, looking at a portrait hanging on a wall.

“I wonder what happened to the people who use to live here,” he thought aloud, “to have disappeared and left almost everything is strange.” Doojoon nodded.

“Hey Yoseob,” the monkey turned to him.

“Yes Doojoon?”

“Why do you think she’s like that?”

“Who? Is it Bora or Hyorin?” Yoseob’s furry cheeks went slightly red as he said Hyorin.

“No Sookyung,” Doojoon scratched the back of his head, “she just seems so….”


“Yeah, guarded,” Yoseob walked along the bed and jumped onto the window sill, staring at the cloudy sky thinking hard. He then clambered back on to the bed.

“Well… Have you asked her why?”

“Why is it that does she not want to be friends?” Doojoon asked, more at himself than his friend, “what is it about me that puts her off?”

“I can’t see anything wrong with you hyung.” Yoseob encouraged him.

“Yeah but you’re not a girl,” Doojoon said leaning back against the head of the bed, “a pretty girl…”

“Omo, did I hear you say she was pretty?” Yoseob leaned in. Doojoon sat upright.

“Aigoo must have been talking out loud to myself,” he confessed. Yoseob made a cute chuckle.

“Hyung is funny when he’s embarrassed,” Yoseob told him, “but I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure she will be your friend in time.” Doojoon managed a weak grin.

“Thanks,” he told his furry companion, “now you need to get a list together because tomorrow is grocery day! I don’t want to send Kikwang without a list and find he just bought video games!”

“No problem hyung, I will go check the pantry now,” Yoseob climbed off the bed and on two legs walked to the door.

“See you later hyung!” He called, Doojoon waved though Yoseob didn’t see.


“Hyung do you like Hyorin?” The otter looked up at Dongwoon who was tilting his fox head at him in curiosity. The otter barked nervously.

“Why the strange question?” He asked while Junhyung was teaching Bora how to play something on their play station three.

“Well, you laugh when she laughes,” Dongwoon continued, “you seem to smile at her heaps too. So I was just…” Yoseob stopped before entering the room and went behind the corner, eavesdropping.

“To be honest maknae,” Hyunseung said scurrying over to the fox so he could be quieter, “I like who I like so we will leave it at that.” Yoseob retracted, unable to comprehend what he just heard.

“He likes… Hyorin-ah?” He said with disappointment, “but then… What do I do?” Confused he scurried away towards the kitchen, hoping to take his mind off of it.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!