3. Beautiful

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“Do you want some?” Hyunseung asked as he scooped some up into a bowl and holding it to them, Bora raised her eyebrows while Hyorin took it in her hands. She let the steam whiff up her nose.

“Mmm beef,” she said as she took a seat by Yoseob. Hyungseung held out a bowl to Doojoon who turned his nose at it.

“Oh right, I forgot you don’t like it.” Hyunseung went to the fridge and took out a large leg from an animal. It stank of rotting flesh despite it being kept in a cold temperature. Bora covered , starting to gag from the smell.

“Ugh,” Sookyung responded as Hyunseung dropped the meat by Doojoon who started to devour it.

“Is he sure he can eat it all?” Hyorin asked, oblivious to the smell it seems.

“Oh he has to eat up,” Yoseob explained, “otherwise he can’t change back.”


“Wait and see,” Doojoon jolted, his back began to raise and then next thing they knew his bones started to crack. The girls all covered their eyes or shut them while the animals sat and watched.

“Ouch that would hurt,” Kikwang remarked before continuing to groom his wings. A haggard Doojoon stood, in human form dressed just in black jeans and was shirtless. They all looked their eyes wide.

“So-so it is true,” Hyorin said Sookyung was too focused on Doojoon to hear what her friend said.

“Yeah it’s true,” Yoseob said while Doojoon walked off, probably to grab a shirt.

“So does that mean if we feed you then you will all change back?” Sookyung asked. The fox shook its head.

“No, that’s only for hyung,” Dongwoon said, “I can’t change back until the sun sets.”

“I have to wait until the day is over before I can change back,” Kikwang said.

“You wouldn’t have to if you didn’t see yourself in the spoon,” Dongwoon remarked. Kikwang made an angry cawing noise.

“Knock it off,” Doojoon walked in wearing a red t-shirt with his jeans. They all watched him as he sank into a chair and cracked his neck.  Dongwoon lowered his head while Kikwang strutted off, his tail fanned out in all its glory.

“Ok, what about the others?” Sookyung asked, hoping to change the subject.

“The zebra… Sorry Junghyung will change when there’s no moon,” Yoseob scratched his head with his small digits, “I mean a new moon.” The zebra nodded.

“Isn’t that tonight?” Hyunseung asked. Junhyung lifted his head and nodded happily.

“And I can only change back on Tuesdays,” Yoseob said holding up two fingers, “that’s in three days.”

“You’re holding up two fingers,” Doojoon remarked drawing a grin.

“Oh,” Yoseob changed it so he now had three up.

“So what do you think of my cooking?” Hyunseung asked as Hyorin took a spoonful into .

“Your cooking?” Yoseob was indignant, “I just so happened to look up that recipe so it is technically my cooking.”

“I like it,” Hyorin smiled at them both, “that’s good,” Hyunseung glanced at Sookyung.

“Have you had any  noona?” everyone stared at him. Hyunseung realized his mistake.

“I-I mean Sookyung-ah.”

“I’ll have some later on,” she replied staring at the soup, not feeling hungry.

“Ok then, I guess we should show you around,” Yoseob said climbing down from the table.

“Not me,” Dongwoon said standing up and shaking his fur, “I need to get ready.”

“Oh yeah for transformation,” Yoseob noted, “Junhyung?”

“Yeah I’ll come but only until the moon appears,” Junhyung added, “I would rather she didn’t see me going through it.”

“Aw you don’t need to worry about me,” Hyorin told him, “thanks for that though.”

“I was talking to Bora,” Junhyung said nudging Bora with his muzzle. She pushed him away.

“Please keep away from me. I don’t want to smell like an .”  Junhyung lowered his head.

“I guess I will have to,” Doojoon stood, turning to them all, his eyes bearing on Sookyung, “since I’m the leader.”

“Ok,” Yoseob clapped his paws together, “let’s start with the bedrooms.”


The three girls followed Doojoon, Yoseob, Hyungseung and Junhyung around the upper floor.

“Down the hall are the bedrooms in the last four doors, twin suits,” Yoseob added.

“So you don’t have to share,” Hyorin said. Yoseob tilted his head.

“Err short of, we have two double beds in each room but they are branched off though by a sliding door in the wall.”

“The bathroom is here,” Junhyung nudged the door near the stair way with his nose and showed the girls. It was huge with a marble spa bath and smooth tiles that just needed some scrubbing.

“There are other rooms,” Doojoon said when they were done staring in awe, “but we haven’t checked them all out.”

“We can put you in here,” Hyunseung said opening the door to a large suite, “I think this is where the head of the family would have stayed.” It was very grand with a four poster bed and a sofa bed as well from a rather nice but out of place sofa.

The girls all stared around the room while Bora flopped onto the bed.

“Ah I could get use to this,” she sighed happily, “oh yeah, who can cook?” The three guys looked at each other and then pointed fingers.

“Him,” all three chorused. Bora sat up, rolling her eyes.

“Forget I asked then.”  Sookyung was still curious about the curse.

“So… Do you know how you all manage to change into animals?”

“We don’t know, we just woke up one morning and found we had changed,” Yoseob replied while Doojoon stared out of the window.  Sookyung nodded.

“Ah so you aren’t sure if it was maybe… I don’t know a spell?”

“Maknae reckons it’s an evil fan girl,” at this Yoseob and Doojoon smirked, “but we don’t have much proof… Except for,” he paused, in thought.

“This one girl said something strange to us before she left.” Yoseob added.

“That for what we’ve done we will pay a price by being beasts that we most are like,” he continued, “and we won’t be saved unless…”

“Unless what?”

“We do acts of random kindness,” Yoseob said scratching his head again, “it’s kind of strange, she also said something about someone losing something but I didn’t catch it."

Sookyung, Hyorin all looked at each other. Something was very strange about this.

“Hey take a look at this,” they all went to see what Junhyung was looking at. It was an old photograph of a young girl in a traditional hanbok. She was petite in her stature, her long hair in curls that hung down her back.

“Isn’t she pretty?” Hyorin asked them.  Doojoon raised his eyebrows in disbelief while Junhyung and Yoseob looked at each other.

“Umm, I suppose,” Yoseob said, “but she’s not what I would call beautiful.”

“Oh really now?” Bora put her hands on her hips, “are you referring to someone right here?”

“Umm… Maybe,” Yoseob peered around nervously.

“Spit it out chimp,” she said. Yoseob glanced at the girls.

“I would say… Hyorin is beautiful,” Yoseob said. Hyorin smiled shyly.

“Ah you’re so sweet,” she laughed, her eyes going into that cute smile she did when she was happy.

“What about you?” Yoseob pointed to Junhyung.  Junghyung lifted his head to Bora.

“I would say Bora is.” Bora blinked hard at this.

“Um ok, that’s an interesting thing for a zebra to say,” she replied.

“I’m still human,” Junhyung neighed, “just not now…”

“What about Hyunseung?”  Hyorin asked.

“I think you’re pretty too,” he said forgetting to be formal again. Sookyung glanced at Doojoon who was back to staring out of the window again.

“Well…. What about you Doojoon-sshi?” She asked wanting to know his ppinion too. Doojoon turned, watching her intently. Sookyung watched him as he appeared to examine her, not sure about what it was he was seeing.

“You,” he said. Hyorin made a face at Bora who agreed back silently too. Yoseob, Junhyung and Hyunseung looked at their leader, not sure what to think. Sookyung frowned at him.

“That’s not funny,” her eyebrows down and bending in the middle.

“What isn’t funny?”

“Don’t joke about,” Sookyung continued, “The only reason you said me was because the other two had already been said.”

“But I wasn’t joking,” was his annoyed answer to this.

“It’s ok if you agree with what the others have said,” she gestured to her two friends.

“Why aren’t you listening?” Doojoon lifted his arms in exasperation, “do I have to repeat myself?”

“Uh oh, hyung you need to calm down,” Hyunseung said coming over to him and placing his hands on his shoulders, “we don’t want you changing back so soon.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Hyorin asked innocently.

“Don’t get him angry or he will change,” Yoseob told her as Hyunseung led Doojoon away, “it’s happened before. The first time was over whoever it was that didn't wash up after eating.” The girls nodded.

“Well, I know the rain seems to have stopped but it’s been ages since we had new faces so I was wondering… Would you like to… Stay with us?” Yoseob asked.

“YOSEOB!” Came a yell from the stairway and then Hyunseung exclaiming, “Oh Yoseob-ah you’ve done it now;” Yoseob winced before turning back to the girls. Sookyung thought for a moment, but the decision wasn’t up to her.

“Umm, what do you think?” She asked them; Bora immediately nodded.

“Rather be in here than out there,” she said gesturing to the wet outdoors.

“Hey I’m happy with anything unnie,”  Hyorin always was easy going. Sookyung nodded and then spoke to the monkey.

“Sure, we would be happy to.” She said beaming.

Wow to be honest I think my writing is much better in this fanfic than others. Not sure why tbh hmm....

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!