15. First date

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

After the recent dramatic event Sookyung spent the next hour in the bath; sitting in silence as the steam rose around her. She was thankful the door was locked even though it was in the queen suite and she only had her other female friends around. Any guys that were tempted to peak would have them to deal with. But her mind wouldn’t let her forget those words he said to her.

I never had feelings for you…

It seemed unfair that it had to be like that, but who was Sookyung kidding. She knew that she should have kept her guard up. Only a fool would have been as careless as she was. Bora came into their room as Sookyung got some clothes to change into. Sookyung watched as her friend applied makeup as well as some large button earrings the same shade as the blouse."So, what happened with you and Junhyung?" Bora nearly dropped the back of the earring.

"Umm... We're going out in about an hour." Sookyung turned to the window.

"There's still a bit of--"

"--Don't care," Sookyung closed as Bora continued, "I should take the opportunities we have before we let them slip by. Everyone needs to if they want to be with the person they like the most." Sookyung couldn't reply to this. It reminded her too much that Doojoon liked her friend right here. She didn't even think of trying to carpe deim. The silence between the two got rather uncomfortable at dinner which was all of them minus Junhyung and Bora. 

"So," Hyorin tried to think of an icebreaker, "horrible weather huh?"

"What did they think they were doing?" Doojoon sighed, "yes it's just sprinkling but what if their umbrella breaks?"

"Hyung," Yoseob turned to him, "surely they will be fine. I secretly packed a rain coat for Junhyung just in case." Doojoon gave a weak attempt at a grin. "Well done." Even his praise to the younger members was slightly stale. Sookyung tried not to look at him, she did everything in her power to stare at the wall in the opposite direction. But whenever Hyunseung would tried to get her attention she would suddenly have him in her vision. Hyorin would glance between the two of them at times, left out by their slow pacing conversation. It was due to Sookyung being even more quiet than ever before.


"We made it," Junhyung breathed as they stepped under the shelter of the old run down movie theatre. He shook the umbrella before standing it on it's tip. "Are we going to miss the movie?" Bora asked as they walked into the main lobby. There was only one counter and a handful of sweet or salty selections behind it. In other words, it was either popcorn or a rather cheap confectionary.

"No we'll be fine," Junhyung assured her, her hair. He took out his wallet to pay. He thanksed the person at the counter and led Bora to the entrance of the screenings.
"Wait," Bora stopped him tugging his shirt. "We didn't get anything to eat."

"But there's no coke," Junhyung pouted, forlorn at their being no caffeinated beverages.

"Please," Bora wasn't much good at the puppy eyes but they managed to get to Junhyung. He let out a sigh but he smiled as well. "Alright," he went back to the counter and got a small box of popcorn. Bora was ecstatic when she saw the mound of salty, buttery goodness.

"Thank you," she gave Junhyung a hug from the side, but then pulled away quickly. Junhyung took his arm and wrapped it around her waist.

"Let's go." he said taking charge. Bora couldn't help but smile at this. They went into the cinema and sat down at the back. Junhyung thought he heard his name through the gossiping of some younger girls. He pulled up his hood to cover his face.

"What's wrong?" Bora whispered as the lights went out signalling the starting of the trailers.

"I thought I heard someone say my name," he said glancing around as if paranoid.

"So, should I hide too?"

"No, as long as they don't recognise one of us then it would be fine." Frowning, Bora didn't quite understand but she decided not to question the topic further. Otherwise they would spend the whole time talking and not watching the film.


Hyorin and Yoseob were at a loss with their friends. They had no idea what had happened or if they would ever talk to each other again. So the two along with Kikwang sat in the living room quietly. Doojoon had gone for a walk with Sookyung reading as typical.

"This is getting ridiculous," Kikwang stated with Hyorin nodding.

"Mm they don't even greet each other," Yoseob agreed. "But hyung won't say anything to me."

"Unnie is the same," Hyorin nodded. "Dinner was especially awkward."

"Yeah remember how Sookyung needed a spoon and instead of asking him she just reached over?" Kikwang began to smirk, "she got her hair in the stew!"

"That wasn't funny," Yoseob grumbled hitting Kikwang on the back hard. "Try pulling out a long dark lock out of your food after it just happened."

"Yeah, but we need to think of how to get them to talk," Hyorin drew them out of the tangent. "But to do that we need to know what went wrong."

"Agreed," Yoseob was charmed by Hyorin's mature outlook. It suited his somewhat childish personna.

"So what do we do?" Dongwoon had come in having been bored.

"Talk to them both," Yoseob said, "we need to get to the root of the problem so that then we can decide what the best approach is." Hyorin nodded and held out her hand for a hi-five which Yoseob gladly took. The contact made his heart race and he wondered whether or not she felt the same.


"Wow what a film," Junhyung said as they walked home in the dark. The rain had eased off and the clouds were gone revealing a twinkling sky.

"Yeah it was pretty funny," Bora agreed. They took a moment to stop and look up at their galaxy filled night lights. Junhyung looked at her hand, and then at his. He edged a little closer, he enjoyed feeling the soft skin and her elegant fingers intertwined with his. He was careful to make it look as if it was natural. Bora's hand tingled a bit as the warmth from his spread to hers. "What do you like about me the most?" Junhyung wasn't sure if she could answer that so soon. Then again they weren't really acquaintances anymore. Bora stopped to think, pondering about what she had learned about him and what little she had seen when they were both performing.
"Well... You know your fashion."

"Is that all?" Junhyung feigned disappointment which got him a hefty pat on the shoulder.

"Pabo I wasn't finished," Bora stuck her tongue out at him. "You also have good stage prescence."

"I already knew that," he rolled up his sleeves trying to make himself look important. Bora laughed nearly loosing her balance on the slippery ground. The rain helped make it muddy and potentially dangerous. "Alright then," Bora felt like turning the tables, "what about me then? What is it that you like about me?"

"Well, one you don't take crap from nobody." Bora had to agree to this. "Two, your hair. Three, your eyes. Four your rapping skills. Five..."

"--Ok I think we get the picture." She stopped him while laughing, deep down she was flattered.

"I didn't even get to tell you my favourite thing." Junhyung suddenly drew close, his eyes focused on one area of her face which was illuminated under the light of the milky way. Bora drew a deep breath, not sure whether it was the right thing to do. Not everyone did it on the first date. "Number five," Junhyung's face moved closer to hers, "your lips..." Bora couldn't reply. Her eyes just started to close as he came closer. No words could describe the number of sparks that flew as a result of that first kiss.


Wow, this is sounding a lot better than when I first wrote it (this is a reincarnation btw). Hope that we like this and are still enjoying reading it. I will update more later this week (haha I mean edit) so for now be patient ^_^.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!