10. Because of You

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“Hey hyung are you alright?” Kikwang asked as Yoseob entered the room and sat down. Yoseob stared at his friend before lifting the cup to his lips.

“Yes, why do you ask?” He asked taking a slow and steady sip.

“Well… It’s just that you are still human.”


“It’s now Wednesday,” they all looked at Kikwang in surprise. He had a point. Yoseob’s eyes went bigger from the realisation; his mouth formed an o shape in surprise. “Omo,” he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and stared at his reflection on the back. “I haven’t changed?” He asked out loud not believing it at first. The next moment he pumped his fist into the air,“wahoo!”

“What’s going on?” Doojoon asked as he came into the living room unaware of what just happened.

“Hyung look at me,” Yoseob pointed at himself, “I am still human.” Doojoon’s eyes brightened.

“That’s great!” He hi-fived Yoseob while everyone was still puzzled. They weren't as fast as their leader was.

“B-but how did that happen?” Junhyung asked still not understanding, “What changed?” They all nodded.

“Yeah we need to know what it was that did it.” Doojoon opened up Yoseob’s mouth and peered down it. He then moved his face to the side in disgust as his friend burped. “Eaten anything different?” He managed to ask pinching his nose with his hand. Yoseob shook his head.


“Did you do something that you don’t normally do?”

“I was a chimp!” Yoseob scoffed puffing his cheeks in angry aegyo. “That is not normal!”

“Ok, so when did you notice you hadn’t changed?”

“When I woke up this morning,” Doojoon nodded and turned to Kikwang. Kikwang shared a room with Yoseob so he would have seen anything that the others didn't pick up on. “Has he been sleep walking?” Kikwang shook his head.

“No he’s been asleep,” Kikwang confirmed, “I would know if he was. Otherwise I would be awake and mad as hell for having no sleep.”

“Yoseob, what did you do yesterday?”

“Umm the normal, played games ate…” His eyes widened again, “Oh and I helped Sookyung with her hat.” Their eyes shifted to Sookyung.

“Ah true… Noona arrived yesterday,” Dongwoon said. Sookyung glanced down at the sound of her name.

“What do I have to do with this?” She asked afraid she'd done something wrong.

“Sookyung-ah you changed me to normal that’s what,” Yoseob hugged her firmly until Doojoon cleared his throat, causing him to stop. Yoseob released her, he kind of wished it had been Hyorin.

“Hold on…” Doojoon was thinking, “If it was Sookyung then surely we all would have changed back; right?” They all nodded one after the other.

“Hyung makes a good point,” Kikwang agreed. Hyunseung went back to his magazine he was reading.

“Is there anything else that may have caused it?” Yoseob asked aloud. Dongwoon suddenly remembered one of the images he saw. The three words:

Acts of kindness

“Acts of kindness,” he said unconsciously. The others turned to him. He winced as he added, “it has to be an evil fan girl… Who else would curse us…?”

“Are you alright?” Junhyung asked as the fox started to shiver from the memory.

“You evil fan girl you.” He said, “You did this to us… Whoever you are…. You’re a witch!”

“Hey you’re scaring us,” Kikwang said alarmed. Doojoon reached down and picked up Dongwoon, nearly dropping him from the shock of his weight.

“I think he needs a rest,” Doojoon said carrying him towards the stairs over a shoulder. “I’ll be back in a moment.” They were left to think it over.

“He is right,” Yoseob breathed. The others watched him as the puzzle began to fit together.“Remember how we'd heard that fan saying that we needed to do random acts of kindness or we're doomed? Well I just proved it. I can’t climb trees to save my life! Yet when I go up a huge one to bring Sookyung her hat I woke up the next day still a man!”

“Wow you’re right.” Kikwang told him, “that means… We all need to do the same and then we can be human again?”

“No, I’m not letting you throw my hat up a tree again,” Sookyung stubbornly told them before they got any ideas. She'd been very quiet the whole time they had been talking. She was a listener mainly, not a talker.

“Not that! We need to find acts of kindness,” Yoseob said, “then we will be normal.”

“And human once more.”

“And Beast in its full glory,” They all nodded happily.

“Yeah,” Yoseob clapped his hands, “Sookyung-ah,” they looked at her again, “will you help us?” They had the pleading look in their eyes. Sookyung was unable to resist. drew in a semi-smile and she managed to say ,“Ok I will.” The guys cheered for her.

“But only until I have to go back home,” she warned them, “I have three weeks worth of holidays and then I don’t have a break until eight weeks during university.”

“Sure,” they all surrounded her in a group hug. She froze as they all closed in around her. Their warmth bringing her cheeks to a rosy state.“You’re awesome!” Doojoon returned to see them all hugging her. He gave an amused smirk as he watched them. “Those gooses,” he said when they dispersed. His eyes seemed to be directed at one thing in particular; or a particular person. The person in the middle of the huddle.

(Yes its not long but nothing really happened so I didn't want to bore you which is why I added the pic cos it's cute XD)

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!