21. Clenching a Tight Fist

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Doojoon stormed down the stairs, his anger still minimal but with each step he got more and more fired up. Hyunseung had done something he never thought he would do. It was time to end this, to show him who was the alpha male, the dominant one. He went to the kitchen where Hyunseung was wiping the benches. “Hey hyung what’s up?” Doojoon opened up a text message and slammed the phone on the table. Hyunseung winced as it hit the surface. Recovering from the blow he looked at the writing.

Please come back to me.

“What's the meaning of this?!” Doojoon asked, as calmly as he could. Hyunseung knew he had been caught. The smirk he gave was like the one before, when the topic had been bought up last time.

“That’s an old message hyung, why not read the one I was in the process of writing this morning?” Hyunseung dried his hand with a teatowel before taking  his phone going to where the drafts were kept. He opened up the message and read it aloud just to piss Doojoon off.  “Sookyung-ah, I this is Hyunseung and I love you.” Doojoon’s fists started to shake in fury.  With a smug face Hyunseung put the phone down and folded his arms across his chest. “There, at least I am brave enough to admit my feelings for her!" He said, his voice challenging him.

It was too much for Doojoon. Through an outburst of rage he swung forward, bashing Hyunseung in the cheek. He fell back on to the floor, his cheek already turning purple from the bruise. He slowly sat up where he was. Doojoon stood there, his breathing cracking his stinging knuckles. “You ,” he snapped, “you knew how I felt and I asked you to stay away!” Hyunseung got up without a word. He hit Doojoon on the jaw and sending him stumbling backwards, the pain throbbing for a bit.

“Like that was going to stop me!” Hyunseung retaliated with a heartless laugh. “I don't think you were ever going to tell her! Any chance of saying anything ran out the door when we found out you had cursed us all!” His opponent charged at him, sending a blow to his gut. He bent over from the force, feeling his internal organs almost start to rearrange themselves. With a simple a upward of the knee he hit Doojoon in the nose. There was a cracking sound and Doojoon swore as he held it. Blood slowly trickled from it.

While he was trying to recover from that blow Hyunseung raised a leg, kicking him in the thigh with all the malice he could muster. Doojoon toppled to the ground falling onto his knees. Hyunseung kicked again, this time aiming it higher at the shoulder. The kick sent Doojoon face down onto the ground, he was defenceless for the time. His team mate took advantage of the opening and came to punch the head but Doojoon was able to raise himself up and dodge the blow.  Using the strength gained from when he use to play soccer he head butted Hyunseungs' gut again. The pain made him groan, giving Doojoon a minute or so of time to get to his feet.

Hyunseung wasn't finished yet. He shoved his hyung hard. Doojoon grabbed onto his shoulders; dragging him to the hallway where he forced him up against a wall. With a tight fist he added a punch to the other cheek. Using is intellect Hyunseung kneed Doojoon in the groin.  He sank to his knees in shame and agony. Merciless Hyunseung kneed him again, finally getting his head. Doojoon lay on the ground for a moment, breathing hard, adrenalin flowing rapidly through his veins. Hyunseung started to leave, satisified he had won but Doojoon wasn't finished. Mustering up whatever strength he had in his bottom half he swung a leg at Hyunseungs’ feet. The knocked down Hyunseung cursed as he hit his chin hard on the floor and a moment later the two of them were wrestling on the floor. Both were trying to bang their opponents head against the tiles.

“Go on, let it out!” Hyunseung taunted Doojoon. “Let it all out and change! Then you can beat me!” Doojoon swung them around so he was on top of Hyunseung this time. He shook Hyunseungs' shoulders hard.

“You ! I will kill you if I did!” He told him before Hyunseung grabbed his hands around his neck. From the other room they heard Doojoon say this. Yoseob jumped out of his seat, everyone else reacted as well.

“Omo! What is happening over there?!” Yoseob exclaimed scrambling to his feet. The other members hurriedly followed him to the hallway. Hyorin and Bora tagged along. They gasped as they witnessed the brawl. “Why are they fighting?” Junhyung yelled as Yoseob and Kikwang fidgeted at the side, not sure what to do. The noise from below bought Sookyung out of her room. She stood at the top of the stairs, taken back when she spotted what was happening. Finally Junhyung couldn't stand by any longer. He moved away from Bora and pushed past Yoseob to get closer.

“Wait oppa,” Bora anxiously said. Junhyung ignored her to speak to Yoseob.

“Help me,” Yoseob nodded and went with him. Yoseob grabbed Hyunseung who was choking Doojoon around the arms and pulled him off. Doojoon gasped as he started to pant, his face slowly regaining colour. He was made to stand but once he felt more alive he went at Hyunseung. Junhyung had no choice but to stop him by administering a firm headlock. “Stop this the both of you!” Yoseob ordered while the two squirmed restlessly. The other two members came to help Junhyung and Yoseob. Dongwoon went Doojoon, holding a large thick cleaning cloth which he had used to wipe the games table. Standing on his rear legs he forced Doojoon's mouth open by biting his already broken nose. As the leader opened his mouth to yell Dongwoon stuffed the cloth in before hurrying away. Kikwang flapped his wings to get some and landed right on Hyunseungs’ head; digging his claws into his scalp to balance.

“You know what will happen if you don’t stop,” Kikwang warned Hyunseung. He breathed out in surrender and Doojoon started to calm down too. While they were still being restrained Yoseob made a sound of disgust. “What is the meaning behind this?” He snapped. “We are men last time I checked. We don’t fight when we have a problem.” Junhyung felt Doojoon relax so he released him.  A disgruntled Doojoon wiped his mouth with his arm; removing the blood from his cut lip.
“Tell that to this traitorous son of a…”

“Wait, what?” Yoseob stared at Hyunseung. Kikwang clucked as Hyunseung tilted his head. He got off before he was thrown off. “What did you do hyung?” Hyunseung made a small smirk, this started to wind up Doojoon.

“I was just confessing how I felt about someone,” everyone gasped. Sookyung stopped for a moment during her descent down the stairs.

“Yeah just so you could play with her and then get bored!”

“Play with her?” Hyunseung laughed mockingly. “I will do more than that. I will love her.” This got a shocked response from the others.

“W-wait a minute who is it that you like?” Junhyung asked his eyes darting to Bora with worry.

“Isn’t it obvious?” He asked as the others shook their heads. Sookyung was now at the bottom of the stairs, she hesitated to go any closer. Hyunseung caught her off guard and stared at her straight in the eyes. “I’m looking at her right now.” The reaction of everyone else was to follow where his gaze was. Doojoon was still bent over; trying to catching his breath. Sookyung froze, her breathing starting to lessen as she became self-concious.

“No way…” Kikwang said; Dongwoon growled uneasily.


“Yes, it is,” Hyunseung took a step closer to her. He held out a hand to touch her cheek. She flinched before his fingertips reached. He lowered it down in disappointment.

“I know you hyung,” Doojoon was able to stand. “Your feelings change like the direction of the wind.” He wet his bottom lip as he added. “You would be over her within a week.”

“As if you know me hyung!” Hyunseung snapped. “Besides Sookyung is prettier than most of the other girls I’ve liked.” His attention back to Sookyung. “so, what do you say?” There was no answer; she breathed in and out. Her hand lifted and went against his cheek.  Everyone gasped as Hyunseung’s face turned to the side from the slap. He looked back at her, the glint in his eyes not friendly anymore. Sookyung shook her head and she stormed past him to the front door. “Sookyung-ah,” Yoseob called after her.  Doojoon placed a foot in the doorway to stop it from shutting and ran after her.



Only edit for today. I at writing fight scenes though I watch martial art films and read about it in books.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!