22. Our story will not end

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

“I can’t believe what is happening around here,” Yoseob sighed. They were still in the hallway where they had witnessed the fight. “We finally make some new friends and it causes us to act like children.” No one objected to this claim. The shocking revelations had yet to properly sink in for them all. Yoseob glanced at Hyorin with worry mixed with jealousy. He knew she had been interested in Hyunseung. What was to say that she didn’t feel a bit hurt by it.

“Hyunseung-,” Hyorin opened to only close it after saying the name. A battered Hyunseung lifted his head to her. Feeling something accumlate in his mouth he spat out a drop of blood and then trudged towards the stairs.
“Hey where are you going?” Kikwang clucked.

“To have a bath and a nap I’m exhausted." Nobody stopped him from leaving.

“Hyorin-ee,” Hyorin turned to Yoseob. For a moment he wasn't able to understand her expression. He said the first thing that came to his mind. “You’re not…. Disappointed are you?” He asked, nervous.

“About what oppa?” Hyorin faked a smile and pinched his cheek playfully making Yoseob’s cheeks redden.

"About... Hyunseung hyung; didn't you like him?"

"Oh I do like him." Yoseob could feel hope descend into a fiery lake. She heaved a sigh as she added, "but, I could never compete against Sookyung even if she did like him back."  This answered Yoseob's question but also caused him to think of another.

“So," he cleared his throat suddenly nervous. "W-would you be able to... Forget about him?" He froze, squeezing his eyes shut as he waited for an answer. Hyorin put a hand on his shoulder and his eyelids opened again.
"Oppa... Do you mean, you and me?" He nodded.

"I like you Hyorin." Yoseob looked her straigh in the eyes. "I think you're the prettiest member out of Sistar--"

"--Hey," Junhyung rubbed Bora on the back with a smile. Whatever it was he whispered into her ear it seemed to change her focus.

"Anyway," Yoseob started again when he felt it was safe. "If you would allow me... I would like to go out with you." Dongwoon made a surprised yip, Kikwang stopped preening the feathers under his wing. Hyorin was quiet, she didn't turn to anyone or speak. Yoseob was afraid. Afraid that he'd been too far forward. While still thinking Hyorin rolled up her sleeves.

"Well... I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Yoseob almost thought he hadn't heard her correctly.

"Yes, I will go out with you." Hyorin decided. Dongwoon and Kikwang began their animal noises with Junhyung whistling. Yoseob's arms went out and hugged Hyorin firmly.

"Really? Yay thank you so much."


“That’s good,” she said struggling to breathe until he let go.

"So when do you want to go out?" They heard Dongwoon give a short high pitched bark.

“Umm I’m happy for you two and all,” Dongwoon said once he'd interrupted. “However we still have to try and reach Hea-woo.”

"So go and do that," Yoseob glared at Junhyung as he said something about him being feisty to Bora.

"Fine," Dongwoon stuck his nose up in the air and trotted off, pretending to be offended.

“Yeah and I need to iron my jeans,” Kikwang agreed as he waddled off. The two couples raised their eyebrows. Kikwang would have barely been able to lift it with his feet. The two couples just stood there. Hyorin and Yoseob were at a closer proximity but that was due to Yoseob. Junhyung's hand was comfortably draped around Bora just above her hip.

"So.... What now?" Hyorin asked, for once her confidence not present.

"Umm, a double date?"

"Sounds like a plan," Junhyung made eye contact with Bora and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Alright," Yoseob was happy to go with the flow.

"What about tonight?"

"Tonight I think we can do."

"Wait, what about Sookyung and...?" The other three nodded at Yoseob. "I mean... Will they be ok if you two leave her with four other guys?"

"I think Kikwang-ah and Dongwoon-ah should be able to handle it if the love triangle appears again." While Junhyung seemed satisified with his response on the otherhand it was a different story for Yoseob.

"Well... Maybe if we did something close to home just in case."

"Like a picnic?"

"In the rain?"

"Isn't it supposed to stop soon?" Yoseob clapped his hands once.

"Great," his nod was a little over enthusiastic. Hyorin ended up doing the same.

"Are you two those nodding cat dolls?" Junhyung lifted an arm out bending it at the elbow and started to raise it up and down with his head. They all began to laugh.

"A picnic it is," Yoseob confirmed. "Let's go get ready." With that they all followed him to the kitchen to prepare and wait out the rain in the hope Yoseobs' dream would come true.


Meanwhile shortly before the four had decided on a date Doojoon had ran after Sookyung. She'd gone much further than expected. He stopped and  bent over as he panted. When he could raise his head he lifted it to search her out. For a moment he was sure she was too far to see; until he spied her just on the horizon. “Sookyung!” He called out to her as she was going down. She stopped and turned to his voice, she was catching her breath as well. He came up beside her. “We need to talk.”

“Why did you do it?” Doojoon froze, taken back.

“Sookyung what are you--?”

“--Why did you beat him up?!” Sookyung’s eyebrows were at the middle of her forehead. The answer he gave was out of poor judgement.

“Because he is a sleaze.”

“Because he likes me?! Why are you even getting involved?! It’s not your place!”

“As the leader of Beast and the household I have to keep my members from going out of line!”

“He wasn’t doing anything of the sort!” Sookyung sighed when she was able to breathe normally. “He was just be genuine!”

“Yeah for now while he’s interested,” Doojoon rebutted with a frown. “But when he likes someone else you won't matter to him anymore!”

“And don’t you think that I can’t handle that?!” The look she gave was unlike anything he’d seen before.  She bit her lip, her eyes started to sting from un-shed tears. She kept her hands away from her eyes so she wouldn't show how hard it was not to cry. “You’ve…” She took a shuddering breath to try and get rid of her choked voice. She managed to compose herself. “You’ve really screwed me over.” Doojoon was shocked.

“But how?”  He asked feeling hurt.

“You… Because of how you are and have been to me ever since.” She blinked a tear slipping down her cheek. “I’ve found myself having feelings for you. All because of your kindness, that kiss...” More tears dropped and she wiped her eyes hurriedly bowing her head down.“That kiss wasn’t even for me!” She raised her head, more tears fell. “It was for Bora… The one you have feelings for! The one you like!” Sookyung started to leave; Doojoon stepped forward, clasping her arm.
“Sookyung it’s not true!” He protested, “I don’t like Bora! I’ve only had eyes on you!” Sookyung stopped, turning to him.

“What did you…?” Doojoon’s gaze went downcast in shame. He forced himself to look into her eyes.

“You are the only one for me,” It was simple but sincere. “You always have been.”

“But why would you lie?” Sookyung demanded her voice raw. “Why did you say you liked Bora?”

“Because of what I did to the other members.”  His mouth was downturned as he spoke. “Because I turned them into the zoo that you found when we met for the first time. I was the one who would pay the price for my mistake if I apologized to Hea-woo.” Even with the guilt of his selfish intention, Doojoon's eyes glinted of sadness.  “I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to you.” He swallowed a lump in his throat. “I realise just how selfish I've been.” Sookyung bit her lip as more tears fell down.  Doojoon went closer to her, his arms reaching out. He tried to hug her but she shoved him off. Doojoon stumbled backwards almost falling onto some loose earth.

“What are you...?”

“You lied to me! You made me believe that you never felt the same!” Sookyung yelled, her voice shaky. “Now you go and beat the crap out of one of your members just for my sake?! Did it ever occur to you that maybe you should have just told me how you really felt!?” She clenched her fists at her sides. The courage for her to yell at him had never been there until now.
“I’m sorry oppa, as much as I like you right now…” She took a deep breath, “I just can’t trust you!” This cut Doojoon to his core. He froze, his expression faded and his eyebrows went up. Not able to find the words he just let out a breath and hung his head.. Sookyung wiped her eyes again and fled past Doojoon, pushing his shoulder slightly as she went. Doojoon’s breathing was normal but staggered from the anger built up slowly rising. He raised his head to the heavens and let out a loud yell. This yell soon changed in tone and volume to that of a roar.


The thing with the double date will probably be cleared up in the next chapter. I felt it was appropriate to end this one with this scene.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!