4. You

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

The three girls were left to themselves as they got changed into some comfier clothes. They had to lock the door to prevent any events from occurring, ones that wouldn’t be on purpose.

“So Bora have you got your eye on anyone yet?” Bora raised her eyebrows at Hyorin.

“Do you think I like Junhyung?” Cutting to the chase; Hyorin nodded.

“Yah, even though you seem to not be interested in zebras…”

“It’s not just zebras,” Bora said as she scrubbed her face with cleanser and then running the tap in the porcelain sink, “it’s animals in general. This place is a zoo!”

“But in zoos the animals aren’t toilet trained,” Hyorin laughed. She looked at Sookyung who was pulling on a grey hoodie.

“Well Sookyung? Do you like anyone?” Sookyung looked at her friend.

“Um, what makes you say that?”

“Bora and Junhyung seem to have something going on,” Bora made a gag noise from the bathroom, “I think Hyunseung is pretty cute. What about Doojoon? He said you were pretty.”

“You know he was just saying me because you two had already been mentioned,” Sookyung answered sitting down on the edge of the double bed, and “I’m not pretty at all.”

“You liar,” Hyorin bounced onto the bed, “of course you are!”

“I have big ears.”

“And I have a big nose,” Hyorin pointed to her nose, “I like your ears.”

“I don’t have an hour glass figure like you two.”

“But you have a nice s-line,” Hyorin added, she leaned back on the bed to look at Bora who was wiping her face with a hand towel Yoseob had given them.

“Bora, what do you like about Sookyung unni?” She asked as Bora came and stretched out on the sofa. Bora thought for a moment.

“Hmm… Your chest is pretty small.” Hyorin’s mouth opened wide, even Sookyung was shocked.

“Omo! Bora you’re supposed to be nice you meanie!”

“Well she has nice wavy hair,” Bora said holding a handful of her own and lifting it up, “it has this nice curl.” Hyorin nodded.

“Yeah she’s right,” Hyorin looked at Sookyung, “unnie has gorgeous hair.” Sookyung went quiet and turned away for a moment.

“You two are too nice,” she said. Hyorin leaned forward; hugging her around the shoulders.

“Yay, she’s happy Bora unni.”

“Woot, let’s celebrate,” Bora said with sarcasm as she opened up the sofa bed and flopped onto it, “now I’m going to bed, night.” 

“But it’s only nine,” Hyorin pointed at the clock.

“Don’t care, my feet are sore from prancing about in those ridiculous heels for hours this week and I’ve worn so much makeup on my face I’m starting to think that my lips are naturally bright red.”

“Ah alright then, sweet dreams Bora,” Hyorin said before turning to Sookyung who was still awake.

“So what are you going to do?” She asked. Sookyung stared at the bed.

“Umm I might just read a book.” Hyorin nodded.

“Ok I’m going to find the others,” she slid off the bed, skipping to the door. Hyorin looked rather bouncy in her large yellow shirt and purple track suit pants and red woolen socks. Sookyung smiled to herself before stretching out onto the bed and breathing out hard.



Sookyung soon got bored. She decided to go for an explore but before she did that she took a look at herself in the mirror. She was in a grey hoodie and blue shorts with black leggings underneath them. She didn’t have nice long legs like the others; however complaining about such a thing would have been dumb. She stepped down the stairs to the living room where there was a lot of laughter coming from there. Not stepping into the room she peered around the corner. Hyorin, Dongwoon who was now human, Hyunseung and Yoseob were all sitting at a table, all holding a deck of cards.

“Yah you cheated,” Dongwoon complained as Hyunseung took the money from the centre of the table.

“No just lucky,” Hyunseung winked at Hyorin who giggled. Yoseob dropped one of his cards and made an annoyed chattering noise. Hyunseung lifted his head seeing Sookyung by the doorway. Sookyung moved back, embarrassed at being seen. She quickly walked off before Hyunseung could say anything. Down the hall she heard someone playing piano. It was a slow but steady tune that repeated itself over and over again. She continued down the hall to the last door, the music behind it louder than any of the other doors. She paused and opened the door, peering in to see. It was a large music studio, there were some brass and wood wind instruments mounted on the wall, a set of stringed instruments were placed on some hand crafted shelves by the window. A large piano was in the centre of the room underneath a fancy lamp, a chandelier with some oriental flair to it. Doojoon was sitting at the piano, playing the tune. He leaned as his fingers guided along the ivories, focused on playing the song.
She took steps towards him, hesitant as she did not know what to expect. He stopped, lifted his head and saw her. Sookyung stopped, biting her lip. Doojoon glanced around and saw a chair.

“Take a seat,” he said pointing at it. Sookyung went over and sat down. Silence for a moment.

“Um… Did I disturb you?” Sookyung asked Doojoon shook his head.

“No, its fine,” he said.

“So it looks like you changed back.”

“Hyunseung fed me from an animal I caught the other week,” Sookyung did her best not to imagine the animal carcass.

“I see,” she did not keep his eye contact. Doojoon went back to playing the song.

“Do you recognize the tune?” He asked. Sookyung thought for a moment. Hmm it did sound familiar.

“Isn’t it from a duet?” She asked.

“Yeah, a song I did with Dongwoon.” Doojoon told her.

“Ah, I caught someone at my university listening to it.”

“So the students like Beast?”

“Actually it was my lecturer,” Doojoon gave a small laugh and Sookyung smiled too.

“They have good taste then,” Doojoon remarked, still grinning. Sookyung nodded unaware she was looking eye to eye at Doojoon. They both blinked before looking away. “So…” Doojoon stopped playing with both hands and just let his left hand tinker up and down an octave, “why did you not accept my kind words?” Sookyung stared at him; she peered down, fidgeting with her hands in her lap.


“Because of what exactly?”

“Because you are famous,” she said finally looking up. Doojoon swapped hands.

“Why does that matter?”

“I just think that it would be best, for your popularity and for my safety that I don’t get emotionally attached.”

“You think it’s bad to be friends with idols?”

“People misunderstand,” Sookyung looked at him directly, “your fans… They would misunderstand.”

“What about your friends? Is it bad that they are friends with my group?”

“I can only speak on my behalf, not theirs.” Sookyung leaned in her chair staring out at the window. The stars were sparkling but there was no moon.  “I can’t say that they are better off or worse off than I would be if they became your friends,” she added. Doojoon stopped playing and swung his legs around so he was giving her his full attention.

“Do you think it would be fine because they are famous?” Sookyung pulled a face.

“Umm, depends… Safety wise yes but emotionally wise… I don't know. I don’t want to see them get hurt.”

“They would be protected from any extreme people,” Doojoon told her scratching his arm, “but how is it different from us being friends with you?”

“Because I’m….” She paused, “I’m normal, ordinary; it doesn’t matter if I get attacked, because I am a nobody.”

“Is that what you really think?” Doojoon was next to her before Sookyung even saw him move. She lifted her head up at him, his dark eyes mysterious from being clouded in his own shadow.

“I am just saying…” She was starting to lose her nerve, “that I would do anything to protect my friends whether they are famous or not.”

“That goes for me too.” Doojoon agreed, “I will protect Beast no matter what happens or who they meet.” He placed a hand on the chair and leaned in, reducing the space between the two of them.

“Is it really that you are afraid of what might happen? Or do you just not like us?” Sookyung wet her lips, turning her head so she wasn’t looking in his eyes.

“I just think… It would be ok for you to be friends with Hyorin and Bora unni,” she said, “but just consider me an acquaintance only.” Doojoon sighed, moving away. Sookyung saw his shadow shifting back with him.

“If you say so,” Doojoon sat back down at the piano starting to play in a minor key. Sookyung stood up to take her leave.

“But,” she stopped, waiting for him to continue his words.

“If you decide to change your mind and want to be friends after all, it’s ok if you call me oppa or dongsaeng.” Sookyung nodded wetting her lips ok.

“Alright Doojoon,” she said leaving the room. Doojoon continued to play but despite the sorrowfulness of the tune he had a smile on his face.


LOL tbh Doojoon wasn't my B2ST bias at first, it was through writing this that he actually became the bias.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!