33. Very Important you

Beauty within a B2stly zoo

Doojoon was in a slump for the next several months. He eventually took back the position of leader after desperate cries from the fans that had missed their leader being leader.

Yoseob and Hyorin were going alright. Junhyung and Bora both moved on with their lives and they saw other people. Junhyung’s girl ended up being Hara from Kara. No one knew who Bora saw for a month before ending things.

Sookyung had to have a break so she could start university again from the start of the semester. It meant that she would graduate later than her friends but the benefit was that she wouldn’t miss any information that she needed for assessments and exams.


“Man I don’t know if I can take anymore of this.”

“But Yoseob we have to.”

“No not rehearsing… I mean… Doojoon, he’s just been so… So lifeless,” it didn’t seem so bad to talk behind his back since he wasn’t in the room.

“But what can we do?” Kikwang asked exasperated. “It’s been three months since, what if Sookyung’s moved on?”

“But if she really did like Doojoon then she wouldn’t have done it so soon.”

“Ah as trusting as ever dear Dongwoon-ah,” Kikwang patted the maknae on the head. Ironically Kikwang had to stand on his toes just to reach.

“Is there any way of knowing?” Hyunseung asked. “Would your girlfriend know if she has or not?”

“Aish, she’s not… Well I think she’s busy…”

“Look the monkey’s face is red,” they all started teasing Yoseob.

“I’m just not use to having her known as my girlfriend,” Yoseob pushed them off him as they pinched his cheeks. “But I’ll try, just stop pinching me!” They released him so he could get up out of his comfortable spot to send Hyorin a message. He was sceptical that it would even work. “I think she may be in Japan so don’t expect an answer for a…” His phone beeped.

“Ah, never mind then,” he opened the message to see what she said. “Well… It looks like there’s still a chance for them then.”

“R-really, let me see,” The other four struggled against each other to read the message. Yoseob had to back away before they got dangerously close. “She says that Sookyung’s just been studying and that she’ll be graduating in the end of the month.”

“Then that’s it! Doojoon can attend the ceremony in secret and surprise her at the end with a confession.”

“I won’t be attending anything,” they’d been caught. Doojoon’s arms were folded across his chest. “It’s over, I won’t have anything more to do with her.”

“But why won’t you hyung?”

“Yoseob-ah, can you please not whine like that when talking. You already know the reason why.” He gave a sigh as he added, “she doesn’t want to.”

“But how do you know…?”

“—did you forget that she rejected me at the hospital?!” This shut Yoseob up. The other members didn’t voice their opinions also.

“Yeah,” Yoseob shrank in his spot. “I remember.” They didn’t speak about it anymore that day.


Sookyung was walking to her next lecture. Her hair got in the way thanks to the breeze. “Well, if it isn’t my lovely back-stabber from High school?”

“What do you want?” Sookyung moaned when she saw Hea-woo. Nothing had changed, well except for the longer hair.

“I’m just doing the rounds, seeing if anyone’s tried to do something great.”

“Well what you see is what you get,” Sookyung opened her arms to emphasize this. Good thing her hands were empty.

“Gee, you’re boring when you aren’t half hoping for something,” Hea-woo scowled. “It makes me wonder if knocking you out had been a bad thing.” Sookyung was on high alert, anything Hea-woo said would be considered suspicious.

“Well, there’s nothing you can do to change things now. Doojoon and I are over.”

“Hmm,” Hea-woo scrunched her lips up. “Damn, no wonder why things are boring. You two aren’t being lovey dovey.” She sighed towards the heavens. “I guess, that’s it then.”

“That’s it what?”

“I need to find someone else’s spirit to crush,” Hea-woo her heels. “But if I find out that you two did get back together well… I’ll be back.” She walked off leaving Sookyung speechless. She was even more so when Hea-woo just managed to disappear without logic.


Junhyung hurried to the door as someone banged on it. “Aish wait a minute I’m not dressed.”

“Hmm, just no shirt,” he spun around and swore when he saw Hea-woo standing there. He fell back onto the chair.

“W-what the hell are you doing here?!”

“Seeing if there’s anything in particular I need to destroy before I go.”

“What do you mean?!” Junhyung stood up. “This stuff is ours there’s nothing for you to ruin!”

“Really,” she raised her eyebrows. “So… Nothing at all?”

“Hell….” Junhyung shook his head in disbelief. “You can’t mean Bora and I… Old news we broke up months ago I’m with someone else now.”

“Is that all?”


“That’s the best you can do?” The other members entered the room.

“H-hyung,” Yoseob pulled Junhyung away in shock. “W-why did you do that?”

“It felt good,” Junhyung’s hand was throbbing from the impact. Hea-woo held her red cheek; her expression un-readable. Everyone stood in shock; the situation unthinkable to them.

“So, you slapped her.” Hyunseung began, “why would you slap a girl?”

“It’s because… S-she screwed us up.” Junhyung had a fire starting to burn in his eyes. “She turned us all into a freak show for six bloody months until the girls came and helped us. Then she almost kills Sookyung for the sake of a damn vendetta that nobody but her gives an s&^# about and now she’s here wanting to screw with us some more. AREN’T YOU ALL BLOODY TIRED!?”

“Shhh calm down,” Yoseob patted Junhyung on the back.

“But he’s right,” Hyunseung agreed. “If it hadn’t been for her, Doojoon and I would have never been enemies.”

“And Doojoon hyung wouldn’t have had to resign as leader,” Dongwoon agreed.

“Yeah, Junhyung’s making a lot of—“

“STOP!” Everyone was dumbfounded. Doojoon’s one word had stunned all of them into silence. “You’re all forgetting.” He began bleakly, “that if hadn’t been for her we wouldn’t have been as strong as we are today in team work. We wouldn’t have gotten that break we so badly needed.” He stood beside her as he finished. “And we would have never met the girls.” They could not argue against this. He had a good point.

“Your right hyung,” Yoseob agreed with remorse. “Hyorin and I wouldn’t be together.”

“Bora and I would have never dated.”

“And you wouldn’t have met and fallen for Sookyung.” Dongwoon may not have thought through what he said but he was true nonetheless.

“Exactly,” Doojoon was able to half grin at it.

“Hmm this is all so touching and all but I’m done with you all.”

“What’s she talking about?” Dongwoon whispered to Kikwang.

“I mean, I’m bored with everyone here. I’m moving on, looking for other targets.”

“So you’re leaving?” They all raised fist in the air to cheer.

“For now,” their happiness at her departure seemed to not upset or move her. Hyunseung blocked the door before she could get out.

“Wait, just tell us this. Did you have anything to do with Sookyung and Doojoon not being together?”

“H-hyung,” Yoseob gasped with Kikwang and Dongwoon both ‘o’ shaped in the mouth. Much to their surprise Hea-woo shook her head.

“I may have told her about his situation but that was the only factor to affect her decision.”


“I didn’t expect her to give up so easily.” Hea-woo had a weird facial gesture. “But it looks like she didn’t really like him after all.”

“No that’s not true liar!” Yoseob argued, “Hyorin can back me up on this one.”

“But then why would she do that?”

“It’s because she cares for him so much.” They’d established this before; but it hadn’t really sunk in. “Think about it,” Yoseob continued. “If you were in her position what would you do? Would you date him knowing that it would cause him to lose fans and popularity or would you think about his position as a singer and let him go?” Slowly but surely they all started to nod.

“I think I understand.” Poor Doojoon couldn’t take what he heard.

“So, she had been right in what she did,” the thought made him well up inside. His voice shook from the struck chord. “But I wouldn’t have cared… I would have fought to protect her.”

“Oh hyung…” They all crowded around him in sympathy giving him their support.

“Well I’m off,” they weren’t listening to Hea-woo anymore. “If you ever decide to… I guess try and help them then I would suggest you do it soon. Her graduation may be a good time.”

“What did you say?” Dongwoon poked his head out from the huddle.

“Until whenever,” Hea-woo was gone.

“Hey hyung’s,” Dongwoon fought to get their attention. “Evil fan-girl just said something about graduation.”

“But isn’t the time they graduate the day when we are in Japan?”

“It is?!”


And I have to tell you that this fanfic is going to be a chapter longer (like I was really going to be finished in two chapters). Man I’m going to have a hard time deciding how to end this. Either it will be realistic and you’ll want to bash my head against a wall or I will end it happy and then my reviewer and Changdictator will bash my head against a wall. I can’t really win unless I find a way to interweave the two hmm… Have faith in me so I don’t fail.

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I know it's been a while but... Does anyone want a sequel?


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sistarandinfinite #1
Chapter 36: I thought Bora and Junhyung will be together at the last chapter but....great stlry anyways
wuffles #2
Chapter 36: It was interest and I love the second last ch! :)
ummior #3
Wow i love it
Chapter 36: Omg!!! I loved it!!! It was amazing and very dramatic!!! But it was an excellent story author-nim!!!
Chapter 36: Yey! What a fun little story! I read it all in 1 day! Ok...one and a half cause I needed to sleep at some point!
maybe i have bad memory
but how has this been changed? ._.
/cannot see
/has terrible memory
/apologizes profusely
Its a gd ending E_magine, dont wry.
Aww they hv 2 her b4 she leaves!!