Chapter Nine: Training

Brothers: Blood is Thicker


I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door. Before I could ask who it was, TOP's voice filled the room.

"Melanie, training room in five minutes!" he ordered. Giana looked up from her bed before bringing the pillow over her face. She must've gotten home really late, but I was kind of glad she was leaving Taeyang alone. I pulled on a yellow tank top and a pair of sweats before I materialized into the hallway, crashing into Jiyoung.

"Watch where you're going!" Jiyoung said, laughing as he got up and pulled me to my feet. We both headed to the elevator, where Taeyang and Seungri were waiting. I kept from laughing at how tired Seungri looked, dark circles forming under his eyes. When we got inside Taeyang pressed the button for the elevator to go down to the basement. When the doors opened we walked out to see TOP, Electra, and Reimy standing in the middle of the training mat before us.

"Morning," TOP greeted. "Today we're going to start some basic training so we can start putting you guys on patrol," he explained. I was starting to get excited. I've always wanted to be on patrol but they always said I was too inexperienced. I guess having these boys here can benefit me as well. TOP nodded towards Reimy and Electra who joined us before TOP walked over to a table full of weapons.

"First lesson is long ranged weapons," TOP begun, grabbing a large bow and a packet of arrows. "You can go old school," He pulled the arrow back on the string and released it. It soared through the room and pierced the target dead center. He put down the bow and picked up a small pistol instead. "Or you can go for something a bit more modern." He aimed the gun and fired six shots into the target's head. We all moved to grab a weapon but TOP stopped us.

"Wait! Only Reimy, Melanie, and Seungri can practice long ranged weapons. The rest of you have powers that you can manifest to become a long ranged weapon. I suggest you figure out how." We spent the next hour or so working on our long range. Seungri had the best aim, hands down. With his heightened sight he was able to use the knives he chose as a weapon to hit the target's head every single throw. I worked with the sniper. I've always been so interested in a gun with such deadly power. It took me awhile to get used to the ricochet but once I did I was able to get a couple of head shots myself. Reimy had a hard time with long distance and just ended up watching the rest of us. Electra had mastered the ability to send out sparks of electricity a long time ago, so this ended up being a quick warm up for her. Taeyang used his ability of light manipulation to form the same whip he used to save me and Jiyoung when we were falling from the plane. He used it to wrap around the target to bring it down to the floor.

"That's pretty cool," Reimy told him. Taeyang looked back and smiled.

"Thank you," he said, bowing his head. "Need some help with that gun?" He offered. Reimy looked down at the gun in his hand.

"I think it's a lost cause," He said, laughing a bit. Taeyang walked over to him and offered his hand.

"You never know. Come on, let's try." Reimy laughed but nonetheless got up and walked with Taeyang to the next target to work on his shooting. Seungri ran out of knives and walked over to Electra to get some more.

"You seriously hit every target?" She asked, a bit skeptical.

"Every single one," Seungri boasted. "I guess it's just a natural talent."

"Wow it's incredible how humble you sound," Electra said sarcastically as she handed the boy more knives. I walked over to Jiyoung, who was shooting balls of fire at his targets. His forehead had beads of sweat falling down from the heat the fire released. I took out my cloth and tapped his shoulder, handing it to him when he turned around.

"Thanks," He said with a smile. "You admiring my work?" He teased, nodding towards the burned targets he had hit.

"Does cockiness run in the family?" I asked, looking back at Seungri trying hard to impress Electra as he threw his knives.

"They get it from their father," TOP said, a smile on his lips. "Except for Taeyang. He reminds me of his mother, always ready to help others." Jiyoung and I looked over at Taeyang who had his hands over Reimy's as he guided the other boy on how to shoot. We practiced for a bit more until my father and Giana showed up with lunch. As food was being handed out, Giana ignored Taeyang the whole time. My dad came up to me.

"You make sure these boys go easy on you, cookie," he warned.

"Dad just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle myself. Would you be telling Electra this?" As if on cue we turned around just in time to see Electra punch Jiyoung in the shoulder for teasing the way she eats. Jiyoung cried out in pain and quickly started rubbing his shoulder.

"Electra doesn't count, she has more balls than any man I've encountered," he said. "Just be careful." He carried his tray away and left with Giana. The next section of training was close combat, a specialty of Electra and Reimy.

"To get close combat right, you have to be equally skilled in weaponry and your powers," TOP explained. Reimy and Electra demonstrated with a quick fight. Electra fancied the butterfly knife while Reimy preferred to have a small ax in each hand. We all watched in amazement as the two clashed their weapons together. The entire fight looked like a choreographed dance as each of them, who became familiar with their fighting styles after working together so long, traveled across the mat trying to outsmart the other. Finally, Reimy leaped in the air and used his super legs to donkey kick Electra, who soared through the room until she hit the ground rolling. Reimy smiled and dropped his arms at his side. Electra quickly shot up and sent a strong bolt of lightning that hit Reimy directly in the chest, knocking him to the ground with a dazed look on his face. Electra walked over and placed the knife at Reimy's throat.

"Winner," TOP announced. "Never assume your opponents defeated. Always make sure. Ok now pair up and practice."

"I can take Jiyoung on," Electra said, looking at the boy who moments before. I laughed to myself as I saw Jiyoung's Adam's apple go up and down before he lowered his head and walked to his beating. Taeyang walked over to Reimy and helped him up.

"You think you can show me some of those moves?" he asked.

"Well it's the least I can do for helping me with my shot," Reimy answered, walking with Taeyang to another part of the room to start fighting. That left me with Seungri, who wasn't that bad. His heightened senses made his strikes faster, but he was easily frustrated when his blows would go through me, allowing me to strike him down pretty easily. Jiyoung ended up holding his own with Electra. Although he never landed a hit on her, she couldn't strike him down, which is huge when you're up against someone like her. Taeyang and Reimy were on the floor, the latter teaching the former how to do an arm bar. Soon TOP had us switched. Taeyang went up against Electra. He tried to blind her by making his whole body shine really bright, which was incredibly clever, but Electra mastered the ability to release a wave of electricity from her body that quickly made the light manipulator buckle down to his knees before she finished him off with a roundhouse kick. Reimy spared against Seungri, warning him about how his frustrations would get the best of him. I was watching them and before I knew it, I was being tackled to the floor. I turned around to face Jiyoung, who was on top of me with that stupid smirk of his.

", I wasn't ready!" I yelled, struggling to break out of his grip.

"You shouldn't let your opponent surprise you," He teased, his face inches from mine.

"You're right," I said, before letting my wrists materialize through his grip to latch onto him as my knee slammed into his groin. He moaned in pain and I rolled him over to where I was straddling over him.

"What now, huh?" I asked, smiling at my dominance over him. It quickly faded as I noticed the smirk on his face was still there. "Why are you so happy?" I demanded. He looked me up and down and wiggled in his spot.

"This is actually my favorite position," He said, his grin getting wider. My eyes grew as I jumped off him.

"You're such a ert!" I yelled. I walked over to where the others were resting and sat next to Reimy.

"Damn, Melanie," Reimy said, only loud enough for me to hear. "I couldn't tell if you guys were fighting, or just being ."

"Shut up!" I whispered. TOP came up to us and handed Taeyang an ice pack for his head, which was bleeding from his left eyebrow.

"Good job you guys," he said. "This was a very productive day and it'll only make us stronger as a team. That's it for today, if you have any injuries go see Helen. I have to go talk to Daesung about something." With that, TOP his heel and headed for the elevator. I groaned as I got up, knowing I should head to Helen's office so I don't bruise. Turned out everyone was thinking the same thing and eventually we were all in her office. Helen, TOP, Daesung, and Electra watched us as we rested on the beds.

"So how are they doing?" Helen asked.

"Better than I expected," Electra said honestly. She never went to Helen to heal her wounds, which is why she actually has scars from battle. Daesung smiled and took a step towards us.

"You all should be proud, I can already see the progress in your body mass," He explained. TOP nodded his head in agreement. I smiled as I looked at Jiyoung laying across from me. He caught my glance and threw me a wink, laughing as my smile disappeared.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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