Chapter Twenty-Six: Lunar Reincarnation

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

GD and I were in the living room watching a movie when it felt like the entire building shook out of place. We looked at each other, then realized something was happening when another tremour rippled through the building. The TV fell on the ground, the screen shattering on impact, along with many other small objects in the room. Outside I could hear car alarms blaring on and off. GD stood up.

"Get us to the basement," He said, extending his hand. I grabbed it and matieralized us through the two floors until we were in the basement, where TOP, Taeyang, and Seungri were already suiting up.

"What the hell's going on?!?" I demanded, running to my locker before slipping off my clothes to change into my suit. The ground shook again, causing me to lose my feeting and hold on to the loker for balance.

"Alexander and his army found us," TOP answered. "It's the only explanation." The door to the basement opened and Daesung and Reimy entered, the latter quickly going to his locker to change. Daesung looked terrified.

"TOP! He-Helen, she's out there-"

"She's with Electra, she'll be fine!" TOP assured. He walked up to his friend and gripped his shoulders. "I promise you I'll bring her back safe, but I need you to get Giana and Charlie and hide down here until the coast is clear." Daesung slowly nodded before rushing out of the basement. TOP turned to the rest of us. "Everyone huddle up!" He called out. When he had everyone's attention he let out a loud sigh. "I never wanted this day to come, but it has and now we have to defend Celeste or give it's civilians enough time to escape. If any of us die, DON'T slow down. From the moment you step out of this building every breath you take is dedicated to make sure everyone else is safe. Clear?"

"Clear!" We all shouted. He motioned for us to leave and we all broke out into a jog. When we stepped outside, GD grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss.

"Be careful out there, ok?" He said after we pulled apart. I nodded, noticing Taeyang and Reimy embracing each other as well. They both then hugged Seungri as they all mumbled something. I glanced up into the sky, noticing dark red streaks of lights flashing like lightning everywhere. What kind of power was this? People all around us were screaming and running away from the downtown area. Without saying a word, we all started jogging that way.

"TOP!" We all turned around to see Eugene running towards us.

"Eugene how did Alexander find us?" TOP demanded.

"That's just it, he didn't!" Eugene revealed. "No one has been in or out of the entrance since your last mission four days ago!" Suddenly a loud bird cry ripped through the air and we all turned to see a giant pink shadow in the shape of a crow head straight towards us. Before it could get any closer, however, Taeyang manipulated the light around him into an arrow that shot through the bird's chest. The bird cried out and vaporized into the air. Eugene grabbed TOP's shoulder. "I'm going to seek the council!" TOP nodded and watched as the other man ran off. When we finally reached downtown, the entire block was a disaster. Whirling winds of red and pink lashed out in every corner, a bright pink oval of light in the center. Celestrian soldiers tried to rush the oval, but were shot down by blasts of pink, knocking them away easily. The ones that survived battled the pink shadows of different kinds of beasts.

"There's Helen!" Seungri yelled. We all turned to see Helen fighting off a pink shadow in the shape of a wolf. She wasn't a fighter, but her ability to heal proved helpful against the shadow. I felt a shift in the winds and turned to see the oval shift it's attention to Helen. I could only watch as it sent out a volt of light towards her. The shadow, sensing the light, disappeared but before it could hit it's target, Electra pushed Helen out of the way. The volt blasted her into the building behind her. "No!" Seungri cried, trying to run towards her. Taeyang grabbed him and held him back.

"Focus on the mission!" He yelled. A shadow taking the form of a shark rushed towards us, forcing GD to send blasts of fire before it vaporized. TOP took the opportunity to change into a metal form and grab Helen before pulling her away from harm. By now the oval's attention was now on us and sent a bolt in our direction. I jumped out of the way in time, but the aftershock of the blast sent me rolling across the street. I looked up to see GD knocked unconscious from the blast. Reimy somehow snuck up behind the oval and rushed it. I felt a hand tug my suit and turned around to see Luna's mother.

"Melanie, you have to stop him!" she cried. I stared at her, wondering why she would say such a thing. A gasp left my mouth before I jumped up, realizing what day it was.

"REIMY NO!" I screamed. Reimy stopped, the oval noticing his presence and blasting him away into a parked car.

"Melanie what are you doing?!?" Taeyang cried, fighting off another shadow crow. I got up to my feet and rushed the oval. It sent strong volts, but I materialized through them until I finally reached the oval itself. I started materializing through it, feeling a strong current go through my body until I was finally inside. My eyes lowered to the person I expected to find.

"Luna," I whispered, kneeling down next to the girl who was crying in fetal position. Luna opened her eyes, which were bright pink.

"Melanie?" She whimpered. She jumped into my arms and starting crying harder. "I don't know what's happening! I-I can't control it!"

"It's ok," I said soothingly. "I'm here." It wasn't an attack from Alexander's forces, it was Luna's birthday and her powers were manifesting. I've never seen such a power as great as this, but I quickly glanced at my watch. Five minutes until midnight.

"I'm scared, Melanie," Luna cried. I shushed her, running my hand up and down her back to calm her down.

"Seungri," I said in a clear voice, hoping the boy's heightened senses will pick up her voice through the oval. "Do not attack the oval, just fight off the shadows until midnight."

"Are you crazy?" Seungri's voice said.

"Just trust me," I told him. "Everything will be fine after midnight."

"You better be right, Melanie." I kept holding onto Luna as I heard yells and other noises outside the oval. Finally, my watched beeped. It was midnight. Luna flew from my arms, her eyes still birght pink. The oval around us opened up and transformed into a pair of large angel wings on her back. Her usual blonde shoulder length hair was now glowing white and reached passed her feet. I looked around and noticed her powers were fixing everything they had just destroyed. Then the winds finally stopped and Luna was back to her normal self. I could hear people approach me and I turned to see Luna's mom, TOP, and an injured Seungri, who was being supported by Helen. I guessed Taeyang was knocked out of the fight.

"My baby!" Luna's mother cried, grabbing her child.

"What happened?" Helen asked.

"Her powers evolved," I answered. TOP nodded.

"Take her home," he told the mother, who nodded and and left with a sleeping Luna in her arms.


We were all back at Helen's office as she healed everyone who got injured.

"I still don't understand how she caused all that damage to the city and then fixed it just as fast," GD said.

"Yeah," Seungri agreed. "When my powers evolved, I wasn't one tenth as crazy as she was."

"I don't think anyone was," I answered. Whatever Luna's power turned out to be, it was clear she was going to be a strong Celestrian. Daesung stormed in the office, slapping down a bunch of papers onto Helen's desk before pacing through the room.

"Clearly Luna isn't the only crazy Celestrian," Electra mumbled.

"I have a theory about the girl's powers," Daesung said quietly. "I was looking at the camera feed of the battle and..." He drifted off.

"What is it, honey?" Helen asked. He looked at everything, his glance landing on TOP last.

"I think Luna is the reincarnation of Celeste herself." The room went quiet as Daesung's words sunk in. Celeste, the strongest of our kind to have ever lived, reincarnated into Luna?

"How?" TOP asked.

"I don't know but she displayed plenty examples of Celeste's powers."

"Like?" Seungri asked.

"Shadow manipulation, energy manipulation, telekentic winds, and the angel wings."

"Celeste had angel wings?" Reimy asked.

"Yes she did," Daesung replied. "But they only appeared when she healed something, just like when Luna returned downtown back to normal. I don't know how it's possible, but Celeste possessed powers that no one knew about."

"So what do we do now?" I asked, worried for the little girl I used to babysit.

"Her safety is now our numbder one priority. We need to watch and protect her until she's old enough to trigger the memories of Celeste."

"What about the council?" Electra asked. "Do you really think Larry's would allow any of this?"

"What Larry doesn't know won't hurt him," TOP said. "None of his soldiers know it was Luna and Daesung got all the recordings. I have a friend who can also manipulate shadows. I''l ask him to take the heat for a hefty reward."

"So what does this mean?" Taeyang asked. "Now that Celeste is reincarnated?" TOP looked up at everyone.

"It means Luna is the key to winning this war."

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