A Night Out

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"Who brought me the fresh baked cookies?" Electra asked, wasting no time in shoving one in . Reimy smiled and Electra gave him a thumbs up. "I should've known it was my little fairy."

"Well I know how much you like chocolate chip and I was in the mood to bake," Reimy teased. "Soooo you're welcome."

"No seriosuly thanks guys," she said, putting away the food we brought her. "The stuff they try to serve me is disgusting." We all laughed, except for Seungri, who just lowered his head.

"I wish I could get you out," he mumbled.

"Hey!" Electra yelled. "None of that sappy ! It's not like I'm dying...yet." We all widened our eyes and Electra started laughing. "Kidding! Geez, you guys need to lighten up!"

"How are we when you're locked up in here and Alexander is still causing trouble out there?" I told her. Ever since she's been locked up we've all been spreading our time trying to help her and protect Celeste from Alexander. Electra rolled her eyes.

"Stressing this much will get you killed," she told us. "You all should go out tonight."

"We hardly went out when you were with us, what makes you think we'd go out now?" GD asked, slipping his arm around my waist and resting it there.

"Because I'm telling you to. Think of this as my dying wish," she said, laughing again at our reactions. "Kidding!"

"It's not that funny," Seungri mumbled.

"Well whining isn't either," she replied, turning her attention to GD and me. "I mean look at you two, when's the last time you went on a date?" She asked. GD and I looked at each other. It had been awhile. Definitely before Giana and my dad died. To be honest, I did miss the days when we just laid on couch wrapped in each other's arms as we watched tv. Seems like everything fast forward after that and we had to grow up.

"Well..." GD tried to respond, laughing when he knew she was right. Electra smiled triumphantly as well.

"My point exactly." She turned to the rest of the group. "We didn't talk behind their backs about wanting them together to just sit back and let them turn into a boring old couple. It's your jobs as friends to take them out tonight."

"Wait you guys would talk about us?" I asked. Seungri shrugged.

"We all knew you liked each other. Especially me since I would here GD say your name when he-"

"Ok!" GD said, flicking fire in the other boy's direction. "I think we get the point." I giggled at the sight of GD blushing, bringing his hand up to mine to kiss it.

"Maybe going out for one night wouldn't be such a bad idea?" I offered.

"Really?" GD asked, a glint in his eye. I nodded my head and Electra clapsed her hands.

"It's settled then!" She turned to TOP. "You have to take them out tonight, no exceptions." TOP, who was standing in the back, straightened up his body.

"Why do I have to babysit?" he asked.

"You're not," Electra told him. "You need to go out just as much as they do. Bring Daesung and Helen too." TOP sighed, considering the option until he finally nodded his head. A great, big smile spread across my face as GD squeezed my hand in excitement.


The club was the usual spot for the young adults who were old enough to drink. We were all a little awkward at first, not knowing what we should do, but once we got a couple of drinks in our system we started to really loosen up. Just like at the beach, which seemed ages ago, I saw a side of TOP I thought didn't exist. He had almost every single girl in here wanting to talk to him, but he chose his on-again/off-again fling Bom. The two joined Daesung and Helen and started the most hilarious drunk conversations I've ever heard in my life. Seungri was a little depressed at first, but with a little convincing from GD, the youngest brother was soon becoming the entertainment of the night as he had us all laughing at his gestures. Taeyang and Reimy were another story. Seperate they were fine, but in the middle of the drinking Ambrose showed up and starting catching up with Reimy. I heard the conversation, Ambrose was seeing another guy and was doing good in school, nothing flirting about it. Taeyang thought differently, interrupting the two to confess how much he misses Reimy. What we didn't expect was Reimy to admit the same thing. They spent the rest of the night huddled so close their foreheads were touching as they talked about theri relationship. As for GD and I, we spent most of the time on the dance floor. Even though we were in a crowd full of people, it was the most intimate moment we've shared in a long time. With the music pulsing through our veins and our bodies pressed tight togther, it was clear how much we wanted each other.

"Remind me to bake Electra some cookies as a thank you," GD said, lifting up my chin as his lips pressed firmly against mine. I welcomed the kiss and let him explore my mouth a little more than I should before pulling away.

"I love you," I tell him. He smiles and pulls my hair behind my head.

"I love you, too," He said. He kissed me again and brought his lips to my ear. "We should leave soon." I giggled and nibbled on his own ear.

"I think that's a very good idea."

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?