Chapter Eleven: Fun at the Beach

Brothers: Blood is Thicker


We've been training for two weeks now, and since we're using Woojong and Minrae's sacrifice to motivate us, we've really improved. Seungri and I are the best when it comes to long distance with weapons, Taeyang and Jiyoung are the best at using their powers, Reimy is better at close combat, and Electra and TOP are the best all around. After passing one of the hardest skills test TOP has ever gave us, Seungri and Jiyoung thought it would be cool if everyone had nicknames, like the X-Men.

"I want to be called V.I. for Victory!" Seungri announced.

"If that ain't the dumbest nickname I've ever heard," Electra commented. Seungri looked at her with a shocked expression.

"What?!? My name's cute!" Seungri defended.

"You want your enemies to think you're cute?" She asked. Seungri opened his mouth but couldn't think of anything to say. Electra laughed. "Thought so. I'll keep my name, it's pretty self explanatory."

"Me too," Taeyang added.

"What about me?" I asked. You couldn't know a girl can go through walls with a name like Melanie.

"What about Shadowcat?" Seungri offered. I stared at him.

"That's the name of the girl who can go through walls in X-Men!" I yelled, feeling insulted he tried to give me a used name. "I think I should just stay as Melanie."

"Yeah I'll stick with Reimy," Reimy said. "I don't think we'll figure out a cool name for someone who has super powered legs."

"Kicks? Oinker's sideKICK?" Taeyang teased. Reimy laughed and shook his head.

"Well I want to be called G-Dragon," Jiyoung announced.

"Why?" Seungri asked.

"Because they breathe fire, like this." Jiyoung took in a deep breath and breathed out a trail of fire in the air. We all cheered and clapped.

"That's actually pretty badass," Electra admitted.

"What?!?" Seungri squealed.

"It's such a mouthful though," Reimy said. Jiyoung thought about it.

"What about GD for short?" he asked. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, Electra pounded fists with him.

"It makes sense in a weird way actually," I said, causing everyone to look at me. "The night before I met you guys I had a dream about a dragon." Jiyoung, I mean, GD smiled at me.

"Well then it's settled. Everyone keeps their name but me," he said, joining the rest of us in laughing when we saw Seungri's reaction. Seungri lowered his head but Electra gently shoved him.

"Come on, I like Seungri way better than Victory."

"You do?" he asked. Electra nodded and Seungri's cocky smile returned. The elevator doors opened and TOP walked in with Daesung, Helen, and Giana.

"What's up?" GD asked.

"We're going to give you guys a break from training today," Helen announced. Everyone cheered a little before Electra crossed her arms.

"What's the catch?" she asked. TOP laughed and threw up his hands.

"No catch, Daesung knows a great beach spot that we can all go to relax." He said. After that we all loaded up the big van. My father decided to stay to cook and Giana was out on a date. Daesung was driving and he revealed that the beach was located outside the mountain walls of Celeste. We drove up to the gate to greet Eugene then drove another twenty minutes until we arrived at a deserted beach. We all got out of the van and walked over to a spot to set up. The water looked amazing and soon we were all undressing into out swim suits to jump in, except for Electra who wanted to wait a bit. I couldn't help but GD's eyes lingering on me as I undressed into my two piece. We hadn't even swam for ten minutes when TOP brought out the water guns. It turned into an all out war between him and Daesung, I've never seen them act so childish in my life.

"I think that's why my brother called him Bingu TOP," GD said as he swam up next to me. We kept on watching and busted out laughing when Daesung got TOP square in the face. Embarrassed, TOP closed his eyes and started to focus. I knew that look of concentration, it was the same look I gave before materializing. TOP's body suddenly turned into the water he was swimming in and he disappeared.

"Wow so he can turn into water?" Seungri asked.

"Yup," Helen answered. "Anything he can touch." Daesung looked worried and tried to swim to the shore, but not before a huge wave rose up behind him and slammed him deep into the water. When he got up, TOP had already transformed back into his original form and was laughing.

"Who's up for volleyball?" Electra called out.

"Holy !" Seungri yelled as he gazed at the perfect tan body of Electra. I glanced at GD who was also looking, but quickly looked away when he noticed me staring. I didn't take it personal, what man wouldn't look at Electra. A person came to mind, but when I looked at Reimy he was admiring her too.

"Damn girl," Reimy said as he got out of the water. "I didn't put on sun block, turn down the hotness."

"Shut up," Electra laughed. "Ok we have an odd number so who's going to sit out?"

"We have to cook the burgers on the grill," TOP said, leaving with Daesung and Helen to get the food. Electra shrugged.

"Ok," she said. "My team can have-"

"I'm with Electra!" Seungri interrupted, running over to Electra's said.

"No, I'm getting GD and Melanie," Electra said. "You take Taeyang and Reimy." Seungri sighed loudly, but did as he was told. GD ran up to me.

"I hope you don't ," He whispered.

"Oh haha," I mocked. We all set up and Taeyang served the ball. He hit it hard over the net but I quickly hit to Electra who spiked it. Seungri and Reimy both dove for it but crashed into each other. Taeyang walked over and helped Reimy up.

"Thanks," Reimy said, before they both helped Seungri up. Reimy looked up at the car approaching. "Well look who decided to show up!" He yelled. We all turned to see Giana getting out of her car, waving at us.

"I couldn't waste a chance to get my tan on!" She yelled back. We all laughed as she walked over to us. "Oh and Reimy, I found something of yours on my way here." Reimy looked back at the car to see Ambrose coming out. Reimy pushed pass Taeyang and Seungri to run into Ambrose's arms.

"I thought this was just for us," Taeyang mumbled. He looked down when the three reached us.

"I want to play!" Giana said. We agreed to have her on our team since we figured Ambrose would want to play on Reimy's team. She served the ball, but Seungri was able to hit it over the net this time. Electra set it up for GD to return it over the net.

"I got it!" Ambrose called, preparing to hit the ball. Taeyang jumped up in front of him and smacked the ball down on our side to score a point.

"Yeah!" Seungri cheered, high fiving Taeyang.

"Dude, I called it," Ambrose said. Taeyang shrugged his shoulders.

"Didn't hear you." He walked away back to his spot, ignoring the look Reimy was giving him. Reimy served the all this time, Giana hit it back and again Ambrose got ready to hit the ball but then Taeyang jumped in and hit it over. I dove for it, but GD got there first and hit it over. I couldn't stop my momentum and crashed into him, falling on top of him as we hit the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I said, rubbing my elbow. GD looked up and smiled.

"It's ok, we're in my favorite position again," he teased, wigglying in his place. I slapped his chest and helped him get up. "Did we score?"

"No," Electra said, pointing up. We looked up to see TOP with the ball in his hands.

"Foods ready," He announced. Electra kicked the dirt.

"What the hell, TOP! You don't just walk in the middle of the game and catch the ball!" TOP laughed.

"I do what I want, lady." He walked back with the others to the table. I walked next to Giana.

"How was your date?" I asked.

"It was fine, but I'm glad I came here instead," she admitted. We laughed and watched as Reimy walked to Taeyang.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah," he mumbled, walking away once Ambrose caught up to them. I looked at Giana who shrugged her shoulders. She got closer to me to whisper.

"So how long have you like that Jiyoung guy?" she asked.

"I don't like him!" I whispered back, looking to make sure he was far from us.

"Girl I see how you look at him," Giana said, before pinching my cheek. "I think this is the year my little Melanie gets her freak on!"

"Oh my god, Gi, shut up!" I told her, looking back to see if Seungri wasn't eavesdropping with his super hearing. We sat at the table as Helen set up the plates. I glanced at GD, but looked away when he did the same. I don't know why I was so embarrassed. Was it because of what Giana said? Or was it because it's something that's crossed my mind also? 

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