Chapter Twenty-Four: Blood Is Thicker

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

It's been three days since we all found out about Seungri. No one knew what to think. If I felt bewildered, I couldn't imagine what GD and Taeyang were going through. To find out that someone you thought was your brother your whole life suddenly isn't anymore must be heartbreaking, it made me almost thankful I was an only child. The one who took it the hardest was, of course, Seungri. Helen broke the news to him after she managed to heal him up with a sample of her own blood, which had the abilities to replicate another's to heal. He was angry at first, punching holes into walls and screaming at everyone until he broke down and cried.

"I don't have an identity!" He cried, before falling to his knees and crying hysterically. I stayed rooted to my spot on the floor. I didn't know what to say then, I when I glanced at Reimy and Helen, they didn't either. Even Daesung, who seemed to have a solution for everything, was speechless. He, too, was just as side swept as the rest of us by the shocking news. We all stared at disbelief as Electra walked up to him and kneeled down beside him.

"Look at me," She said. When Seungri didn't obey, she gently grabbed his chin and lifted his head up to meet her gaze. "Your name is Seungri. You're a Celestrian with the gift of heightened senses," She turned to Taeyang and GD. "And those are your younger brothers."


"You don't have to be from the same womb to be brothers, Seungri." She grabbed his hand. "You've grown up with them. You dealt with the same struggles and same joys with them. You're closer to them than TOP could ever be, and he's their blood." Seungri stared back her, not knowing what to say. "No matter what anyone says, you're their brother."

"She's right," GD said, walking up to them with Taeyang. "I watched you take your first steps, you little ," He teased, which earned him a grin from Seungri. "You're our brother whether you like it or not."

"But," Seungri said, sniffing away the tears. "What happened to my real parents?" GD exchanged glances with Taeyang and Electra.

"We'll find out," Taeyang reassured.

"I think I know how," Daesung interrupted, his first words since finding out the truth about Seungri. "We should have a talk with the lady that raised you. You know, the friend of your mother's."

"I wouldn't want to bring Dolores into this," GD said. "She's already helped enough."

"We can at least talk to her," Electra reasoned. "For Seungri." GD looked at his brother and sighed.



So now everyone was in the living room upstairs waiting for TOP and Electra to return with Dolores. GD told me about her last night. She was an old woman, a human who raised them when their parents were murdered. The sound of the elevator coming up ruined the silence as everyone turned to face the doors. Seungri jumped up from the couch, too nervous to sit down. When it opened, TOP walked out and Electra shortly after. When the doors closed behind them, Seungri walked up confused.

"Where is she?" he asked.

"She was murdered by Alexander's forces," TOP said. Helen gasped and Taeyang dropped his head in his hands. Seungri stared in disappointment until Electra walked up to him.

"But we found this," She handed him a worn out book. He took it and flipped through the pages.

"It's her personal journal," He revealed. He kept reading, hoping to find any information about his life. "It says that Mom- I mean, Minrae ran into my parents, who were also targeted for death. She took me in after they begged her too."

"Does it mention anything else?" Reimy asked. Seungri shook his head.

"No, the next entry talks about  she took us in after..." He didn't have to finish. We all knew what happened after. GD's parents were killed. "I wonder if they're still alive?"

"Alexander's forces are great at tracking, Seungri. I hope you're not thinking about finding them," TOP said.

"I'm not," He replied, looking at his brothers. "My family's here." He smiled at them and they both stood up and walked up to him.

"Then let's make it official," GD said, pulling out a knife. "We'll mix our blood, that way we're blood brothers."

"That sounds like a cult," Giana mumbled.

"It's what the Native Americans did with their allies," Taeyang responded. Seungri looked at both of them.

"Ok," He finally said. One by one they pricked their index finger's before pressing them against the other's. After some time they pulled away.

"There!" GD said, happy with himself. "Blood is thicker than any bond."

"Right," Seungri mumbled. He turned around and walked straight up to Electra before cupping her face and planting a soft kiss on her lips. When he pulled apart, they were BOTH smiling. "Thank you."

"No problem," She said, just as surprised as the rest of us. Looked like Seungri had finally got what he wanted after all.




Sorry for the late update, everyone. I don't have internet right now so I'm

borrowing Mcdonald's wifi lol. Please Comment, Vote and Subscribe!

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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