Chapter Twenty: Confrontation

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"So now that you guys are dating, are you going to tell Charlie?" Reimy asked. We were on the elevator headed down to the kitchen for dinner. It's been a couple of weeks since GD and I became official, but only Giana, Reimy, and GD's brother's knew. Actually, now that I think about it, Daesung hinted not too long ago that he knew something was up. If that were the case, he would've told TOP and Helen and eventually Electra would beat it out of TOP. If that were the case it meant that my dad was the only out of the loop.

"Well, GD wants to, but I told him we should keep him in the dark for now," I told him.

"Why?" he asked. I took in a breath of air as I thought of how I should respond.

"I haven't told him this, but I think my dad has something against GD," I revealed.

"What do you mean?"

"My dad has never gotten uptight about the subject of me dating before, he even tried to set me up with Ambrose before we realized he was gay," I told him. Reimy's eyes showed saddness, I forgot that he was still trying to get over the break up. ", Riemy, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. We've both moved on," Reimy said. I looked at him and his eyes grew big when he realized what he said. "I mean, we're still good friends."

"That's good," I mumbled, choosing not to pursue the topic anymore.

"So why do you think your dad hates GD?" he asked.

"Well, I don't think it's just GD. I think he hates all three of them." The three I meant was GD, Taeyang and Seungri. At first I thought I was overthinking it. But ever since those boys arrived my dad has been hostile. When he first met them, he didn't even greet them and then warned me to be careful around them. When Brett first harrased me and we returned to the house, my dad immdiately assume it was BOTH Seungri and GD at fault. He had a grudge against them but I couldn't figure out why. Reimy looked like he was going to protest against my theory but he remained silent as the elevator opened up and revealed everyone else on the dining table. GD's eyes quickly found mine and he smiled softly. I smiled back and sat in between Reimy and Seungri, who was already eating.

"Are you always hungry?" I asked. Reimy nodded his head, swalloing up the mouthful of noodles.

"Yes, ma'am," He replied. I laughed and looked at GD, who was already staring at me. He looked to see if my dad was looking and, satisfied that he was preoccupied with the stew, turned back to me and blew a kiss. Giana, who saw this, groaned loudly.

"Are you two still in the puppy love stage of the relationship? Gross," she said. My dad looked up from his stew.

"Who?" he asked. I tried to warn Giana with my eyes not to say anything, but she was too busy texting.

"Your daughter and GD," she replied, as if nothing was wrong. "It's been weeks you think they'd already get tired of all the-"

"Giana!" I finally yelled, hoping she'd shut up.

"What?" Giana asked, confused at the anger in my voice.

"You're dating him?!?" My father roared. "Melanie I forbidded you to be with him and you go behind my back anyways?!?"

"Sir-" GD tried.

"Don't even get me started with you!" He warned, giving GD the most hateful stare. I stood up from my chair.

"Dad, stop!" I demanded my voice getting just as loud.

"It's not me it's him and the rest of his family!" he yelled. TOP stopped chewing his food feeling the tension in the room grow. Taeyang and Seungri looked at each other with confused looks, until GD stood up from his seat as well.

"Say what you want to me, but leave my family out of this!" He yelled.

"Seriously, dad, what is your problem with them?" I asked. He gripped his small towel tight.

"My problem is that men with the last name Bin have a liking to take away the women I love away from me!" He revealed.

"Charlie," TOP warned, looking at the man in the eye. "Are you want to do this?" I could see the tears form in eyes, but his glare was still on the Bin brothers.

"I loved my wife," He said. "From the moment I met her I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was smart, funny, and was the most beautiful human being I had ever laid eyes on, but there was one problem." He gripped the kitchen counter and looked down. "She didn't love me. As much as I tried to impress her, she only had eyes for another man. Woojong Bin." I gasped and glanced at GD.

"Our father?" he asked. My father nodded. Taeyang looked at TOP.

"Tell us he's lying," He told him, but TOP shook his head.

"He's telling the truth," he revealed. "My brother and Soojin grew up together, they're families were very close. She was in love with him, but Woojong only saw her as a friend. The final heartbreak was when he finally admitted his feelings to Minrae and they eloped." Wow, I thought. This was just an endless cycle of heartbreak.

"So," Helen started. "How did you end up marrying Soojin, Charlie?" My father bit his lip.

"She settled for me, but I loved her so much I didn't care. When we found out she was pregnant I thought things were going to get better, but then those damn Dark Celestrians attacked. When Woojong left with his family, my wife's soul was shattered. She couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. All she wanted was to be with that man. So, after giving birth to you, Melanie, she took off."


"But everything was fine after that," he interrupted. "I raised you and you became the gem of my life, but as soon as these three walked in this kitchen, I knew one of them would try to snatch you away and leave you broken hearted."

"Charlie, I would never do that to Melanie," GD told him.

"Yes you will," he said. "Out of the three of you, you're the most like your father, Jiyoung. But I don't care anymore. You two do whatever you want." He threw the rag on the floor and stormed off into the elevator. Everyone sat quiet until Giana's phone rang.

"Yeah, I got to take this." She got up and walked off, ignoring the fact that she caused all of this. GD sighed and reached over the table to grab my hand.

"At least we don't have to hide to do this," He said.

"I know," I mumbled, but it still felt wrong.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?