Chapter Twenty-Two: Coming Out

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

It's been three days since I awkardly found out about Reimy and Taeyang's relationship. For the most part, Taeyang avoided me like the plague and at first Reimy was doing the same until I got fed up and confronted him after training.

"Reimy," I said, grabbing his arm so he wouldn't walk away. Taeyang hovered around for a bit, but then left with Seungri to the elevator. "You're my best friend, please don't avoid me." Reimy sighed.

"I'm sorry. It's not like I'm trying to, really. I'm just-" Reimy sat down and dropped his face in his hands. "I just don't know what to do."

"So let me help you." I knealt down next to him and then Reimy told me how the whole thing happened. He noticed how Taeyang and him hit it off, but he brushed it off for two reasons. First, he was seeing Ambrose at the time and didn't want to hurt him. Second, Reimy didn't think Taeyang was gay, you know, because of the incident with Giana. Ugh. I've seen this boy way too many times. When him and Ambrose ended things, Taeyang confessed his feelings and they've been dating ever since.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked, rubbing his back softly. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, but hiding this from his brothers is hurting him, Mel." That night I wanted to talk to Taeyang alone. I had to be smart about it though. I couldn't just ask to speak to him, he wouldn't go for that. So I waited. FInally my chance came up when TOP took Reimy and Electra on a scouting mission. I was with GD in his bedroom, the one he shared with Seungri and Taeyang who were also in the room. I kissed the skin on GD's neck softly before leaning into his ear.

"I promise I'll explain everything to you later, but right now I need you to take Seungri in the kitchen and stay there for awhile," I whispered. GD looked at me witha confused expression, but nonethless obeyed. He told Seungri to come with him to get some ice cream, which of course the younger brother didn't mind doing. They left and Taeyang tried to leave with them but I quickly shut the door.

"Please move," He mumbled.

"We need to talk. Taeyang I know you're not happy keeping this a secret, and it's definitely not helping Reimy either." We held each other's gaze as silence filled the room. Taeyang finally looked away as the tears started falling from his face. I moved forward to hug him and was quickly into his arms as he wept into my shoulder.

"What if they hate me Melanie," He cried. "I love my brothers! I wouldn't know what to do if they hated me." I grabbed his face and stared at him again.

"Taeyang, they're your brothers. They'll love you just the way you are. Besides, Seungri loves Reimy," I told him, remembering the little fights I had with Seungri to over who gets to hang out with Reimy. Taeyang sniffed and wiped away the last of tears on his sleeve.

"Ok," He said.

"Ok what?" I asked.

"I want to tell them."


So now here we are the next day waiting for GD and Seungri to show up in the living room. Reimy and I tried our best to keep Taeyang calm, who felt so nervous he was pacing around the room. The elevator doors opened and GD and Seungri walked, both confused as to why they were summoned here.

"Hey," GD said, walking up to me to give me a soft kiss. He slipped his hand into mine as he sat next to me. Seungri sat next to Reimy and asked him if he saw the new episode of some show they were both watching. Taeyang sighed and sat down on the chair in front of them.

"Hey, guys. Lately I've been thinking, and I want to tell you something."

"So tell us," GD said, an amused look on his face. Taeyang's eyes glanced at Reimy, who smiled and nodded at him reassuirngly.

"I'm gay." He finally revealed. "And I'm in love with Reimy." Me and Reimy both gasped at that. He loved him?

"Oh," GD said, turning to me. "You knew about this?"

"Not voluntarily," I mumbled. He nodded his head and crossed his arms.


"Ok?" Taeyang asked.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. What's there to eat?" He said, rising up from his seat.

"Wait that's it?" Taeyang asked. GD laughed.

"Tae, we're your brothers. We've always known you were gay," He said. Seungri hoped up from his seat as well.

"Yeah! Plus I overheard you and Melanie talking the other night. We don't really care, as long as we don't end up seing what she saw," he said. Taeyang stared in amazement and finally smiled.

"Thanks guys," he said. "I guess I was overeeacting." GD wrapped his arm around him as we all gravitated to the kitchen.

"Yeah, just a bit."

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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