
Brothers: Blood is Thicker

I was in the living room lazily watching Oinkers play around with his balloon toys, waiting for the others to come back. After the incident with Luna, Daesung wanted to visit an ancient library to study up on Celeste so Reimy, Taeyang, and Seungri went with him on a zone plane. Shortly after they left, however, Daesung's technology picked up Dark Celestrian activity. Since there always needs to be someone here at the house, I was forced to stay as TOP took GD and Electra to investigate. The final bizarre thing to happen was that my father was back in the kitchen cooking. After being unnecessarily depressed about my relationship with GD, he locked himself in his room and refused to cook for any of us. Luckily Daesung was also a genius in that category but now he was in the kitchen again mixing up something. I knew what is was for. His anniversary with my mom was tomorrow and he still cooked an entire meal hoping that she'd come back. In the end she's still a no show and I help out with the leftovers, although I'm pretty sure Seungri will try to take that duty. Drumming my stomach, I got up and materialized through my door to my room to get some clothes to change into after I jumped in the shower. I quickly stopped, however, when I spotted Giana curled up on her bed and crying. She looked up and quickly wiped away the tears on her sleeve.

"Ever heard of knocking?" she asked. She sat up on her bed and started wiping away the eyeliner that had smeared all over her face.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Everything's super," she replied sarcastically. I frowned at her response and sat next to her.

"Did someone break up with you?" I asked, making her laugh. It wasn't a joyful laugh, though. It was a laugh from someone who was still hurting about something.

"Yeah that's probably all I'm known for huh? Giana, the girl who drives you guys wherever you want by day and sleeps with the boys by night," She muttered.

"Are you mad at me or something?" I asked. Giana shook her head.

"No," she breathed. "I'm just...taking it all in." She looked at me and smiled. "My family has lived alongside Celestrians since when Celeste herself was still alive. Some people see that as an honor but lately I've been seeing it as...a prison statement."

"What do you mean?"

"Look around, Melanie. What humans on this side of the war can say they have an amazing life? Can say that they've traveled the world and experinced things that I could only dream of doing? The answer to your question is none." She looked down at her feet, tears falling again.

"Are you saying you want to leave?" I asked. She sighed.

"What I want and what's reality are two different things, Mel. I know that the second I step out of Celeste on my own Alexander's army will hunt me down and kill me after they've tortured whatever they want out of me. I know that if you're a human born into Celestrian territory, you'll die in their territory."


"I just wish..."she trailed off, looking at me again before shrugging her shoulders. "I just wish I could be more important than the go-to-girl for a makeover." I rubbed my hand across my back. All my life I've lived with Giana and I had no idea she felt this way.

"I'm sorry, Gi. I really am."

"Ah, it's ok," She sniffed. "Let's get some ice cream to stuff our faces like regular people." I smiled with her and grabbed her hand, materializing through our floor and into the empty kitchen. The pot was still boiling, so my dad was probably just in the bathroom or something. I walked over to the fridge and grabbed some ice cream and turned to watch Giana walk to the dining room to grab some spoons that were laid out on the table.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTURDER ALERT! INTURDER ALERT!" Giana and I looked at each other at the sound of the alarm going off. Someone had broken into the house. A sound could be heard coming from TOP's office and when the door opened, Giana motioned for me to hide. I did as I was told and hid in the closet.

"Who are you?" Giana demanded. Her question was only answered by her piercing screams as her limbds stretched out and her body lifted itself in the air. I knew that postion too well.

"No fun," Anastasia whined. "You're just a little human." Her voice sent chills down my spine. Giana was still struggling with the pain, looking at the Dark Celestrian with terrified eyes. Behind her were human soldiers working for Alexander. There was about six of them. Anastasia walked up to Melanie. "Tell me where the the healer is hiding. I promised Ken that I'd have fun with her." My eyes grew as I realized she was after Helen.

"Never-" Giana was interrupted by her own cries as Anastasia snapped her leg in two.

"Wrong answer," she growled. She turned to the soldiers behind her. "She couldn't have gone far, after some target practice I want you to search every room in this house." The soldiers nodded and she turned back to Giana with a smile. "You're going to love target practice." She stepped aside as she lifted Giana higher into the air. At her new height, Giana could see me through the closet blinds, tears in her eyes. When the soldiers raised their guns, I got ready to burst out to defend her.

"DON'T!" She yelled. Anastasia laughed, thinking she was speaking to her and the soldiers, but Giana's eyes were still on me, begging me to stay where I was. Then the loud sound of bullet's firing filled the entire room and I crotched down to cover my ears. When the shooting stopped, I looked up and brought my hand to my face as Giana's limp body laid across the floor, her blood all over the walls. Tears silently fell down my cheek before anger rose through my body. I matieralized through the floor and into the basement, quickly running to my locker to grab my weapons. A hand on my shoulder made me jump back but I breathed in relief as I wrapped my arms around Helen.

"Melanie, what's happening?!?" She asked. "I heard shooting." Tears were still falling from my eyes as I loaded up my gun.

"We got to get to the helicopter on the roof. Giana's dead." Helen gasped and looked up at the ceiling. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close.

"I'm going to get us out of this ok?" I assured her. She nodded and I focused hard on my abilitly. With enough focus, I could levitate myself through walls and go all the way up to the ceiling. It worked and soon we were on the roof. We made a run for the helicopter but soon I felt a force on my muscles as Anastasia slammed me into the ground.

"Going somewhere?" she mocked, her lips.

"H-How did you get in here?" I demaded.

"I left your friends on a wild goose hunt and then followed they're tracks back here. Alexander would be very pleased to know that I've found Celeste, when Ken turned he completely forgot it's whereabouts."

"You killed Giana!" I spat. My entire body felt like it was on fire as it stretched beyond control.

"I did. It's kind of something I do," she said, laughing. "Let me show you,"

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" I felt the pressure leave my body and turned to see Anastasia hovering over my father, his attempt to save me going horribly wrong. I winced as he cried out in pain. Anastasia laughed.

"Hurts, doesn't it? Who knew that if you cracked a certain part in the human's spine, every single bone in their body would shatter. The most painful way to die in my opinion."

"No!" I cried, pointing my gun at her. I felt the pressure return, but only briefly as Electra and GD busted through the doors and each fired their own weapons at her. Anastasia managed to dodge them, but was hit directly in the chest by a volt Electra shot out. She got up fast, only to be punched right in the nose by Electra's powerful fist. As Electra continued to beat the crap out of her, GD rushed to my side.

"Are you ok?" he asked. "TOP's dealing with the soldiers."

"My dad," I whispered. We ran to his side, tears forming again in my eyes at the sight of him dying. "Hang on dadddy, Helen will heal you." Helen rushed over to us but gasped.

"I can't heal him," She revealed.

"No!" I cried, before an endless flow of tears started falling from my face.

"It's ok sweetie," he replied hoarsely. "You'll be in good hands." He reached over and grabbed GD's wrist. "Take care of her. I've always known you were the perfect man for her, I was just too stubborn to believe it."

"I will, sir," GD promised, tears of his own falling. My father grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"I love you, Melanie," He whispered, before finally closing his eyes forever. I clung onto GD's body as he supported me with his arms.

"Stupid !" Electra cried, kicking Anastasia in the jaw. Anastasia spat out blood but continued to smile. I recognized the anger I was seeing in Electra, it was the anger I saw when she rescued me from Brett. TOP finally appeared and rushed to Electra.

"Electra stop!" He ordered. Electra lifted Anastasia up by her blonde hair.

"Why?!" Electra demanded. "Charlie and Giana are dead because of her and now she knows Celeste's location!"

"You know what will happen if you kill her!" TOP yelled. Electra grunted and released her. Anastasia laughed as she wiped some blood off with her sleeve.

"Poor kitten," She teased. "Guess you don't have it in you to-" No one had time to react to Electra pulling out her pistol and firing one bullet straight into Anastasia's head, her dead body collapsing on the floor.

"Electra, no!" TOP yelled. We all stared in horrow as Electra's arms went limp, her presence already darkening as she looked up at us with bright red eyes. Electra was now a Dark Celestrian.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?