Chapter Four: Introductions

Brothers: Blood is Thicker


We stepped inside the elevator that would take us from the parking garage to HQ. HQ was a large building that had three stories: two regular floors and one basement. In the elevator, TOP pressed the button taking us to the first floor.

"The basement is where we train," he explained. "Once you guys are settled in I would like to have you train with us right away." Jiyoung looked at his brothers and then back at TOP.

"Sounds great," He said with a smile. What the hell? I couldn't start my training until I turned eighteen and that still required years and years of begging, and these three get to train like it's no big deal? I know their his nephews and everything, but if they get a mission before I do I will punch someone. Giana had "unawarely" positioned herself in front of Taeyang so that some interesting friction started to happen. I caught her eye and shook my head, earning a giggle from her. The elevator jerked to a stop and opened it's doors to reveal the first floor, it's walls and floors made of marble. I stepped out first, followed by the Bin brothers and Giana, then TOP bringing up the rear.

"This is the first floor," I told them, leading them to the kitchen. The closer we got, the stronger the familiar smell of cooking filled my nose.

"Dad?" I asked. My dad ran out of the kitchen, still in his chiefs' hat and apron, and wrapped his arms around me.

"Melanie!" He breathed. "I heard what happened, are you ok?"

"Obviously," I mumbled into his chocolate arms that were squeezing me to death. I lightly pushed him off and smiled. "Dad these are the Bin brothers: Jiyoung, Taeyang, and Seungri. Guys, this is my dad, our resident chief." The boys waved and said hello, but my dad just stared at them. More than stared, actually, he seemed to frown at the sight of them.

"So...Woojong is your father boys?" he asked, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Yes," Seungri answered, the other two nodding their heads. My father nodded his head as well, as if he was thinking about something.

"Charlie," TOP's voice was firm and loud. When my dad looked up he shook his head. "Don't." My dad seemed to glare at TOP, but why? I've never seen my dad act like this, he was always so cheerful. Just as fast as he went cold, the familiar warm smile I knew and loved came back.

"Well I hope you boys have an appetite, dinner will be ready in half an hour," He smiled again and waved us off. I stayed behind and tugged on his apron.

"What was that about?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Just be careful with those boys, Melanie," he whispered, already walking back to his stove. I stared at his back as he worked for a bit, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Hey," Jiyoung said, coming up behind me so close I could feel his breath on me. "You coming?" I nodded my head and walked back to the group with him. We finally arrived to one of the biggest rooms on the floor, the lab. When we walked in, Daesung looked up from his microscope. He smiled and brushed his blonde bangs to the side.

"I see the mission was a success," He commented, walking away from his post and taking off his gloves.

"This is Daesung," TOP announced. "He's my right hand man, a Celestrian as well." The boys said hello as they watched Daesung put his ring and watch back on his finger and wrist. Daesung smiled, his eyes practically disappearing, then turned to Giana who was about to drink some blue liquid in a cup.

"Giana, don't!" He warned. "That drink will paralyze you completely. It's a new sample I'm working on," He explained. Giana's eyes widened and she stepped away from the drink slowly.

"So what's your power?" Jiyoung asked.

"I can't have super strength or materialize through walls or anything, but I'm highly intelligent. I IQ is six times greater than that of Einstein's," Daesung said, beaming with a bit of pride. He had every right to though. Since he joined the team, he's been nothing but useful.

"I hate to be rude, you guys, but I need to speak with Daesung in private," TOP said. "Melanie take them to Helen." I nodded and we all waved goodbye. We stepped into the room across the hall, the healing room.

"Hey!" Reimy greeted as soon as we walked in. He was sitting on a bed with his right leg propped up by some pillows. "Giving them a tour?" he asked. I nodded and sat next to him.

"How you holding up?" I asked.

"Nothing Helen can't fix," He told me.

"Did someone say my name?" We all turned around to the blonde woman walking in with her white coat on. She smiled. "Hi I'm Helen," she greeted, extending her hand to the brothers. Taeyang stared at her hand.

"You're's the same as Daesung's," He observed. Helen laughed.

"Yes we're married," she said, glancing at her wedding ring. She walked over to Reimy. "You ready?" He nodded his head and she placed her hands on his injured leg. Soon his leg started to glow and the boys stood watching in amazement.

"You can heal?" Seungri asked.

"Yes, which is why I'm the resident doctor." The glowing faded and she took a step back. "How's that?" Reimy stood up from the bed and hopped on his leg lightly.

"Perfect," he said, looking up and smiling at her.

"Well in that case you're free to go. None of you guys were hurt right?" She asked, the motherly concern she had for us on her face.

"No ma'am," Jiyoung said politely.

"I'm only twenty four, call me Helen," she said, hiding her laugh with her hand. The boys nodded nervously and walked out with me, Reimy, and Giana.

"Now what?" Jiyoung asked, throwing me a glance.

"We'll show you guys your room," I said, already heading back to the elevator. It opened and Electra walked out.

"Hey, where's TOP?" she asked.

"With Daesung, why?" I asked.

"The High Council's here."

"Ew," Giana said. Jiyoung looked at me with a puzzled look.

"The High Council are a group of Celestrians in charge of running the city. They kind of have it in for TOP," I explained. Electra took off in the direction of Daesung's lab and the rest of us stepped into the elevator and headed to the second floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened, a squealing pig ran up to us.

"What the hell is that?!?" Jiyoung cried, scooting closer to me. Reimy and laughed as he picked up the pig.

"This is my pet pig, Oinkers," Reimy said, lifting the tiny pink thing up. "Say 'hello!'"

"I think he's cute," Taeyang said, smiling as he petted it on the head. Reimy smiled and put Oinkers down so it could run around us as we walked through the halls.

"There's the bathrooms, Reimy's room, Electra's room, my dad's room, Daesung and Helen's room, TOP's room, mine and Giana's room, and finally your room," I said stopping at the last room in the hall. "It's the biggest room so it shouldn't be too crowded." Jiyoung smiled and looked at me.

"Thanks," he said. We stared into each other's eyes until Oinkers brushed passed my leg, squealing in excitement.

"Ok!" Reimy yelled swooping up the pig. "Time for a bath little one."

"Can I come?" Taeyang asked.

"Sure," Reimy replied.

"I'm coming too!" Giana declared, her arm already entangled with Taeyang's. They took off to one of the bathrooms and left me with Seungri and Jiyoung.

"Well..." I finally said after an awkward silence. "I'm going to go change for dinner."

"Wait!" Jiyoung grabbed my hand and turned me around. "Let's see what's going on with that High Council meeting, yeah?"

"TOP would kill us."

"Who says he needs to find out?" He shot.

"How would he not?"

"You can go through walls and my brother can hear a fly land a mile away. We got this." Next thing I knew I was being dragged to the elevator by both brothers, biting my bottom lip as I thought about what TOP would do if he caught us.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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