Chapter Thirteen: Triple Threat

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

I was taking an afternoon nap when I felt Giana shaking me.

"Get up!" She yelled.

"Ugh, five more minutes, mom," I mumbled, turning my back to her. Giana sighed and sat on her bed.

"Fine, but don't get mad at me for not going on the scout mission," She said. My eyes shot open and I sat up.

"Scout mission?" I asked. Giana nodded.

"Yeah, TOP just called me to get you."

"Oh my god!" I squealed. I slipped on my shoes and quickly materialized through the floor, landing in the kitchen.

"Cookie, what did I say about going through the roof!" my dad screamed at me, barely taking his eyes off on the pot he was working on. I ignored him and ran straight to TOP's room. I opened the door and saw GD and his brothers sitting with TOP, Daesung, and Electra.

"What's going on?" I asked. I walked into the room and sat on a chair next to GD, who smiled at me when I did.

"I'm sending you on a scouting mission with the Bin brothers," TOP replied. He looked at Daesung who cleared his throat.

"There's a forest about an hour away from Celeste going north. My scans have picked up some drone activity so you four need to go and terminate them," Daesung explained.

"What about the rest of the team?" Taeyang asked.

"I need Electra and Reimy with me to check some things out for Daesung. Reimy's in the parking lot with Giana, who will be taking you. Go gear up and meet them there," TOP ordered. We all stood up and headed to the basement to suit up into our gear. After, we went up to the parking lot. Giana was already in the van and Reimy stood outside right next to it. We climbed in but Reimy grabbed my arm.

"Take this," He said, handing me some small device with a red button on it. "If anything goes on, press it and we'll be there." I nodded and got in the van. The drive to the forest was quiet, even Giana didn't utter a word. I glanced at GD who caught my stare and grabbed my hand.

"We got this," He whispered. "It'll be just like the plane." I squeezed his hand reassuringly, then looked out the window when the van stopped, trees in the distance.

"This is as far as I go," Giana said. "I'll be back in exactly three hours, you have until then to fix the problem." We all nodded and got out the van. She drove off and we continued our way to the forest. We were prepared for anything, but after an hour and a half of searching we were starting to wonder if Daesung's scans picked up a false signal.

"This is a waste of time," Taeyang mumbled. He was beginning to turn around when Seungri quickly pulled him back, countless bullets stricking the spot Taeyang was standing moments before.

"They're around the corner, I can see them!" Seungri alerted. GD quickly jumped over and tossed a ball of fire towards a nearby drone. It made contact and the giant machine exploded into pieces. I pulled out my pistol and joined him, firing at the other three drones gathered together. I was able to destroy one but the other two started jumping me with their own weapons. I felt the bullets materialize through my torso, unknowingly serving as a guinea pig as Taeyang crept up on them with his whip of light. He wrapped them together and, with a grunt, slammed them into the strong bark of nearby trees. We regrouped when the smoke cleared. GD smiled.

"We kicked !" he declared. Seungri and I laughed and high fived each other, then Taeyang grabbed him in a hug.

"Thanks for saving me little brother," He said.

"No problem," Seungri said. "I'm just bummed that I couldn't kill any."

"You'll get your chance," I told him. "Now that we completed this mission successfully, TOP will throw plenty more our way." Seungri grinned and looked at GD 

"What's wrong?" He asked, his smile turned to worry. GD stood quiet, looking far into the distance. When I followed his gaze, I spotted them. Three dark figures stood in the distance. One was a large figure of a guy, while the other one was petite like a girl. They both had platinum blonde hair, but my eyes quickly went to the other blonde. I could never forget a face like his, it was the man from the plane. I didn't need to think about my next decision, I quickly grabbed the device Reimy gave me and pressed the button.

"They're coming," Taeyang warned. I looked up to see the three blondes walking towards us.

"Get ready," GD whispered. Him and Taeyang took a defensive stance, while Seungri pulled out a knife and I kept my finger on the trigger. They stopped walking once they were a about thirty yards away from us. The girl smiled.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" she asked. She turned to the blonde with the curly hair, the one from the plane. "Are they friends of yours?"

"She is," he said, pointing at me. GD flinched towards me but tried to keep his calm. "Her friend that shot me isn't here. Or the one that can throw blows." The girl pursed her lips.

"Too bad," she whined. "But at least we found the infamous Bin Brothers. Sons of Woojong and Minrae,"

"Let's just kill them and get this over with," the bigger one said, closing the distance fast. I stepped up to shoot him, but felt GD pushing me away.

"Run, all of you!" He yelled, fire escaping his palms in blasts. The bigger man dodged the fire and smacked GD with the back of his hand. I could hear GD's breath leave him as he whirled threw the forest, crashing against a tree. He got up, coughing and clinging to his chest. Taeyang grabbed my arm and pulled me away as the three of us tried to run. Seungri lead the way.

"There's an exit over here!" Seungri said, pointing towards the east side of the forest. Suddenly the youngest brother cried out in pain as his limbs stretched out. "I...c-can't move," He muttered. I turned to the evil laugh behind me and saw the girl standing there with her hand extended towards Seungri.

"He's not going anywhere," she said, smirking.

"G-get out of here," Seungri said. Taeyang and I tried to run off but the guy from the plane jumped out in front of us, then behind us. Suddenly we were surrounded by all these look-a-likes.

"Going somewhere?" One of them asked. Taeyang shot a blast of light, knocking down two of the clones but the other twenty started to rush him. I took aim and shot three of them dead before one grabbed me from behind. I materialized through him and shot him in his chest. I gasped as I felt a tight pressure on my whole body. My limbs stretched out, I couldn't move anything in my body. At the corner of my eye I could see the girl was now focusing on me. A couple of the clones grabbed an exhausted Seungri. Taeyang was still fighting but it seemed the clones were endless. I heard a grunt and looked to see a bloody GD on the floor, the man of muscle not far from him. With one arm he lifted GD in the air, his other hand holding a blade pointed at GD's chest.

"N-no," I whispered. This was it, we were going to die. All of a sudden a great big bolt of lightning struck right in between GD and the other man. The man jumped back and turned to see Reimy, Electra, and TOP running towards them.

"We got company," He warned, running forward to crash into a metalized TOP. They both struggled for dominance for a bit before TOP was able to throw him on the floor.

"No!" the girl snarled. Reimy was running to her but then he stopped and his limbs extended out like Seungri and I before him. At the same time, the pressure left me and I fell to the floor.

"Me-melanie," Reimy choked out. "Hit her!" he begged. I got up and ran towards her, but she turned around and soon the familiar pain I felt earlier returned. The girl smiled but arched back as Reimy kicked her mid-jump. She flew a couple of yards before falling to the ground. I caught my breath as I felt the pain disappear. Reimy caught me before I fell to the floor, but soon we were surrounded by more clones.

"Boo," One of them said. He stepped towards us, but then went rigid with the rest of them as several bolts of electricity connected and went through their bodies. One by one they all collapsed on the floor and disappeared until there was only one still standing. He looked around until he found the other guy. "I think it's time to go," he muttered. The bigger guy grunted, picking up the girl and disappearing into the forest.

"Not on my watch," Electra said.

"Let them go," TOP told her. He had returned to his normal form.

"What?" She demanded. "We should end this now!"

"GD's seriously hurt," TOP whispered, kneeling down next to an unconscious GD. I felt something in my chest hurt and I ran over to him.

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked, his brothers already by my side. TOP lifted him up.

"He needs to see Helen fast," He said. "Reimy, call Giana and tell her to be at the edge of the forest."

"I'm on it," Reimy said, already dialing numbers on his phone. Electra slung Seungri's arm over her shoulder to help support him, while Reimy and I helped Taeyang. We all ran out of the forest and quickly jumped in the van. Giana wasted no time in pressing her foot on the gas pedal.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Just drive!" TOP ordered. I turned to look at GD, who was still knocked out. Who were those people? And why did they want GD and his brothers dead?

"Where-" GD muttered. Seungri and Taeyang straightened their bodies as they waited for their brother to speak again.

"Where's Melanie?" He asked. Everyone looked at me, but my eyes were on him. I sat on the seat next to him and grabbed his hand.

"I'm right here," I whispered, squeezing his hand. I didn't let go until we passed the mountain and reached the house.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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