Chapter Six: Downtown

Brothers: Blood is Thicker


"This movie ," Jiyoung mumbled.

"It really does," I added, only agreeing with him because they movie really did . If it was tolerable in anyway I would have dealt with it to avoid ever agreeing with a guy like him. Reimy tossed the popcorn out of his lap, Oinkers taking the opportunity to bury his face in the bowl before Seungri could snatch it away.

"You know what, I think it's beautiful and all of you are just sad individuals who can't appreciate it," Reimy said, walking up to the movie player to stop it. "Well what do you guys want to do?"

"I don't know," Seungri threw his arms up in the air and fell down on the couch. "But something! I've never been this bored."

"Can we leave?" Jiyoung asked. I looked at Reimy who shrugged his shoulders. Could we just let them leave after we risked our lives to bring them? Jiyoung saw us and laughed. "I meant like, to walk around town or something. Explore the city." Seungri smiled, liking the idea. I wouldn't mind showing them around Celeste. It was such a beautiful city and the people here were really sweet.

"Sure," I said after a couple of moments. We all got up and Reimy checked the time.

"I'll go but I'll have to leave early," he told us.

"Ambrose?" I asked, to which he nodded. Ambrose was a nice human boy that Reimy had started seeing for a couple of weeks now. It was the first time he's ever dated anyone so everyone at the house got excited for him when he told us. We made our way to the elevator, Oinkers staying behind to finish the popcorn.

"What about Taeyang?" Seungri asked. I turned to Jiyoung. I wouldn't mind going to look for him but it was ultimately his decision.

"He's fine," he answered. "We'll bring him a souvenir." The elevator rose up into the parking garage where we excited downstairs and onto a sidewalk outside. We started walking towards downtown, where all the attractions was. Only half the city was under the belly of the mountain. The rest stuck out of it's backside and was currently glowing bright red as the sun started to set. There were a few people walking around, I said hi to the ones I knew. We reached downtown, which was just a strip of road that contained the biggest buildings next to our own. I pointed to each building as we walked along.

"That's the bakery, a couple of dining shops, the main building that holds the High Council, the prison-"

"You guys have a prison?" Seungri asked. I nodded. The prison was built but no one had ever been arrested in Celeste so most of the time it was used for extra storage.

"That's the grocery store, the theater, and finally the town square," I said, pointing to the statue in the middle of the square. "That's a statue of Celeste, founder of the city." We all gazed at the white marble statue of a female in a long dress smiling with her hair tilted. Her long straight hair rested behind her as one of her hands extended outwards toward us as if she were welcoming us to the city. It signified that anyone in need of a home could find one here in Celeste.

"She's beautiful," Jiyoung whispered through his lips. I watched as he gazed at the statue. His eyes were filled with hope and joy, the corners of his mouth slightly curved up. He looked pretty cute, but my attraction for his looks weren't important as continued to watch him. I could only imagine what him and his family went through out there in a world full of hate, not knowing what's going to try to kill you at the turn of every corner.

"I'm hungry, can we get something to eat?" Seungri asked. I cursed myself as I reached in my pocket to confirm my fears: I forgot my wallet.

"Let's get some of the bakery's finest sugar breads," Reimy said, pulling out his cash. I gave him an apologetic look for forgetting my money, but he assured me that he didn't mind. We walked inside and waited in line until we got our goodies. I glanced over my right shoulder and spotted Luna, a girl I used to babysit.

"Hey, Luna!" I greeted. The seven year old turned towards me and smiled.

"Melanie!" she ran over to me and jumped into my arms. "My mom and I were just talking about you!" she said, pointing to her mother not far ahead. "We wanted to invite you to my birthday party in a couple of months."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I promised her. When a Celestrian turned eight, their powers would evolve. As a child Luna would have terrible nightmares at night about fire and people screaming, hopefully her newly developed powers could ease her sleep. I put her down and introduced her to the group, she seemed to like Jiyoung the most. We got our stuff and said goodbye, but not before she made all of us swear to attend her party. We started walking back, Seungri already halfway done with his sugar bread.

"This is the best thing I've ever eaten," Seungri mumbled as he inhaled his food. Jiyoung smacked him up the head and looked at us.

"Sorry, when we were on the run food wasn't something we came across often."

"It's fine. Here," Reimy handed over his sugar bread to Seungri, who happily took it. "I shouldn't ruin my appetite."

"How long were you on the run?" I asked, feeling bad that I didn't offer them any food at the beginning. Part of me wanted to go back and bring Taeyang something from the bakery, but I knew Giana would take care of him. She might not be the most innocent but she knew how to treat a guest.

"I lost track after a couple of months," Jiyoung answered. I could only imagine being on the run for that long. I lived my whole life here in Celeste, which was part of why I wanted to be on TOP's squad. They got to explore the real world, even if the people in it wanted to see us dead. But I guess I'd have a different mind set if I lived all my life in that world.

"What's that building?" Seungri asked, pointing at a large campus-like building at the edge of downtown.

"That's the school that trains Celestrians," I answered.

"Do all of you go there?" I shook my head.

"Only Reimy went to the school. Electra and I are half-Celestrian so we weren't admitted and TOP was already at his full potential. Eventually Reimy got kicked out once he decided to join TOP's squad." We kept on walking when a group of figures appeared in the distance. I couldn't make out who they were because they were playing soccer, but once I did I cursed myself for being too late. The guy in the middle stopped playing to look at us, his creepy smile showing on his face.

"Well if it isn't half-blood, Melanie Wright, and the beautiful fairy, Reimy Belrose," he greeted. A couple of the other guys behind him laughed, but it was so dark they just looked like shadows. He continued to smile as he looked at Jiyoung and Seungri. "And who are they? More charity rejects TOP decided to take under his wing?" He mocked. Jiyoung stepped up, a flame already flickering in the palm of his hand. I grabbed his wrist and shook the flame away. He whipped his head and bore his eyes deep into mine, clearly upset. I ignored his glare.

"Don't. That's Larry's son," I told him. He looked back at the leader of the High Council's son. His name is Brett Colby, and he is by far the most spoiled, rotten creature I've ever had the displeasure to meet. If Jiyoung laid so much as a finger on Larry's only son, we'd all have hell to pay. Brett's grin grew wider as he watched the interaction between Jiyoung and I.

"That's right, Melanie. Don't let go of him, he might run away like your mother." Reimy jerked forward but I grabbed him also.

"Don't," I whispered. "TOP went out on a limb to get his nephews back, we can't take that away from him." Reimy breathed angrily through his nose and I gave him another apologetic look. If it were the other way around my fist would be attached to Brett's face by now, but the consequences of our actions would be far more greater than protecting my dignity.

"Dude leave her alone," said one of the guys next to him. His name was Jordan Kwon, the guy next to him was his younger twin brother Jayden. They were known around here as the Kwon twins. They were decent guys, but they happened to be one of Brett's closest friends.

"Shut up!" Brett barked between his teeth. He turned back towards me. "My father talks a lot about you, Melanie. He talks about how your mother whored around and got pregnant by some human and then ran away after giving birth to a disgusting, half-Celestrian."

"Shut the up, Brett!" Reimy threatened. I tightened my grip around his arm, this wasn't something I was new to. Some of the people in Celeste, mostly the rich ones, hated Celestrians with human blood, they thought my blood was tainted. The names they would call me as a child were unbearable but eventually I grew a tough skin and found friendship in plenty of people in the city who saw no difference in half and full Celestrians. As for my mom, well, I try not to get offended over a woman I never met.

"Let's just go," I whispered.

"Oh don't feel bad, Melanie!" Brett continued. "I'm sure one day you'll end up just like her, on your back in some dirty alley-" A bright flame shot out towards Brett, who used his Celestrian powers of flight to avoid it. He stayed in the air, a bit shaken up from what I can tell. Jiyoung smiled at the fearful Brett.

"Next time I'll make sure to fry your completely!" Jiyoung yelled. He grabbed me by shoulders and twisted me in the direction of our house before pushing me away. Seungri and Reimy followed, covering our backs in case any of them tried anything. When we were a safe distance away, Reimy ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I clung to his body tight as I failed miserably to fight back the tears. I tried my best not to let Brett get to me, but I could only take so much as the feelings and memories I felt as a child started rushing in. Even though they were probably uncomfortable, Jiyoung and Seungri stood there as I continued to weep into Reimy's shoulder. We all stood there for awhile, the only sound being my muffled sobs and the occasional shift of our feet.


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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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