Chapter Sixteen: Caught

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

The night was getting late and we were finishing up our meals. I've never really been on dates before, but this date with GD was perfect in my eyes. I couldn't see how it would get any better.

"Excuse me," Mike, the restaurant owner, had come up to our table. "Are you Jiyoung?"

"Yes sir," Jiyoung answered, wiping his mouth with his napkin. Mike smiled.

"I'm ready whenever you are, sir," he told him. Jiyoung looked at me and then back at Mike.

"Let's do it now," he said. Mike nodded and motioned for us to follow him. GD got up from his chair and offered me his arm before following Mike. He's such a gentlemen when he wants to be. Mike led us to a dark, empty room. The fighter in me tensed up, and GD noticed something was wrong by how tight I squeezed his arm. "Relax," he whispered. "I promise nothing bad is going to happen." I took in a deep breath and calmed down, only because I trusted him.

"Go ahead and stand in the middle of the room," Mike instructed. GD guided me to the center of the dark room and waited there. Just as I was about to protest again, the room illuminated with a bright light. I looked up to see the light was coming from the millions of stars in the night sky. As if dancing for our entertainment, the stars started to twinkle and move around and soon we were watching different constellations form right above us. I looked over and realized Mike was behind all this, but GD lifted my chin back up to the star show. The stars first showed a girl in a dress, my guess was she was a princess. Next they showed her running from a horrible monster and she tripped and fell. Just as the monster was about to catch up to her, a knight showed up and a duel started. However, the monster defeated the knight and continued to pursue the terrified princess. The knight, who was clearly in love with her, jump out towards the monster and turned into a ferocious dragon. The dragon breathed the purest form of fire and engulfed the monster in it's flame. When it was fully vaporized, the dragon returned back into the knight and ran towards the princess. He wrapped his arms around her and brought her close as their lips connected. Then, all the stars exploded into these little bright snowflakes that began to fall slowly down to GD and I. I watched in amazement, wondering why I've never seen something so beautiful.

"Melanie," GD whispered. He grabbed my chin again so I could look at him. His face looked so soft and calm. The way he was staring at me made my insides feel warm. Deciding what I wanted to do, I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer. His lips were perfect with mine, like they were two missing pieces to a puzzle. The stars returned to their normal state and Mike lead us out of the room when we finally pulled apart. As we were about to leave, Bom grabbed my sleeve.

"It was nice seeing you Melanie," she said, giving me a hug goodbye.

"You too, I'll tell TOP you said hi," I told her.

"You don't have to, he's taking me out tomorrow." She waved at GD and left us to resume her hostess duties. We got in Daesung's car and started driving back to the house. Once we parked in the garage, I pulled out my phone. I had turned it off right before the date.

"Did you have a good time?" GD asked.

"Hell no," I told him. "I felt like it was never going to end."

"Well for get you too!" He said, laughing as he pushed me lightly. As soon as my phone completely it started buzzing with text messages. GD pretended to scoff. "What, your other boyfriends missed you?"

"Shut up," I said. "They're all from Reimy." There were a total of three text messages and eight missed calls. The first one said Dude, holy ! then the second one said ANSWER YOUR PHONE!!!! and the last one said Melanie, DO NOT come home with GD. I repeat DO NOT COME HOME WITH GD!!! Now I was confused. Reimy knew I was on a date with GD why wouldn't I be able to come home with him. How else would I get home? We walked inside and the lights , only we weren't the ones who flicked them on. With eyes of fury, my dad stormed in the room with Reimy and everyone else right behind him.

"I knew you were feeding me bull!" my dad roared, his comment directed at Reimy.

"Melanie, why didn't you listen to me?!?" Reimy cried, clearly frustrated that he got caught telling a lie. My father grabbed my arm.

"Where were you? Were you with him?!?" he demanded. I could hear the hate in his voice when he said him and watched as he glared at GD. When I didn't answer he shook me. "Answer me!"

"Ow, dad, yes! I was on date!!!" I yelled. I materialized my arm free from his grip. "You don't have the right to grab me like that!" I was pissed. How dare he try to ruin one of the best night's of my life. I'm twenty years old I can go on a ing date without his permission whenever I want. Although I was furious, GD was calm he tried to come between us.

"Sir, please-" He was cut off by my father slamming him into the wall.

"You listen to me you little !" he threatened.

"Charlie!" TOP yelled. My dad looked back.

"No! I won't have another ing man from the Bin line take away what I love!" he turned back to GD. "You will never date my daughter, and if I catch you two alone again, I will leave far away from here and take her with me!"

"Dad I'm not ing little kid you can't control my life!" I yelled.

"What did you say?" he demanded.

"You're not going to stop me from seeing him!" I told him. He walked up to me and slapped me hard across the face. It was the first time he had ever hit me. The slap was still stinging my face when Electra came over and slammed my father against another wall.

"TOP!" My dad yelled, before crying out in pain as Electra pulled his arms back.

"I don't give a what kind of agreement you and TOP have, you don't EVER touch my teammates." Electra's voice was full of venom. "Now, are you going to calm down?"

" you!" he spat. Electra slammed his body against the wall again before putting her hand in his view of sight.

"Or do I have to use other methods?" she asked, small electricity bolts forming in her hands. My father realized he wasn't going to win, so he broke himself free from Electra's grip and stormed off. Helen walked over to me.

"Let me see," she whispered, placing her hand on my cheek. Soon the sting of the blow had vanished.

"How did he find out?" I asked.

"Giana told him," Seungri answered.

"I didn't know it was some huge secret!" Giana said, defending herself.

"Reimy tried lying and said you went to see Luna while GD went out for groceries, but he didn't buy it," Taeyang explained. Now I really wished I listened to Reimy's earlier texts.

"Well," Daesung said. "What's done is done. It's clear no one is going to give up so the rest of us should just stay out of it."

"Exactly," TOP said. "This is something that Melanie and GD are going to have to figure out themselves if you two want to continue seeing each other."

"Ok," I mumbled. Everyone left the room except for GD, Reimy, Taeyang, and Seungri.

"Are you ok?" GD asked, concern all over his face as his hand gently touched my cheek.

"I'm fine, but I am tired," I admitted. Without even saying goodbye I walked away from the others and headed into my room. My whole night was ruined.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?