
Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"How far until we reach the tunnels?" GD asked.

"Not that far," TOP answered. As if on cue, the sounds of screams and gun firing reached our ears. Once we turned a corner, we stood atop a hill above the tunnels. The scene in front of us was even more chaotic than the scene with the High Council. It seemed every citizen of Celeste were trying to escape into these tunnels, with Alexander's army not that far away. In the distance I spotted Helen kneeling down next to a wounded soldier as she tried to heal him. We ran towards the sight, my eyes still wondering around in search of the others. A nearby scream caused me to look to my left where Taeyang was protecting a mother and her child from three drones wolves. I headed in that direction and quickly materialzed through one of the drones, grabbing and pulling onto as many wires I could before coming out. The drone shut down, collapsing under it's weight. Taeyang fired from his gun manipulated out of light, blowing up another one. We both we taken surprised the final wolf, who had leaped at us, but Electra showed up and blew it up with one of her bolts.

"Oh how have I missed you," Taeyang told her, grinning as they shared a hug.

"No time to go into detail," she murmured, joining him and me as we ran back to the others. GD managed to create an entire barrier of fire between the citizens and the drones. TOP quickly ran his hand through the fire, his entire body transforming into a blazing weapon.

"Electra, Reimy," He said, turning to the two. "I need you guys to help me deal with the drones that make it through the barrier!" I watched as Reimy jogged up to Electra, handing her her signature butterfly knives before revealing his own ax.

"Just like old times?" He asked.

"Try to keep up." She teased. At the moment several drones jumped through the fire, but were damaged enough by it that Reimy and Electra's weapons were cutting through the armor like butter. Taeyang joined Seungri, Daesung, and Helen with helping the citizens go through the tunnels. I turned to GD, who was focusing on keeping the barrier up.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded.

"Just watch my back!" He pleaded. I nodded as well as stood by his side, taking out any soldier who tried to sneak up on him. I waa finishing up one soldier when I caught him staring at me. "I love you," He stated. Despite fighting for our lives and the lives of several other people, I smiled.

"I love you too," I told him. A loud chopping sound in the air made us both look up to see helicopters approaching. "They've got helicopters?" I asked. I didn't get an answer. Instead we watched as one of the flying machines launched a missile towards the mountain with the tunnels.

"MOVE!" Daesung yelled, pushing Helen, Seungri, and Taeyang out of the way before the missile made impact with the mountain. The explosion knocked GD and I on our feet and caused the enitre mountain to collapse, trapping everyone inside from exiting out through our end.

"," GD said, hurrying up to his feet to help me up. "Hopefully they'll make it to the ships."

"I'm sure they will," I replied. We met up with the rest of the group.

"What now?" Seungri asked. TOP looked around.

"We've done all we can here. Time to go," he said.

"Are we heading to the helicopter at the top of our building?" Reimy asked. TOP shook his head.

"Not when they got they're own. We don't have any fire power on that thing. There's a zone plane we can take at the edge of town." We all nodded and started following him back to the zone plane.

"Reimy?" Helen asked. We all turned back at Reimy, who hadn't moved from his spot.

"I'm going back for Oinkers," He said. TOP sighed.

"I feel bad for Oinkers, but we have to leave him, Reimy."

"I'm not leaving him!" He cried. Taeyang stepped closer to him.


"I don't care what you say, I'm going back for him and you can't stop me!" He shouted, tears in his eyes. Taeyang shook his head.

"I'm not trying to stop you," Taeyang said lightly. "I'm going with you."

"Really?" Reimy asked. Taeyang nodded and Reimy smiled, looking at the other boy with such love in his eyes. We were all so mesmerized by this that what happened next caught us all off guard...and couldn't do anything to stop it.

It was loud as thunder and ripped through the air as fast as lightning. It whizzed through Reimy's head so fast that there wasn't even enough time to blink before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his limp body collapsed into Taeyang's arms.

"NO!!!!!!!!!" Taeyang cried, immediately breaking into tears as he clinged to Reimy's lifeless body. Now the rest of us reacted. Helen and I shouted out Reimy's name while Electra just cried out in anger before we turned around to see drones and soldiers surronding us. I glanced up at the helicopter not too far from us, a sniper gunman perched on it's side as it flew away, their job complete.

"Protect yourselves!" TOP cried, trying to fight off the drones. Everyone but Taeyang tried to fight off the never ending army attacking them. His sobs and cries were full of pain as tried to shake Reimy awake, as if he was asleep. The thought of losing Reimy had me crying nonstop as well, which is why I didn't see a soldier sneak up behind me and hold a knife to my neck. I materialized through him and turned around in time to see him holding onto to GD.

"Don't," he warned. I stopped in my tracks noticing everyone getting caught by the soldiers. We lost.

"Let go of me!" Taeyang shouted, his voice with so much anger as a pair of soldiers pulled him away from Reimy's body. "I'm not leaving him! He needs me!!!"

"Oh sure you are," A familiar voice replied. We all turned to look at Ken standing in front of all the drones and soldiers. "Take them to Dmitri," He ordered the soldiers. We all struggled to break free as the soldiers pulled us up the hill. Away from the tunnels. Away from Reimy.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?