Chapter Twenty-Three: Adoption

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"We've been out here for hours!" Seungri complained.

"We've only been scouting for ONE hour, Seungri," GD reminded him. Daesung's technology picked up a signal around the beach coast we had visited a couple of months ago and TOP sent everyone to investigate. Usually he'd only send two or three, but with the Dark Celestrians appearing more and more, he wanted us to be safe and together as a unit. Giana dropped us off and left before she was noticed. Now here we were, walking across the coastline in search for any drones or evil Celestrians.

"Hey guys!" Reimy called out. "I think I found something." I glanced at Electra and GD, who looked at each other before everyone walked up to what Reimy was looking at. "It's some kind of footprint."

"I've never seen a footprint like that before," Electra mumbled. The shape was large but with three pointy ends, too big for any bird to make. The sun was nearly down, so everyone but Taeyang took out their flashlights. Instead, Taeyang illuminated his entire body, looking like a bright beacon.

"Should we split up into groups?" GD asked.

"TOP said we should all stick together," I reminded him. He looked at me then he turned to Electra.

"What do you think?" he asked her. For some reason that bothered me. Electra shrugged her shoulders.

"It's up to you, captain. You're the one TOP is training to be second in command. Whatever you decide on I'll back you up." GD nodded at her words, but stared at the ground. That way he couldn't see my confused expression. TOP was training GD as second in command? I would've thought Electra and even Reimy would get that honor before him.

"Ok," he said. "Electra, take Seungri and Reimy and cover some ground up ahead in those trees. The rest of us will continue to look around here." Electra nodded then started walking up the hills to investigate the tree area with Reimy and Seungri not far behind. He looked back at me and Taeyang.

"Ready?" he asked.

"When were you going to tell me you were going to be second in command?" I asked, hurt that he kept this from me. GD looked at me with confusion.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal?"

"Oh but Electra can know?" I shot back.

"I didn't tell her! TOP probably mentioned it to her, since it was supposed to be her taking the spot." Taeyang awkwardly started kicking the sand, still glowing. I was about to scream back a reply but was stopped from a slow clap in the distance. We all turned around to see Ken standing alone just behind us.

"Finding you guys is easy," he said. "If it wasn't you two bickering, the human lighthouse over there definitely gave you up."

"Watch it," Taeyang warned, a whip of light forming.

"I'm not here to fight you guys," He said, throwing up his hands. "I've been sent here to test out our newest version of drones."

"What?" I whispered. Ken smirked and opened his hands, revealing two small metal chains in each hand. He pressed the middle of each chain and soon each one started to grow extremely larger. Then, at the end of the chains, machine pieces started to materialize and form two large beasts. I looked down and saw that it was these new mechanical creatures that made the footprint Reimy saw earlier. These new drones were monstrous things, that reminded me of wolves. I looked at GD. There was no way we could take them on ourselves. He realized this too, and apparently, Ken also.

"This is the part where you run," He said, dropping the chains restraining the beasts. We all took off towards the hills and into the trees. The wolf drones were right on our trail. When we made it to the trees we kept going deeper and deeper in the field to find the others. I heard a snap and turned to see the drones knocking down the trees in their way as they continued their pursuit on us. I turned around just in time to materialize through Seungri, who had appeared in front of me. GD and Taeyang weren't so lucky and crashed right into Electra and Seungri. They all tumbled all over the floor and now the drones were closer to Electra and Seungri. They opened their mouths to reveal the sharp metal fangs and attacked. Electra moved fast enough for the first one to just bite her arm, so she stood up and started struggling with it to reveal her arm. Seungri couldn't move as fast and they machine dog quickly sank it's teeth into his entire torso. He yelled in pain and tried to crawl free but the monster's grip was too strong. Reimy appeared and with a grunt kicked the drone and destroyed it into bits. I heard another explosion and looked to see Electra dusting herself off as she checked her wound,  pieces of destroyed metal not far from her. She looked at Seungri.

"He's hurt bad." GD and Taeyang ran to his side, both feeling guilty for crashing into him. We waited there as Reimy called for TOP and Giana to pick us up. By the time they arrived, Seungri had passed out. When we were back in Celeste, Helen took over. We were in TOP's office when she came in.

"He's going to be fine," she announced. "His wounds are pretty deep though. If I can take a blood sample from his relatives, I can heel him faster." GD and Taeyang offered their arms and Helen took what she needed before going back to her office.

"So Alexander created a new type of drone?" Daesung asked. We had told him and TOP everything.

"Yeah, and it has a of a bite!" Electra complained, looking at her freshly healed wound.

"We're going to have to tell the Council," TOP said. "Alexander's getting smarter and if we're not careful, his forces will be in Celeste soon enough." Helen ran into the room again.

"We have a problem," she said. We all looked at her. "For some reason, when I used GD's blood, nothing happened. Then I used Taeyang's and I got the same result."

"Soooo something's wrong with our blood?" Taeyang asked.

"Yes, and that's the problem. Nothing should be wrong with your blood if you're related to Seungri." My eyes grew wide as GD and Taeyang's faces were drained of all color. GD stood up.

"What are you trying to say?" he demanded.

"It means that there is no possible way that Seungri is your biological brother. I'm sorry."

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?