Chapter Eighteen: Spoiled Brat

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"You little !"

"No I'm not," I told Giana. We were in our room with Reimy and I had just finished telling them about my dream with GD. "It doesn't count because it was just a dream."

"Fine," She mumbled. "But your mind is ty."

Reimy scoffed. "Like you're any better." Giana just laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulders.

"I can't help it when you little s won't go out and have some fun once in awhile," she said. She hoped off my bed and grabbed a towel. "Speaking of which, I need to get ready for my date."

"GIana Anderson, ladies and gentlemen," Reimy muttered. I smiled and fell back against my bed. Reimy looked down at me. "So are you going to try and see GD again?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, my dad would kill me."

"Giana you're twenty years old, stop worrying about what your dad wants."

"He's all I have left," I reminded him.

"No, you have us," He pointed out. "And the rest of us know what a good guy he is and we know you like him even if he drives you crazy."

"He makes me insane," I added. GD made me insane in so many ways. The look he'd sometimes gave was enough to have me fly off my socks. Reimy laughed, standing up and pulling me off the bed.

"Let's get ready to eat," He said. When they opened the door Seungri and Taeyang were playing video games in the living room.

"Hey," Taeyang mumbled, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Hey," We said back. Seungri finally looked at us.

"Have you guys seen Electra?" he asked. I looked at Reimy and he shrugged his shoulders.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Because he's in love with her," Taeyang answered. We all laughed, knowing about Seungri's crush on Electra since the moment he saw her.

"Where's GD?" I asked.

"Practicing in the basement with TOP," Taeyang answered. That was odd. Usually we'd all be down there practicing as a group. I guess GD felt like getting ahead of us or something. The elevator door opened and Daesung walked in, quickly picking up Oinkers as he rushed to him.

"Ok guys, Charlie needs someone to go into town and pick up a couple of things for dinner." He looked at all of us. "Any volunteers?"

"Not it!" Seungri yelled.

"Not it!" Taeyang yelled right after. I looked at Reimy who shook his head.

"Oh no, I went last time!" He argued. I sighed and went back in my room to put on my shoes. Not bothering to use the door, I materialized through the floors until I was in the kitchen. My dad was chopping up tomatoes when I landed.

"What do you need?"

"I just need some whip cream and sugar. It's for desert," He explained. Who runs out of sugar? I didn't ask him this, I was still upset with him and how he was acting lately. I headed out the door and down the street, amazed at how dark the sky had gotten. I rounded the corner of another street, passing the school of Celestrians.

"Well, look what we have here." I sighed out loud once I heard the voice that could only belong to Brett Colby. I turned around and sure enough, he was there with one of his friends that I didn't know.

"What do you want Brett, I'm busy." I tried walking away but he jumped in front of me.

"You sure about that?" He taunted. "Or is the half-blooded afraid to talk to us without her little boyfriend?" His rotten smile was gone after my right hand connected with his face in a loud slap.

"Get the away from me, Brett!" I tried walking away again, but the force of his left fist in my stomach caused me to double over in pain.

"Our race has a better chance at survival without tainted like yourself. My father thinks so," He added, holding my head still as he jammed his knee into my head. I cried out in pain as I fell to the ground, my vision getting a little blurry as I tried to keep conscious. His laugh echoed through the empty street. "Oh and don't try to escape with your little ghost powers. My friend here," He said, acknowledging the other boy with us. "Has the power to block out other people's powers. Unlike those idiot twins, he agrees with my father's vision to rid all of your kind one way or another."

"Then what makes him different from the humans who want to kill him?" I asked. Brett spat in my face.

"My father's a great man, but he's weak. He'll never want to go forward with killing a Half-Celestrian...unless he gets a little push." Brett pulled out a switch knife. "And who better to do it than his only son?"

"You won't get away with this!" I yelled, spitting out the blood that formed in my mouth. Brett laughed, kneeling next to me. He pressed the knife into my cheek, taunting me. I gritted my teeth in pain.

"And who's going to stop me?" He asked.

"Me." A voice answered. Suddenly Brett's friend had electric currents going all through his body before passing out on the floor. Standing over him was Electra, with full rage in her eyes. Brett's eyes were full of fear as he dropped the knife and struggled to get up.

"El-Electra," he stuttered. "We were just messing around-"

"Do it," She said, causing Brett to get a confused look.


"You said you were going to kill a Half-Celestrian. Well, here I am." She opened her arms out, exposing her chest as she stepped closer to him. Brett was completely terrified now.


"Do it, !" She yelled. "Show your dad how a real man handles things."

"I'm sorry," Brett said. You could hear the tears in his voice, his body was starting to shiver.

"No you're not." She told him. Without warning, Brett flew up into the air, trying to put as much distance between him and Electra. I could hear her laugh just as she sent a bolt of electricity at him. It was a direct hit, Brett grunting before he fell straight into the ground. He cried out in pain as he rolled over the floor.

"My arm's broken!!!" He cried.

"Are you sure?" Electra asked. She grabbed his arm and stomped her boot right on his elbow. The sound of bone breaking was enough for me to know she destroyed that arm. He screamed in agony then Electra stood directly over him. All I could do was watch helplessly as Electra continued to slam her fist into his face, taking a break only to direct the punch elsewhere in his body. Somewhere after the twelfth punch Brett went unconscious, but Electra had no intentions of stomping. I've never seen her get this upset and I knew I was the only one to stop her. Grunting in pain, I got on my feet and limped toward her. I dropped my hand on her shoulder and she stopped to look at me. Her eyes were dark with anger, it was like she was a different person.

"Stop," I said. "You'll kill him." As much as I hated Brett, the consequences Electra would face for his death were extreme. Not only would the Council be after her, but she'd turn into a Dark Celestrian. Her breath heavy, Electra stood up.

"Let's get you home," she said, letting me use her as support as we headed back to the house.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
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Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?