The Great

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

There was a banging at the front door. Seungri answered it and Luna's mother came rushing in. I immediately stood up, noticing the look of panic on her face. Was Luna going through a psychic meltdown again?

"They took her," she cried. Everyone in the room excahnged glances.

"Who?" Taeyang asked.

"Dark Celestrians! They took Luna!" She screamed.

"How?" GD demanded.

"We were visiting Eugene at the entrance when Electra and Ken attacked. Eugene tried to protect us but Electra killed him. Then Ken-" Luna's mom stopped talking, choked up on tears. Helen walked up to her and hugged her.

"Everything's going to be ok," she said. "As soon as TOP returns we'll go find your daughter."

"We can't wait that long," GD intrrupted. "Daesung can find Luna's coordinates in no time, we can go ourselves."

"GD," Reimy said. "We could run into Alexander."

"What are you scared?" he challenged. When Reimy didn't answer, he turned to his brothers. "Are you with me?"

"Yes." Seungri stated right away. Taeyang was hessitant, glancing at Reimy before nodding his head. GD then turned to me.

"Are you with me?" He asked, offering his hand. I wanted to tell him to wait for TOP, but if he had the confidence to lead us and save Luna, then who was I to tell him no. I nodded and grabbed his hand. Riemy sighed, but came with us nonetheless. We were already on the road passing the entrance when Daesung sent us Luna's coordinates. Eugene, one of the sweetest old men I've ever met, was dead. Death was starting to get too common in this city. The drive was long, but eventually we pulled on hill in front of a giant castle.

"You'd think there would be drones guarding the place," Seungri commented.

"Well no Celestrian was foolish enough to go after Alexander, so why bother?" Reimy mumbled.

"No one asked you to come," Taeyang snapped, making everyone turn to look at him. "My brother knows what he's doing." Reimy stared at him, but again said nothing. GD turned to me.

"Can you get us through those walls?" he asked. I nodded and made sure everyone grabbed a piece of me as I materialized everyone through the castle walls.

"I can hear Luna crying," Seungri said. He pointed at the room ahead. "In there." We all quietly ran to the room and quickly stepped inside. It was a huge empty hall, with a giant window over looking the area. Luna was dead center, tied up and crying. Dmitri, Ken, and Electra were not far behind. In front of them, sitting on a giant chair was a man covered in gold armor, minus his head. He had bright blue eyes and long brown hair, almost down to his waist. He smiled and rose to his feet, his body towering easily passed 6'6. Alexander the Great.

"Celeste, my dear, you've finally returned," He said, addressing Luna. He pulled out a bright, silver sword with a jeweled handle. "I'm glad your death will be the end to an utterly worthless war."

"We have to stop them," I whispered. GD motioned for me to be quiet. Alexander laughed.

"But before I kill you," he said. "Allow me to slay your little rescue team in the back." . We all looked at each other, knowing he caught us. GD stood up first.

"Let her go, Alexander!" he demanded, the rest of us rising. Ken laughed in the corner as the Dark Celestrians started surronding us.

"And you are?" Alexander asked.

"None of your business!" GD snapped.

"His name is Jiyoung," said an unfamiliar voice. We all turned to see Luna, untied and standing proud.

"Celeste?" Alexander hissed. Luna's head nodded.

"The prophecy will come true, Alexander," she whispered. He growled at her as she faced Electra. "You were a brilliant woman before you were corrupted, I wish to bring you back." Suddenly a pink stream of light shot out of Electra as she began to scream at the top of her lungs, falling to her knees.

"Kill the girl!" Alexander demanded. Dmitri was the first to react, taking out a blade and rushing Luna. Seungri and GD took him on, the latter sending out a fire ball to knock the blade out of Dmitri's hands. Reimy quickly grabbed Luna and took  her out of the room as Taeyang squared off against Ken.

"It looks like I'm fighting the !" Ken taunted. Taeyang was furious, blindly rushing Ken and his clones.

"I'm not a !" He yelled back. I turned from the fight to see Alexander sneak up on Seungri and knock him into the wall. He tried to go after GD next but I ran through him to get his attention.

"So you're the ghost girl," He mumbled, snapping his fingers. A small, bright ball of light appeared at the palm of his hand. "Try to escape this." He tossed the light at me, but before I had time to think, it exploded. I felt a blinding pain in my left leg before I materialized through the ground. When I reappeared on the surface the smell of burnt flesh reached my nose. I looked down to see that my leg was completely seared. I cried, never feeling this type of pain before. Alexander himself was a Dark Celestrian, did anyone know this? Seungri was up on his feet helping GD with Dmitri, but they couldn't get to me as Alexander approached me.

"Melanie!" GD cried. I tried to back away but my leg was completely useless and would shoot wave upon wave of pain through my body. Suddenly Reimy appeared, blindsiding Alexander with a powerful kick that sent him to the ground. Alexander slowly got up and glared at the boy.

"No. Celestrian. Touches. Me." He said, his voice turning very demonic. He rushed at Reimy, who was so overwhelmed all he could do was try to avoid the wave of fists to the face and body. Alexander picked him up by his shirt and slammed him into the tile floor, which cracked under him.

"Taeyang!" Reimy cried. "Help!!!" He struggled to move out of Alexander's way as the giant kicked him straight in the ribs. I wasn't too far away, but I could feel my whole body shutting down as my leg was completely dead. I glanced at Taeyang, hoping he'd come to help. He had his back against us and was still fighting Ken, although he could have easily ended it if he wasn't so mad and falling for Ken's taunts.

"Why don't you help your little boyfriend?" Ken mocked. "That way he can help you!"

"I don't need his help!" Taeyang roared, tackling Ken to the ground.

"TAEYANG!!!" Reimy screamed. Alexander cut him off by grabbing him by his throat and lifted him into the air. From where I laid, I could hear the bones breaking as Alexander crushed him. Reimy's yelps of pain turned into small squeals and his eyes were starting to lose focus-

"LET. GO." Alexander barely had time to turn around when a huge volt of electricity was shot at him, sending him far away from Reimy's body. I turned around to see Electra on her feet, rushing the giant man. Alexander sent a ball of light at her, which she avoided before it exploded. Electra let out a long war cry as a great force field of lighting surronded her and expanded out. The bolts had no effect on us, but were quick to shock away Dmitri, Alexander, and Ken.

"We must leave," Dmitri yelled, grabbing his leader and running away with Ken as the whole roof to the room caved in. When enough time passed, Electra let her force field down and was soon in the arms of Seungri.

"I knew you'd come back!" He cried. GD was quick to my side.

"We'll get you fixed, mel-" He said, but I smacked his arms away.

"Help Reimy!" I demanded. My voice made everyone else rush the boy still on the floor. When GD and Seungri tried to grab him, Electra stopped him.

"His entire spine is nearly shattered, one wrong lift and he could die," She said.

"I can't- I can't feel anything!" Reimy cried, his face facing down on the ground.

"Oh my god," We all watched as Taeyang rushed to his side. "I didn't know you were-"

"Don't touch me!" Reimy cried. Taeyang, who already had tears running down his cheeks, just sat helplessly next to Reimy as Seungri called TOP.

"Reimy was right," GD mumbled. "I shouldn't have came. We weren't ready."

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
Loljkjk #4
Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
Loljkjk #8
Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
Loljkjk #10
Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?