Chapter Fourteen: Dark Celestrians

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

It had been hours since we were attacked by the three blondes in the forest. Right now I was in Helen's office with Taeyang, Seungri, and Daesung as she healed an injured GD. He was feeling better and was sitting up talking with us.

"None of you guys got hurt?" GD asked. Taeyang shook his head.

"Nothing we can't handle," he said. I smiled and touched GD's arm.

"Thanks to you," I said, remembering how he bravely faced off against the bigger of the three blondes to give us a chance to run. GD laughed.

"It's no problem," He said sheepishly. Helen was right beside him finishing up her work.

"Alright," she said. "I think we're about done. I tried to heal your wounds the best I could, but some were pretty bad so expect some bruises tomorrow."

"Thank you," he said warmly. Helen nodded her head and walked over to Daesung, who wrapped his arm around her.

"I'm just glad you're all ok," she said.

"Who were those guys anyway?" Seungri asked.

"Alexander has all kinds of people working for him," Helen explained.

"They had powers," GD said. Helen pressed shut and looked at Daesung, not knowing what to say. GD shook his head. "They were Celestrian weren't they?" he asked. "Why are there Celestrians working for Alexander?"

"They're Dark Celestrians," TOP said, appearing in front of everyone with Electra and Reimy right behind him. After they dropped us off, TOP and the others went to report what happened to the High Council. As much as TOP despised them, they needed to know that Alexander's forces were close to Celeste. He looked at everyone in the room. "Dark Celestrians are Celestrians that have joined forces with Alexander."

"Why would they work for him?" Taeyang asked.

"Because their soul is corrupt," TOP explained. "Nothing about them is good anymore." I was getting as confused as the brothers and I already knew about Dark Celestrians.

"Wait," Seungri said. "How does a Celestrian go dark?"

"By killing another Celestrian," TOP answered. The room went quiet and stayed that way until TOP spoke again. "The three you faced were Dmitri and Anastasia Volkov, and Ken Woods. Daesung, give them a brief description." Daesung nodded and turned to us.

"Let's start with Ken Woods. He's 26 and is the newest Dark Celestrians out of the three. I knew him when he lived here and I've personally never liked him. He has the power to multiply himself, how many isn't sure. Two years ago he and killed a girl and was banished as a Dark Celestrian. He loves the idea of getting inside your head, especially women." Daesung looked at Helen, who stood up from her seat.

"The woman he murdered was my cousin," She revealed. "He did it out of anger towards me. He had always wanted me as his sick prize, but I chose Daesung." Helen smiled softly and grabbed Daesung's hand.

"Now here's how you fight him," Reimy said, stepping off the wall he was leaning on. "He likes to get in your head, so don't waste time exchanging words. Just finish him off with any move possible."

"Next we have Anastasia and Dmitri Volkov," Daesung said. "She's also twenty six while Dmitri is 34. They're brother and sister who'll defend each other until the end. They lived with a small community of Celestrians in the remains of the fallen country Russia. Dmitri was eighteen when he killed another Celestrian for leadership of the community. When they refused to accept him as leader, Anastasia helped him slaughter everyone."

"Oh my god," I whispered. "That would have made her..."

"Ten," GD finished. I couldn't imagine how someone that young could be so evil, but then I remembered how Anastasia was back at the forest. All these years with a corrupted soul must've made her so much worse.

"Her ability is control over someone else's body, Dmitri has super strength in his arms," Daesung continued.

"When it comes to fighting Anastasia," TOP said. "I would suggest Melanie, Seungri, and Reimy avoid her unless you're fighting her together. Although she can control your body, she can't control your power. So Taeyang, GD, and Electra would be better off going up against her."

"And," Electra added. "I really hate the so I'll fight her whenever I get the chance."

"What about Dmitri?" Taeyang asked.

"Dmitri is one of the most powerful Dark Celestrians out there, he's considered Alexander's right hand man," TOP warned. "Not only is he strong, but he's also very clever. I forbid any of you to fight him alone. There's no trick to fighting him, just work as a team and hope to bring him down." I met eyes with the rest of the team and I saw a question form in Seungri's eyes.

"So can we kill a Dark Celestrian?" TOP looked at him and shook his head.

"The same effect happens whether the Celestrian you kill is dark or not," he explained, looking at GD. "Rest up. Tomorrow we'll have some light training with the whole team."

"Yes sir," we all said together. He left with Daesung and Helen. Electra walked over to GD.

"That was some major balls taking on Dmitri by yourself, dude." She slapped hands with him, causing Seungri to sit up.

"I can take him!" he yelled. Taeyang and I looked at him and laughed. Electra eyed him.

"Actually I'm proud of all of you," she said. "I'm not going to lie, when Reimy got the signal we all thought we'd find you four dead."

"Gee, thanks!" I blurted out. Electra laughed.

"Sorry! But seriously, guys, be proud. Not just anyone can face those three and live to tell the tale."

"Yeah," Reimy agreed, nodding his head.

"Well," GD said, getting up from the bed. "We wouldn't have made it out without you guys. We did it as a team."

"Oh hell no!" Electra yelled, getting up as well. "I'm not down for this team bonding thing, I'm going to bed!" She took off, everyone else leaving the nurse wing behind her. We all went up the elevator to our rooms, getting some nice deserved rest.

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