Break Up

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

Before TOP could even get to us, I passed out from the pain I felt in my legs. The next time my eyes were open, I was in one of Helen's hospital bed with Helen hovering over me.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice a little out of breath. I moved my left leg, noticing how it didn't hurt anymore and was mostly just sore.

"You healed me?" I asked. Helen nodded.

"Took a lot out of me," she said. "Never had to heal burned skin before, especially after healing Reimy's bones-"

"Is he ok?!?" I asked, my head quickly turning to the other bed where I spotted him laying. The only sign that he was alive was the small rise and fall of his chest.

"He'll be fine, he's asleep."

"Where are the others?"

"TOP and GD took Luna back to her mother. Everyone else is in Daesung's lab explaining what happened," she explained. She sat down on the chair and grabbed my hand. "Are you sure you're ok?" At first I wanted to nod my head, but before I knew it, there were tears in my eyes.

"I've never met someone who's wanted to kill me as much as Alexander," I mumbled. "If Dmitri didn't pull him away, he would've stayed and made sure all of us were dead."

"He's a sick man," Helen agreed.

"But how can he hate his kind so much?" I asked. "He's Celestrian! Why did he start this war against his own people?"

"Who knows," she mumbled. "Why do Dark Celestrians serve him when they know perfectly well he intends to kill them as soon as they win the war? These are questions that are nearly impossible for us to find out." The door opened and in walked Electra, Daesung, and Taeyang. My heart wanted to burst with joy seeing Electra alive and well. She caught my eye and smiled.

"How you doing, Mel?" she asked.

"Good...thanks to you," I told her.

"Just wanted to check up on you before I leave," she said. "Seungri's taking me to see Luna. I owe that little girl a thank you." She waved goodbye and left into the hall. Daesung walked behind Helen and started rubbing her shoulders.

"You need to rest," he whispered, gently pushing her out of the room and towards the elevator. That left just Taeyang, who awkwardly stood there.

"Has he said anything?" He asked, looking at Reimy's sleeping body. His face showed so much hurt.

"No," I answered. He walked over to Reimy and caressed his face with the back of his hand. Reimy opened his eyes slowly, but once they focused on his surrondings he flinched away from Taeyang.

"Baby, it's me." Taeyang whispered. He lowered his body to try kiss the top of his head.

"Get away from me! Ah!!!" Reimy tried to move away from Taeyang but gripped his side, his soreness being a little more hurtful than mine. Seeing his boyfriend in pain, Taeyang reached for him but Reimy smacked his away. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"Baby what's wrong?!?" Taeyang cried. "Please talk to me-"

"I NEEDED YOU!" Reimy yelled, tears falling in his eyes. "I needed you, Taeyang," He said, this time more in a whimper. "I said that we should've waited and you yelled at me. Then I'm literally on the verge of death begging you to help me...and you ignored me." I watched as they continued to stare at each other, both full of heartbreak.

"What did you want me to do?" Taeyang cried. "Go against my own brother!"

"I would never ask that but his decision nearly killed me!" Reimy cried. "He's never gotten close to beating Dmitri in a fight why would he try to go after his ruler?!?"

"Can we leave GD out of this?" I asked. "He feels bad enough."

"She's right," Taeyang said. "Whatever is going on between us, has to just stay between us until we figure it out." Reimy shook his head and slowly turned his head away.

"Ok," He whispered, closing his eyes. "I'm leaving you." I gasped and Taeyang's body went limp.

"What?" He said, choking back the tears.

"Please leave," Reimy said, still facing the wall.

"Reimy please don't do this," Taeyang said, now up against Reimy's bed. He gripped the sheets. "Please...I've never loved anyone as much as I loved you. I don't think I can move on without you." Reimy was crying now, still avoiding Taeyang's pleading eyes. Maybe he knew that he'd give in if he saw him.

"You better try." He stated, finally looking into his eyes. Taeyang stood there, motionless for a moment before slowly leaving the room. 

"Reimy, why? It was a simple mistake." I told him.

"Not wanting to side with me over his brother isn't why I broke up with him, Mel." Reimy said, wiping his face with his sleeve. "When I called for him, he was ashamed because Ken kept calling him gay and that's why he ignored me."

"Ok," I said.

"So, how can someone love me if they're ashamed of me?" I didn't have an answer for him...and apparently neither did Taeyang.

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
Loljkjk #2
Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
Loljkjk #3
Chapter 37: It's like a foursome, but it's not.
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Chapter 36: I see an 'm'!
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Chapter 35: Oh gosh no.
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Chapter 30: No Electra was my favorite!
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Chapter 27: Jfutuyfugsphcgxu I didn't even see the M!
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Chapter 21: Daesung did tell her not to drink it lol.
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Chapter 12: I knew Taeyang had his eyes on Reimy!
Loljkjk #10
Chapter 8: Is taeyang gay?