Chapter Nineteen: After Effects

Brothers: Blood is Thicker

As soon as Electra and I entered the house, we were swarmed by my dad.

"Melanie!" He yelled. "What happened to you?" He tried to reach for me but Electra pulled me away.

"She was attacked," she answered. "She needs to see Helen right away." My dad nodded and helped her carry me into Helen's office, who was reading a magazine when we entered. Her eyes popped open.

"Melanie, are you ok?" She cleared the bed next to her as they laid me down slowly. I grunted in pain, my head felt like it was on fire. Helen immediately placed her hands on me and started the healing process. The door to her office busted open and in came GD, Taeyang, Reimy, Seungri, TOP, and Daesung.

"How was she attacked?" TOP asked. Clearly Seungri heard everything and filled him in before they came to find me. I glanced at GD who looked like he wanted nothing more but to sit next to me, but my father was by my side and we both knew that would cause problems for us.

"It was Brett," I whispered. "He was trying to kill me." Saying the words out loud made me realize how serious the situation was. Brett was trying to kill me and if Electra hadn't found me I would've been dead.

"So was he perfectly fine with transforming into a Dark Celestrian?" Helen asked.

"No he was just too ignorant to think of the consequences," Daesung answered. I glanced at Electra, who was sitting on a chair rubbing her bruised knuckles. What if I didn't stop her from beating Brett? Would she have killed him? The pain in my head finally disappeared and I mumbled a thank you to Helen as I sat up from the bed.

"Guys," Seungri said. "The High Council's here."

"How many?" TOP asked. Seungri's eyes stared into the distance, not focusing on anything in particular.

"All of them," he answered.

"It seems Larry wants answers as to why his son is so badly injured," Daesung suggested.

"Yeah, well, he's going to get them," TOP said, leaving the room. Electra was right on his trail followed by the others. The room was empty besides me and my father.

"I have to go check on the food, Melanie, I'll be right back." He kissed the top of my head and left the room. I saw a silhouette appear right before GD's body entered.

"What are you doing-" my  question was cut off by GD's lips. He closed the distance between us and cupped my face in his hands. His touch was gentle, as if he was holding something very delicate to him.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you," He whispered.

"It's ok, it's not your fault," I told him. He shook his head.

"No, never again. For now on I'm always at your side, despite how Charlie feels," He said. I looked at him with a bit of confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He kissed me again before looking straight into my eyes.

"Melanie...will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. Not long after that my lips were on him this time.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" I said, laughing at my sudden reaction. He laughed too.

"Great!" He said. Loud voices soon were heard in the hallway. We looked at each other and went to investigate. In front of TOP's office was a couple of the councilmen holding Larry back, while Daesung and Electra kept TOP detained.

"I could have you arrested for attacking the leader of the High Council!" Larry cried.

"No one talks to my team like that!" TOP yelled back.

"Enough!" Miriam shouted. The room quieted down. "If Brett Colby isn't going to receive punishment for attacking Melanie Wright, then Electra Rodriguez will also receive no punishment."

"But-" Larry started, but was cut off by Miriam's glare.

"That's the final say of the Council, Larry. Let's go," She and the others headed towards the elevator. Larry turned to Electra.

"This isn't over," He muttered.

"Tell Brett I said hi," Electra told him. His eyes full of anger, Larry turned around and left with the other members.

"What now?" Reimy asked.

"I don't know," TOP answered. "I really don't know."

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