
Brothers: Blood is Thicker

"You look nice," GD said as I walked into the living room and sat on his lap.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "But I'm starting to hate funerals." It was early morning and the day of Eugene's funeral. The man was like family to many people in Celeste so it was expected that there'd be a big turnout. GD grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to," He said. I shook my head.

"No we owe him our respects as much as everyone else."

"Ok," He said.  The elevator doors opened and in walked Daesung, Helen, and Reimy. The couple smiled at us before taking their own seats, but Reimy walked right passed us and headed straight for the new van. It didn't seem like he was angry at GD but he clearly wasn't ready to be around him, or me for that matter, just yet. GD apologized for not listening to him and Reimy did accept it but he asked GD not to get offended if things don't go back to the way things used to be. The next to come out of the elevator was Seungri and Electra. They walked in with their hands intertwined with one another, which made me smile. It was great seeing Seungri happy again, Electra truly meant a lot to him. Finally TOP appeared and he frowned as he scanned the room with his eyes.

"Where's Taeyang?" He asked.

"He said he's not coming," Seungri replied. "Been working out in the basement since the sun came up." TOP let out a sigh of disappointed but didn't protest. Although Reimy and Taeyang barely broke up yesterday, Seungri wasted no time in catching everyone up. 

"We should get moving then," TOP said, looking at his watch. "The service starts in twenty minutes." Everyone except for Electra nodded their heads and headed to the van. Seungri looked back and caressed her cheek.

"You can do this," he told her. She took in a deep breath before nodding and following him to the back of the van. Last night I was able to speak to her about her change.

"What part of the Dark Celestrian was you?" I had asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know," she whispered. "It was like my vision was blurred. It wasn't until Celeste helped me that I was able to see clearly again."

"What did that feel like?"

"That's just it. Feeling. She made me feel again," she said. "When I was a Dark Celestrian, I don't remeber feeling anything. She made me feel sorry for killing Eugene." I nodded like I understood, but I could never know what it felt like to be in her shoes. To not experience anything at all. TOP drove up the short path into the cemetery. Eugene was being buried not far from my father's gravesite. He was buried next to his wife, who died of natural causes a couple of years ago. Their only son, who had grown up and started his own family, thanked everyone before dismissing the group to return to their homes. We lingered a bit, taking in the sight before us. GD was still by my side when we heard someone shout TOP's name. We turned around and watched as Larry and the rest of the High Council approached TOP and Daesung.

"Gentlemen," Daesung said. "Do we have to do this now? Eugene was your friend as much as ours, can't it wait?"

"It can't!" Larry growled, switching his glare to TOP. "You brought a Dark Celestrian into our home!"

"I see no Dark Celestrian here," TOP said.

"I'm looking right at her!" Larry snapped, pointing directly at Electra. Seungri quickly took a defensive stance in front of her.

"Maybe you should get your eyes checked,Larry," TOP spat. "Electra has no signs of a Dark Celestrian."

"Bull!" shouted another councilmen.

"It's true," Daesung said. "I've given her my best tests and she's passed them all. She's one hundred percent Celestrian! Well, not really. I forget her mother was human."

"We don't care what your tests say!" Larry said.

"Your clearly just upset over the issue with Electra saving Melanie from your son!" TOP yelled.

"How dare you?!?" Larry hissed.

"ENOUGH!" Miriam shouted. She turned to Electra. "Young lady, do you deny your part in the murder of a Celestrian?" she asked. Electra shook her head.

"No. I killed him," she replied. Mirium let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry TOP," she said. "Whether she's Dark Celestrian or not, we still have laws. We must...take her in."

"By force if necessary," Larry added.

"I want to see you ing try!" Seungri threatened, venom in his voice.

 "Seungri, stop," Electra said. She took a step forward but Seungri grabbed her wrist, tears in his eyes.

"You don't have to do this," He said. Electra smiled softly and lightly kissed him on the lips before turning back to the council.

"I accept full responsibility for my actions," she said. "I'll go quietly." Mirium nodded and motioned for the guard to grab her.

"Electra Rodriguez you are hereby arrested for the murder of Eugene-"

"Wait!" Everyone turned to Reimy, who had remained the silent the entire time. "I request judgment on behalf of Electra!" Some of the council members gasped aloud as Larry widened his eyes.

"What?" He gasped.

"You heard me," Reimy said. "I request that Electra be judged by the statue of Celeste, which has the powers to decide if one is worthy of forgiveness."

"You need a councilmen's approval-"

"I approve," Mirium said, interrupting Larry. "Her judgment shall be a week from now. Until then she shall be kept in the prison."

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 21: I KNEW IT!!!!!
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Chapter 43: Ohmaigosh this was amazing!
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