Day 79 - The Players Handbook

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


The thoughts of how Jieun and I would be if I hadn’t screwed up, ran through my mind all night.

I wondered if we would have separated anyways, maybe have gotten married, maybe still work in progress? Everything can be looked at as a question.

I would do anything to earn her forgiveness, beg, pled, ANYTHING!!

For what I did she could freaking kick me in the stomach… or elsewhere.

What I did was selfish of me. I’ve hurt girls before, hence my player image, but I think I hurt Jieun the most. I treated Jieun a little bit differently than I usually treat other girls. I should be chasing her!! Seriously with this face I have the girls chase me!! I have my own Players Handbook!

1. I mustn’t date the same girl twice.

2. My own quote is “get, finish, leave, repeat.”

3. The girls want you, not the other way around.

4. Don’t actually sleep with them… with a few exceptions… hehe… just kidding. I’ve never actually have.

5. Be able to separate yourself from player life away from royal prince.

I can’t even begin to start on how many girls… wow… even in my head I brag about it… hehe, because I’m just that awesome! OH CRAP YEAH!! So Jieun… yeah she’s different from all the other girls I’ve ever been with.

Out of my whole life I’ve only seriously dated 2 people, out of the 36 girls I’ve been with. Hyosung (that ended up in utter ferocious FLAMES!!!) and there’s Lee Jieun, the girl that’s different from the rest.

Jieun is the only girl that has ever broken one of my Players Handbook rules, rule number 1, not to date the same girl twice… I might do just the opposite.

I think the reason that I was with Hyosung for such a long time is that, you can delete a person from your heart, but you can’t delete the memories that follow up with that significant person.

So I really actually loved my memories with Hyosung, not her.

AISH JUNG DAEHYUN!!!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!! This is crazy talk. Just a few months ago you didn’t give a crap about memories, none the less a woman’s feelings and or pride. I’ve never actually let a proper relationship grow. I’ve actually never let anything properly grow, you know except my height, flaming charisma, and my dashing good looks.

Even in my thoughts I’m full of myself… I’m such a great person ♥☺

I stood up, apart from my cushioned platform, as a bed.

As I walked over to the door I topped in the middle of walking.

Jieun looked like she was having a nightmare, because then space between her two eye brows was scrunched up, so I crouched down and tapped on the space between her eye brows. And in which she woke up, with my index finger pushing the middle space of her eye brows.

“YAH!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!? ARE YOU A BYUNTAE (ert)?!?!?!” Jieun forced fully pushed me to the hard wooden floor.

“What were you dreaming about? You looked scared.” I asked using my arms to propel myself up again.

“None of your business!!!” Jieun started to walk away, since when did her leg heal?

“Yah!”  I ran up towards her, but she sped up.

 “Yah!! Stop there!!” I yelled.

“You act like I’m actually going to stop running away!! Byuntae!! Nosy!!” Jieun yelled back.

*You leave me no choice.*

I ran over to Jieun, FULLSPEED BOLTING!!!

Grabbed her hand and twisted her back, facing me.

“LET ME GO!!!!” Jieun trashed around like a fish out of water.

I let go of her hand, but instead backing her up against the wall, not hard, don’t worry, I’m not a woman abuser.

I used my two hands to cage her in.

“When did your leg get all better?” I asked Jieun close to her face.

She turned he face to the left.

“Let me go you jerk!” She attempted to free her hands.

“When did your leg get healed? How?” I proceeded to ask questions.

“When did you become more of a jackass? How?” Jieun sarcastically asked me back.

“Just answer the question.” I retorted.

“Fine, well Suzy’s mom is an herbalist (a doctor that specializes in herb medicine) and she’s been giving me ligament healing tea every day. I got better about 2 days ago. I’m still not fully recovered.” Jieun answered, purposely spitting on me as she spoke.

“What were you dream about? You looked like you had a nightmare.” I questioned.

“I had a terrible night mare about you! Geeze, it was terrifying!” Jieun freed my grip on her, because I was caught off guard.

*But the real question I wanted to ask was… do you hate me? Do you really like Kai now? Did you use to like me? But I was too timid to ask such questions.*

I decided that if I thought about her so much, and what she thought I liked her. I can’t bare the sight of Kai making a move on her. I just can’t. What’s up with my goddamn feelings? I feel so weird…


What was that all about?

All the questions were so odd. I could tell he was slightly holding back on his questions. Dang it, now I’m curious about what the questions were.

He acted like he needed to know every single thing about me.

Is this Prince Jerk bipolar? First he’s all like, “sorry Jieun, but I like Hyosung.” And now he’s all like “Hey Jieun what did you dream about O_o” This is strange…

A little too crazy, and weird.

Daehyun hasn’t been out with Hyosung a lot, only yesterday and a few times before that. He’s been such a player he doesn’t even know how to “date”. Babo.

A girl only needs to hear a few words, I love you/I like you, and maybe you’re pretty. But it’s up to the guy to act accordingly! He can’t be a big back stabber!! Like say that he loves you, and turns around to another girl and says the exact same thing to her. I hate people like that. I lose so much people, my love is hard to get, but it hurts a lot when that person doesn’t feel the same.

As soon as I turned around, there was Kai, standing there with the cutest grin on his cute face.

“Boya, what are you smiling about?” I speculated.

“Nothing, just you and your adorableness! ♥”



AYO readers! Sorry that the previous chapter was a little too short... BUT I EXTENDED THIS ONE!!! hehe if that counts...

Well anyways, thank you guys so much for reading, and I truely mean that from the bottom of my heart. Knowing that some people will actually read my writing is so awesome, especially about 43 people! Thank you so much! ♥☺

Thank you for watching me grow, and this isnt the last fanfic you'll ever see from me!! ☺

I have 18 fanfic ideas trapped in the notes of my phone :P I just have to finish this one and then I'll move on to the next one. ☺

Well anyways, thank you SOOOO much for reading my crap! ☺ Seriously!

And as always there is always a KPOP related gif at the end of every single one of my authors corner thing... yeah you know all the text in purple... yes, this is it..

You guys are jjang (awesome)

I LOVE YOU!!! ♥☺ (I'd like to thank the academy... man screw the acadamy! I'd like to thank South Korea for having all the iest men alive!! My fanfics would not be here without them. ☺♥)

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!