Day 82 - Door

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


I woke up with my leg throbbing like it got cut off!

Then I remembered again, I can’t move it, crap…

“Hey!!! Jieun, you can’t move, so just stay there and I’ll        get you whatever you need.” Kai push my shoulders down, until my back rested on the soft bed platform thingy.

“”Now, stay there!!!!” Kai walked out the door doing the “I’ve got my eyes on you” thing.

*I was never the person who relies on other people. I’m independent.* I pouted to myself, crossing my arms across my chest.

“Here you go.” Kai carried a plate in the room, setting it down on the space next to me.

“Kai you don’t have to. I can manage. But thanks.” I smiled.

“Jieun… you can barely walk 2 feet, just enjoy me talking care of you. You are a princess by blood, so act like a princess.” Kai nodded his head and furrowed his eye brows.

“But… I……” I mumbled.

“Ok, now drink this herbal tea, it’s supposed to help the healing process.” Kai handed over a mildly warm cup of leafy water. I took a sip.

“KAI!! DID YOU DO SOMETHING TO THIS DRINK!?!?!? IT TASTES LIKE !!” I swallowed the wretched tea.

“I know it doesn’t taste the best, but it will help you. Please drink it… for me??” Kai batted his eyes, trying to act cute.

“Fine…” I took sips of the tea… it tasted like spoiled milk with a hint of dog poop… yay.

“Thank you.” Kai smiled, backing out of the door. “And don’t you dare spit it out!”


“Uhhhhh…. Hey. Are you ok??” Daehyun opened the door, sitting 5 feet away from where I was sitting.

“Just great. I can’t move my right leg.” I sarcastically smiled.

“I know we are in a terrible situation. But… I just want you to know… that I can still care about you, you know that right?” Daehyun looked at me in a sympathetic way.

“Daehyun I don’t know anything about you anymore. I don’t need your sympathy. You aren’t the reason this happened to me.” I looked in the other direction.

“Hey, Jieun. I can still care, I’m not heartless.” Daehyun looked serious.

“You were sneaking off to see a girl, when we were under a marriage contract. Not heartless? Lies.” I at scoffed.

“Over me? Lies.” Daehyun made a comeback.

“I never said that I was over you, I said I was getting over you.” I winked in a show up kind of way.

“Well, since you’re “getting” over me how’s it been?” Daehyun replied.

“Just fine. I think I like Kai.” I smiled.

“Really!?!” Just then Kai so happened to open the door, but was eavesdropping on my conversation with Daehyun before.

“Ohh!!! You were listening….” I looked down, and Daehyun stared at me and then looked at Kai and then me again.

“I thought I was the only one who felt it… but I really have liked you ever since we were little, I was too shy to actually tell you but I felt that looking out for you would be enough for me. But when I left Korea for a while, I regretted not telling you my true feelings.” Kai walked close to me and touched my hand.

“YAH!!!!! Fine I’m leaving!!! This is weird, I’m going out.” Daehyun walked out of the door. I think I saw him reach up to his face and swipe something off, but it couldn’t have meant anything… right??

*I don’t know anything anymore…..*

“So… do you need anything?” Kai smiled larger than anything I’ve ever seen.

“No, I’m ok, just stay here for now.” I smiled.

“Ok.” Kai closed the door…


AYO WUDDUP!!! Another Chapter..... sorry it's a little short, but its a build up to what i have in store for you guys!!

I really want to thank all you guys for reading, I think i have about 40 subscribers. Thank you so much!!!! I enjoy writing for you guys!! But i procrastinate....

Thank you so much!!!! SARANHAE ♥♥♥

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!