Day 87 - Nothing

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


I must have stared at them for 2 full minutes without blinking. I felt kind of like my heart fell and lost its way back to its rightful place.

I could believe it, Daehyun and a girl, more importantly Daehyun and a girl kissing.


I didn’t choose, but it looks like he already did.

I just walked away thinking.

*Daehyun never liked you, he’s a playboy, and playboys play with girls. I was just a victim.* I convinced myself.

*But Jieun, why do you feel so dead?*

I felt wobbly and dizzy and the world was spinning all around me.

And then the next thing I knew I was. OUT.



*Hmmm… where am I? What happened?* I woke up to see doctors hovering over me and watching my every move like a hawk.

“Annyonghaseyo, but what happened.” I asked the doctors scratching my head.

“You out, on the road, due to stress and the lack of sleep.” The doctor, informed me.

“OH MY GOD!!!!! JIEUN ARE YOU OKAY!?!” Kai bursted though the crowd of doctors.

“Is this your boyfriend, because we can’t let you go, until we know that you’re in the hand of your caretaker?” One of the doctors asked me.

“Yes!” Kai grabbed my hand a walked out the door, but I feel in agony.

“What’s wrong?” Kai asked me, helping me up.

“We were about to tell you, that Miss Jieun fractured her foot, while she fell, so she can’t walk on her foot for about 8 weeks.” The doctor stated.

“8 WEEKS!!!!!!!” I yelled, surprised as hell, wow I must have fallen hard. *THIS IS REALLY THE TIEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!*

“Ok, thank you for taking care of her. Have a good day.” Kai said while he wrapped my arm around his broad shoulder and limped to the door.

We both were trying to get to the cart to get home.

Then I remembered, my last memory after I out was Daehyun kissing that girl and I got so mad that I could feel my blood boiling.

“Anniya, Jieun this won’t do.” Kai un-wrapped my arm from his shoulder and started to pick me, grasping me in his arms… like a baby.

“It’s ok, I can limp, or I could go on your back, because that’s easier.” I looked up into Kai’s brown eyes and suggested.

“Ani, I want to see you face when I look down, because then I know that you’re safe.” Kai blushed, looking embarrassed.

“Thank you. You really are the best, Kim Jongin.” I sincerely thanked him.

After all I’ve been through Kai has been there. From birth to the present, he was like my guardian angel.

Kai got into the carriage first, when we reached, and then he helped me up, like a gentleman.

I just couldn’t help but think about Daehyun. The mysterious girl and Daehyun. *This is who he has been meeting, but how did they meet? How did they become close? Why did Daehyun leave me to be like this?*

Kai softly planted his head oh my shoulder, and whispered to me, “I’m sorry, Jonggie will look after you better.” Kai sounded very sincere and serious. So I held his hand and replied, “It wasn’t your fault, it was mine.”

But despite Kai’s loving kindness, the truth about Daehyun’s “affair” crushed me, and made a blaring pain in my soft and delicate heart. Everything was throbbing, my brain, my heart, my spirit, and especially my wounded foot.

I couldn’t help it.

This was really mind blowing to know that he secretly went out, and got together with some girl.

The nerve of this jerk, made my head implode.

I felt as if my insides caved into my heart, making so heavy I could take it.

Just a soft kiss and it just hurt that badly.

I don’t know anymore.

But I know that Daehyun made his choice and I can’t change that.

A small tear swiped down my pale face.

“Jieun, what’s wrong?” Kai asked me, because he saw the glimmer of the sun hitting the tears on my face.

“Nothing.” I turned over and faced the horizon.

*I can’t take the sadness.*

I slowly fell down, breaking apart, all I could do was wait and feel it happen.


The reality and emotions hit her like rocks.

*This is suffocating.*

I can’t even think of all the reasons on why this day lacks any sort of joy, or anything favorable.

This is the worst day ever and no argument is valid.

The depression was eating my spirit like parasites, and I could do was feel it happen.




I looked at Jieun numerous times and saw her really serious and she looked pre-occupied with her thoughts.

“Jieun are you sad?” I asked Jieun.

“It’s nothing.” Jieun sighed back, sounding frustrated with what she was thinking about.

I don’t need to know her thoughts, as of now, I just need her to smile and be happy.

No matter what problem, I really hope she’s okay, and she can figure it out.





We finally made it home, and I limped into the room, with some help of Kai.

“Thanks, Jonggie.” I tried to hide my depression with a fake smile.

“You’re welcome.” Kai replied, as he walked out of the room, sensing that I needed some space.

*Well now that I know stuff about Daehyun, there is no reason to keep going on with this arranged marriage. We’ll talk about it when he gets home.*


6 hours later


I was napping in the bed, when I heard a soft creak come from the front door.

*THAT MUST BE DAEHYUN!!!* I ran over to the door and I saw him smiling.


Just seeing him smile, after I knew what he was doing, drove me off edge.

“Hi, Jieun.” Daehyun greeted me.

I hated it that he was smiling, after what he just did. I smacked him as hard as I could.

“!!! What was that for?” Daehyun massaged his cheek in pain.

“Being a jackass, , and a douche bag!!!!!” I slapped him again and limped back into the room, Daehyun grabbed my hand.

I looked back and him, he was all confused. “I hate you, let go of me.” I said in a lower volume. I don’t want to cry in front of Daehyun.

“WHAT HAPPENED!?!?” Daehyun asked me.

“You, should know, you did it.” I limped in the room slamming the door behind me.

Daehyun opened the door back up and proceeded to talk to me and ask questions.

“What did I do? Why is your leg like that?” Daehyun put his hand on my shoulder.

“Remember what you did today, and that’s your answer to both of those questions.” I threw his hand off my shoulder.

When I said that Daehyun’s face was like: ????? then O_O

I guess now he knew.

“Jieun, you saw that?” Daehyun sounded astonished.

“DOES THAT REALLY MATTER NOW!!!!?!?!?!?!” I yelled at Daehyun, I wiped one tear.

“I was going to tell, you but… I was afraid to.” Daehyun confessed.

“Well now I know. Things don’t always go the way we plan.” I clutched my fist.

There were 5 minutes of silence.

“Who is she, and how did you guys meet?” I asked.

“Her name is Hyosung. I liked her before I met you, but I met her again a few days ago.” Daehyun confessed.

“So comparing her to me. What did our relationship mean to you?” I asked, what is he thinking?

“Our relationship meant nothing.” Daehyun replied.

“What about our kiss?” I asked.

“Nothing.” Daehyun stated.

“So I guess there is no use of this arranged marriage if our relationship means nothing to you.”



DRAMA!!!!! WOAH!!! Did ya like the chapter?? MORE TO COME!!!!

I really want to thank you guys!!! Like seriously!!!

I also just hit 800 followers on Instagram!!! ♥

You guys are really awesome!!!

Another highlight was that one of my favorite fanfic writers, “Lambchop” actually accenpted my friend request!!!! Read her fanfic “Next Door Idiot”!!!!

Thanks for reading!!!! ♥♥♥

Might not be able to post much, due to exams. Sorry….


~LeeteuksWife ♥

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!