Day 96 - Who's Princess?

Prince Jerk & Our 100 Day Arrangement


(Kai and Jieun slept on that couch and woke up the next morning)

Kai’s Prospective

I woke up, remembering everything that happened yesterday.

I never liked Daehyun.

I knew that one day, he would cross the line!

I nudged Jieun. She was awake, and I guess she remembered what happened yesterday, because she started to sob in my arms.

We sat up as she laid her head on my chest and cried.

I hugged her saying, “It’s him. You are perfect. Only a babo like Daehyun would hurt you.”

Jieun cried and cried.

She’s so pretty, she even cries beautifully.

“Oppa, what am I going to do?” She asked me, sniffling.

“I don’t know Princess. I don’t know…” I replied.

“I can always kill him for you, if you want.” I smiled.

“Thank you oppa, you’re the best!” Jieun smiled. She finally stopped crying.

“I would do anything for you, you’re like my little sister!” I replied.

“Saranghae bro!” Jieun beamed.

“Shall we make breakfast?” I asked.

“What should we make????” Jieun replied starting to get her beautiful smile back.

“Anything you want, Princess.” I said.

Your Prospective (When You were with Kai)

I wasn’t that Daehyun is a jerk, It’s what Daehyun was clueless about, what he didn’t know about.

Daehyun doesn’t understand anything!!!!!!!

Kai was always there when I needed somebody.

When I was in a tough situation, Kai helped me through it.

When I couldn’t find Jiwon, Kai found him playing in the grass.

When I fell and got a cut, Kai bandaged it and it got better.

You could say Kai was like my guardian angel.

I met Kai when we were little kids, like 5 or 6 years old.

He was always there and always helped me.

I look up to him.

Kai always had a magical way of making me feel better.

My oppa is awesome!!!!

Cooking!!!!! Kai and Jieun!!!!! Jieun’s Prospective.

“Can we make…. Beef, lettuces wrap, and rice?” I asked.

“Anything for you, Princess. I promise.” Kai kissed me on the cheek.

*I know he’s like a brother to me but…. he just kissed me on the cheek!!!!!!! A handsome non-jerky guy just kissed me on the cheek!!!!! So…… I did kind of like him when I was little….. ♥*

It’s just that, knowing that Kai was always there looking out for me, made me start to gain feelings for him. It was until I was 9 that Kai moved to somewhere else. I still liked Kai, but I didn’t think about him as much anymore. Until like last week when he showed up and my old feelings came back.

I remember how depressed I was when Kai moved away when I was 9, but now I’m 19 and I won’t let that happen, ever again!

“Hey, ummmm…. Princess. Are you okay???” Kai looked at me, snapping me back into reality.

“What… oh, sorry I zoned out just a little bit….” I confessed, waking up from just staring at Kai.

“Well, that’s okay, but we don’t have any lettuce to make Beef, lettuce wrap, and rice.” Kai ruffled the back of his head.

“That’s okay, we can just find something else to make.” I smiled.

“Anniya! Let’s go to the market! I promised you beef, lettuce wrap, and rice, and you’re going to get beef, lettuce wrap, and rice!!!!!!” Kai determinedly stated.

“No, Kai, I’m really okay with eating something else.” I insisted.

“Aigoo!” Kai picked me up and opened the door to the house, while he gave me a piggy back ride to the market.

“Oppa!!!!! Ya!!!! I said that I’m okay with eating something else!!!!” I laughed.

“I know you like it, so enjoy the moment Princess!!!!!” Kai smiled, I couldn’t see it, but I could feel it that he was extremely happy.

“To the grocery store we go!!!!!! GIDDIE UP HORSEIE!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hehehe, Kai is my horse now…

“You’re going to regret saying that.” Kai told me.

“NAYHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” Kai started to jump and run fast, running and bobbling up and down all over the place!!!!

“KIM JONGIN!!!!!!! Stop it!!!!!” I yelled scared.

“Just bear with it for a little bit, we’re almost at the grocery shop, Princess!” Kai beamed.

I just sat on his back scared and not moving.

Kai ran into the store with me still on his back.

“KAI!!!! Let me go were in the store now!!!!” I yell-whispered in Kai’s ear.

“Anniya.” Kai trotted off.

*Aigoo, I’ll just go with it. It doesn’t seem like Kai is going to let me off….. it’s not like that wasn’t a bad thing either….. :D*

Kai trotted over to the meat section and then ran up to the cashier.

He and I smiled like idiots.

“Oh, is this your girlfriend?” The cashier lady asked.

“Anni-“I was about to say until Kai interrupted me.

“YES!!!!” Kai interrupted.

“She’s really pretty, treat her well young man.” The lady replied.

“She is very pretty, I will treat her well. Thank you, Miss!” Kai bowed, I almost slipped off of his back.

Kai and I walked out of the nice lady’s store. (I was still on Kai’s back.)

“Can you let me go now, please.” I asked.

“Fine, Princess.” Kai finally agreed.

“Thank you.” I replied.

Kai and I walked side by side.

“So, I’m your girlfriend?” I asked.

“Oh, ummmmm….. about that…….. Well would you want to be my girlfriend?????” Kai asked.

“I don’t k-“ I stared to say, when…

Kai kissed me on the lips.

His lips pressed against mine.

I felt his warmness in this kiss.

“I’m sorry, but I always had a crush on you…..” Kai confessed.

“I know you probably don’t like me back, but I had to do it.” Kai explained.

I looked so flustered, but I was surprised that childhood crush liked me!!!!

You could see that he was really happy!!!

Kai and I walked back home, our pinky’s hooking onto each other.

Everyone was awake, by the time we got home. Everyone contributed to making breakfast.

I avoided eye contact and conversation with Daehyun.

~~~~~20 Minutes Later~~~~~~

The food was done, cooked, washed, perfected, B.A.P (Best absolute perfect :D)

Beautiful brown beef.

Leafy green lettuce.

Pure white rice.

“This is so good!!!!!!” Everyone chanted, as they picked up their chop sticks and carried the food up to their watering mouths.

I wasn’t good…. IT WAS AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

We all gobbled it up, no leftovers at all!! It was so good that everyone their plates!!

“That was good.” Daehyun shyly confessed.

“Ummm, Jieun can I speak with you privately. I need to tell you something.” Daehyun asked me.

“Okay.” I nodded.

We walked into our room, and Daehyun closed to door behind us.

“I am really sorry, I was out of line. I would do anything to start over with you!! I was a jerk, or should I say a Prince Jerk. Will you please forgive me???” Daehyun asked.

“I’ll forgive you…” I confessed.

“YES!!! THANK YOU!!!!” Daehyun rejoiced.

“Wait a second!!!! Under one condition.” I negotiated.

“What is it?!?!? Name it!” Daehyun eagerly asked.

“You have to do, what I say and when I say it! And I also get to physically hurt you, in a very painful way.” I revealed.

“Deal.” Daehyun agreed, holding his hand out to shake on it.

But instead of shaking hands kicked him, where it hurts!!!!

He cried on the floor, while I laughed and smiled.

He deserved it!

“Prince Jerk, are you crying?” I sarcastically asked.

“WELL YOU DID JUST KIND OF KICK ME IN THE !!!!!!!” Prince Jerk yelled.

Prince Jerk couldn’t stand up, so he used his 2 hands. He dragged himself across the room, trying to leave his doom.

“Not so fast. I know you, and for you to keep your promises I need to document this agreement on paper!” I said.

“!!!! You’re too smart for your own good.” Daehyun said, dragging himself with his 2 hands towards the table.

I got out a piece of paper and started to write on it with my ink and paint brush.


March 28, 1693

Agreement of Forgiveness

I, Lee Jieun will forgive Jung Daehyun for the flaws he has made. I, Lee Jieun will start over, with a clean slate with, Jung Daehyun. I return of forgiveness, Jung Daehyun must serve Lee Jieun for one month. Jung Daehyun will have to serve Lee Jieun longer if he rips this document up.

X Lee Jieun

(Signature of Lee Jieun)

X Jung Daehyun

(Signature of Jung Daehyun)



“Okay, now you can never say this didn’t happen, ok!!!” I said.

“Okay.” Daehyun replied.

“Hey, Daehyun, stand on one foot and moo like a cow, while jumping in circles!!!!” I tested out his slave loyalty.

“As you wish, Princess.” Daehyun replied.

Standing on one foot, mooing like a cow, and jumping in circles, all at the same time.

*Oh, I’m going to have so much fun for a month!*

“You can stop now.” I said.

“Thank you, Princess.” Daehyun panted.

We walked out the room.

“What was all that about?” Jiyeon asked.

“Well you can see. Daehyun, complement me every time I snap my fingers.” I said.

“Okay, Princess.” Daehyun replied.

I snapped my fingers.

“You are the prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life.” Daehyun said.

“So you’re making him do whatever you want?!?!?” Suzy asked.

“Yep.  He owes me.” I replied.

Daehyun’s Prospective Getting Out of the Room

I did have to serve Jieun for a month but I’m okay with that, at least were starting off new again.

“What was that about?” Jiyeon asked.

“Well you can see. Daehyun, complement me every time I snap my fingers.” Jieun stated.

“Okay, Princess.” I replied.

Jieun snapped her fingers.

“You are the prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life.” I responded.

I didn’t hear anything else for 3 minutes, I stared at Jieun’s face, noticing her face was so pure and clear. She was beautiful!

I felt my heart beat faster and faster.

What’s happening to me???? I feel funny, like I’m in a daze. Lost in beautiful girls face that I discovered is LEE JIEUN!!!!!

“Daehyun!” Yongjae yelled and went up to me.

“What the hell are you doing, you look like you saw cheesecake!!!!!!!” Yongjae yell-whispered in my ear.

“Sorry, I zoned out.” I responded.

Jieun’s Perspective

“Hey!!! Does anybody want to drink tonight???” Yongguk enthusiastically asked.

“Sure, why not?? It’s a good day!!!!” everyone answered.

Yongguk got out 2 bottles rice wine and 9 cups.

“What drinking game should we play?” Jongup asked.

“How about, Charades! If you nobody gets the word in 1 minute, the person who did the Charades has to drink. But if one person gets it, everybody else has to drink except for him and the person acting out the word.” Suzy suggested.

“Yeah let’s play that!!!” Everyone agreed.

We put our names on pieces of paper, and folded them up to determine who goes up.

Zelo pick upped a piece of paper, opened it and put it back into the bowl. Zelo said “Okay, Suzy. You’re up! YOU CAN’T TALK!!!”

Suzy walkover, in front of the table, everybody else.

She went on all fours and pranced around.

“DOG!!!” Zelo guessed.

“CAT!!!!” Jiyeon yelled.

“HORSE!!!!!!!!” Kai answered.

“Kai got it!!!! Everybody else drink up!!!!!” Suzy smiled.

Kai and Suzy fist bumped each other.

Suzy walked up to the bowl and got another piece of paper to see who was next.

“Hehehehe, Yongguk, you’re up!!!” Suzy announced.

Yongguk walked in front and laid down and started to roll and flinch rapidly on the floor.

“Seizure!!!!” I guessed.

“Seal!!!!” Himchan hollered.

“Dragon?” Daehyun questioned.

“Worm!!!!” Suzy yelled.

“Times up!” Zelo said.

“Now hyung, what the hell were you doing?!?!!?” Zelo asked.

“I…. was a fish.” Yongguk sighed taking his shot of rice wine.

“OH!!!” Everybody finally realized.

“Himchan next.” Yongguk read the paper.

Himchan sat on the ground pursing his lips fanning himself with his hand.

“JIEUN!!!!!” Zelo laughed.

I punched Zelo in the arm.

“This one is easy!!! GISAENG!!!!!” Daehyun said.

“Yep, Dae got it!” Himchan smiled.

“DRINK!!!!!” Daehyun announced.

Everyone took their shots and waited for the next person to act.

“Um, Jieun, your next.” Himchan smiled.

“Uhhhh, okay….” I replied.

I did kicks and punches, and all that cool stuff that Tao taught me.

“Assin?” Jiyeon asked.

“Samurai!!!!” Yongjae yelled.

“EASY!!!! She’s obviously a police worker!!!!” Jongup scolded.

*That was really funny for what he said, because it wasn’t correct…….*

I kept on kicking, spinning in the air, using an air sword.

“Oh!!!! I got it!!! NINJA!!!!!” Kai CORECTLY answered.

I high fived Kai and picked the next victim.

“Prince Jerk, you’re up!” I announced.

Daehyun, squatted and jumped around, scratching his head.

“Dude, do you have lice???” Jongup asked.

At first I thought it was a joke, then I realized that Jongup isn’t the brightest….

“Monkey!” I yelled.

“Yes!!!” Daehyun hugged me.

“Drink!!!!!” Everybody did their shots of rice wine.

“Let’s call it a day, one more shot and I’m drunk!” Zelo smiled.

Dae, was a little drunk, because when we were walking into our room, he was hugging my arm and saying “Look at me!!” When I turn around to see what he was doing….

“Puing! Puing!!!!!” Daehyun did aegyo!!!!! Kyeopta!!!!!

We got into the room and Daehyun started to act funny.

“You know what, Jieun, I need to tell you something.” Daehyun drunkly whispered, and motioned me to come closer to him.

“What?” I asked. He said something, but he whispered it, so I couldn’t hear him. “What?” I pulled closer.

“MUAHHH!!!!!!” Daehyun kissed me on the lips. Out of the blue. Daehyun was smiling at me, while I was having a mental break down!!! “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!!!!!!” I yelled. “Oh, I’m sorry, was it not good enough? Here!” Daehyun grasped my face, gently.

And kiss me romantically. I closed my eyes.

“Um.” I blushed.

I think he was sobering up, because he started to make surprised facial expressions.

Daehyun V.S. Kai

Kai the childhood first love or Daehyun the guy that takes me by surprise.

I don’t know??

Whose Princess am I???

Daehyun kissed me again at the same time Kai opened the door.

“WHAT THE HELL?!??!!?!?!?!” Kai yelled.

Oh my god!!!! These guys are going to fight, over me!!!! Some girls would find this awesome, but someone could die!!!!

Kai threw a punch at Daehyun that hit his face.

Daehyun, now completely sober, he leg tripped Kai to the ground and started to punch him in the ribs.

“YA!!!!! B.A.P HELP!!!!!!!!!!” I cried.

“What’s wrong??” Yongguk answered.

He saw Daehyun and Kai throwing punches at each other and didn’t hesitate to get the other members.

They broke up the fight.

Kai was bleeding a little bit on his mouth, and his nose was bruised.

Daehyun’s cheek was bruised and he was bleeding on his lips.

I cried, I ran up to Kai first.

“ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!! FIGHTING LIKE THAT?!?!?!?” I yelled at him.

“It was his fault, he kissed my Princess.” Kai replied, in pain.

“Kai, I really never chose you over him. And I’m not saying I will. But I don’t know?!?!? You guys just kinda dropped the bomb on me today!!!!!” I yelled back.

“Aigoo.” Kai embarrassedly shoved his face under the blankets.

“Get up.” I said.

Kai got up from under the covers and I cleaned him up a little. At least he didn’t have any more tiny little spots of blood on his face.

“I just have to tell you one thing.” Kai said.

“OH HELL NO!!! The last time somebody said that to me, this happened.” I replied pointing to Dae, and Kai.

“It’s not like that. But…. damn!!!!! Daehyun punches hard!!!!” Kai pouted rubbing his bruise.

“Really, Oppa!! I saw you punch Daehyun, liked he killed me!!!” I retorted.

“Hehehehehehe…” Kai rubbed the back of his neck.

“I’ll rest for now.” Kai said.

“Okay.” I walked over to Daehyun, who was sitting in the corner.

“Oppa, are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes.” Daehyun nodded.

I sat next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder.

*Wait isn’t this supposed to be reverse?*

I petted his soft hair.

“Come on, get up and get some rest.” I said.

“Let’s go!” Daehyun moved over to his spot on the bed. To the right, me in the middle, and Kai on the left.

I knew that one day they were going to make me choose. I can’t choose!!!! I just don’t know who!!!

But I just want my happy life with BOTH of them to exist for as long as I can.

 “Goodnight guys.” I whispered.

“Night Princess.” They both said at the same time.

They got up, like they were thinking about fighting again.

*Yeah right!*

I pushed them both back to their sleeping positions. Away from each other’s sight. They held my hand as we all fell asleep at our own paces.


*Can I say that I love them both???”


So, how did you guys like the 10th chapter???

Action and tears.

Thanks for reading!!!

Any comments?? Post them!!!!

Read on!!!!


~ LeeteuksWife

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Aiana1808 #1
Yay finally meeting a story where jiyeon is NOT a bad guy
Chapter 1: this story seems funny ;p
14 streak #3
Chapter 48: Loved the ending very much!!!! <3333
Jesskwankwan #4
Chapter 48: So love the ending, thx!!!
Chapter 48: Aww..this story is just wonderfully awesome!! I love it so so much!! Its just perfect!! I hope author-nim can make more EXO and B.A.P fanfics like this... ^-^
Love the update, thank you ! <3
Chapter 46: i love daeU now hehe

please update soon
Chapter 45: Oh my freaking god!!!!!! XDDD
Yoon Ki Jin?!?! XDDDD.
Nice update Boom. XD
ChoiPiLoZe #9
Chapter 41: DaeDae!! Hwaiting!!! ^^ Author-Nim! Hwaiting!