Operation "Abducting the President"... START!

Operation Banda

After a month of preparation, the time had finally come to get their plan done..
The final meeting was today, at the coffee shop nearby the presidential grounds.
HeeChul had carefully chosen this place, for it was his brother’s coffee shop.
His brother had no idea of their plan, he was on honeymoon with his beloved wife..
HeeChul had taken advantage of his brother’s trust in him.
HeeChul smiled to himself, he knew he was good at manipulating people, acting was his secret weapon..

HeeChul was sitting comfortable in a corner of the coffee shop, letting one arm hang loosely on the back of the chair next to him.
He looked like a savage and knew it.
In one draught he downed the whole lot of Mojito that was still in his glass..
Because it would take some time for the others to arrive, he started chewing on the minty leaves.
After that it was the slice of lime’s turn to get chewed on..
HeeChul heaved a sigh and spat the lime back into the glass.
- Chewing on Mojito-greens is nasty.. now where are my criminals?! -
HeeChul got up and started to pace the room up and down.

It was nightfall and the coffee shop wasn’t open.
The partners in crime had to enter the coffee shop through the back door..
When HeeChul was getting delirious from waiting, almost opening a bottle of vodka to drink all alone, the rest of his team came walking in.
Quickly HeeChul became alert again, still opening the bottle and taking out several more glasses.
‘Before we start, let’s relax a bit, I’m already totally worked up!’ HeeChul exclaimed..
He didn’t notice his comrades exchanged glances and prepared to take the bottle out of his hands.
Booze was no good when you had to be fully focused and, above all, quick and smooth..
It seemed their boss was nervous himself and probably had some booze already!
Well, it wouldn’t matter in the end, unless he got his hands on more booze..

‘It is now 10 p.m. Time to prepare..’ KiBum spoke to the group.
‘Go stand with your team mates.’
6 groups formed in the coffee shop.
‘Okay, now I want the snipers team; JinKi, HanKyung and SungMin, to go on the roofs of the surrounding buildings of the Presidential House, in case something might get out of hand.. And carry these.’
KiBum gave them portable ear phones.
The three nodded, put on their phones, got their sniper gear and left the coffee shop.
‘Now that the snipers are preparing on the roofs I want to know from the dirty work team; TaeMin, DongHae and EunHyuk, are you ready?’
The three nodded.
‘Then go and disable all alarm systems, including the fire alarm and movement sensors..’
All three attached their phones to their ears and left.
‘Now we have left, the arrest team; MinHo, ShinDong and YeSung, the confrontation team; JongHyun, LeeTeuk and SiWon and the team on the lookout; Key, KyuHyun and RyeoWook.. KangIn will join the arrest team and HeeChul and I are going to give orders during this mission. I want your teams to go into the building, first the arrest team, you’ll drug the president and everyone who is a witness to that, you’ll be covered by the team on the lookout. The confrontation team will then deal with the ties of the presidential house.. Such as visitors, callers, appointments and all.. Meanwhile the arrest team will transport the president and his family to the arranged place.. HeeChul and I will be there.’
All nine nodded and went to do their duties..

How they did it exactly?
The author still doesn’t know..
HeeChul didn’t want to go into details, but they drugged the president, his wife and his four children with chloroform and brought them to a hidden place..

– THE HIDDEN PLACE, 11:32 P.M. –

‘Boss HeeChul.. KiBum?’ MinHo asked.
‘The president and his family are in the basement.. They are still drugged, YeSung and KangIn are with them..’
‘Good, KiBum, call the other teams back, except the snipers and the confrontation team..’
‘Araso, but we will need SungMin for the next move.. I’ll tell DongHae to take SungMin’s sniper shift..’
‘OK, you got it, baby!’ HeeChul was back to his excited self..

Ten minutes later the teams who got called back arrived at the hidden place.
It was time for the next move..
The president was slowly awakening from his drug.
As soon as he was fully awake, SungMin and YeSung were to do their tricks on him..
They were the masters of hypnosis..

________~END OF CHAPTER 7~________

MIANHE, CHONGMAL MIANHE!!! *bows* I promised to update yesterday, but... it's become today... ~-~"

^^ Here's the list of teams of Super Junior and SHINee members:

Leader team:
~ HeeChul (the face / commander)
- KangIn (the muscles)
- KiBum (the brain)
Snipers team:
~ JinKi
- HanKyung
- SungMin (& master of hypnosis)
Confrontation team:
~ JongHyun
- LeeTeuk
- SiWon
Team on the lookout:
~ Key (KiBum from SHINee)
- KyuHyun
- RyeoWook
Arrest team:
~ MinHo
- ShinDong
- YeSung (& master of hypnosis)
Dirty work team (athletic):
~ TaeMin
- DongHae
- EunHyuk

I hope it's not confusing! ^-^" If you have a question, you can always ask! =)

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amazinggg <3
amazing <3
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
@xxtokyoxx: Aw, thank you! ^^ I left Flower's real name unknown on purpose, so the reader can imagine herself in Flower ;)
^^ Aaah, I see now! xP LOL, I should read better. I see where it's a little confusing in my story. xD Flower likes Xiah as a good and close friend, but not as something more =) only I didn't write that out so well XP I just said '(...)not because she liked him too, but(...)' xD<br />
It's almost the last chapter though... *sniff, sniff*
Sandara28 #6
I KNEW THAT Xiah liked her xDD But I didn't know that FLOWER liked him, or something :B
=0 You forgot? x) I think it's because of my sporadic updating... xP<br />
But do you remember Xiah being so keen on redecorating Flower's room after EunHyuk, MinHo and TaeMin had trashed it? =)
Sandara28 #8
O..o Flower liked Xiah? I never knew or plainly forgotten LMAO. XD!<br />
But heey what a sweet confession. Micky knew about this all along then eh? :B s'why he left o3o.. UPDATESOON<3
Sorry!!! For the loooong time absence! =$<br />
I'll do my best to update another chapter within the following week! =)<br />
<br />
@Sandara: ^^" That was a shocker, no?<br />
@Irene: Had to do something funny with HeeChul x) He's like 'the funny note' in this story! =P