The First Snow Without You



“Ya....I don’t remember...should I know you...?” Gina asked.


“um...never mind...I am Park Chanyeol from EXO. If you know who they are.” Chanyeol said.


“Oh ok. um....ya nice to meet you Chanyeol, I am Han Gina by the way am sorry for bumping into you.” Gina apologized and walked off to her next class.


I cannot believe she doesn’t remember me? ......I was her, her BEST friend in elementary school! How could she forget me....? ChanYeol thought to himself. He was in great shock for the rest of the day. Having his one and only girl best friend not remember him was a heartbreaker.  

Gina’s POV:
Wait....isn’t that guy the Happy Virus of Exo.......WAIT... OMG YES IT IS PARK CHANYEOL!!
I AM SO STUPID!! how could I not have noticed him....but..something tells me that I’ve seen him before....WHY AM I SO FORGETFUL.....OH GOSH HAN GINA, YOU IDIOT!

    As I walked back to my table to get my stuff, I was unconsciously looking for someone. After failing miserably and almost tripping over a crouching Ilhoon, I made my way to class. Math. URGH! I hate math...and the teacher...I hope it’s a woman. I put my stuff in a vacant seat next to the window. Then suddenly I feel like someone is staring at me. As I turn my head to face the creeper I see that it is....

    “PARK CHANYEOL. W-what are you doing here...I already apologized....OH I think i know...well....I am also sorry that I didn’t notice you were the happy virus of Exo the most popular guy group in SM High. Is that better??”

    “Really.....that is not what I am here for...and...I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU THINK I’M SO FULL OF MYSELF! GEEZ....I am not like the other hyungs....especially not like Kris hyung..he is just so-”

    “EHEM.” Gina interrupted .

    “Oh ya sorry anyways I take this math class too......I didn’t want to seek for another apology.”

    “OH um...ok then...” Gina replied awkwardly.

‘I can’t believe I just said that...why did my big mouth have to talk and talk and t- ok I’m doing it again talking too much....I should give him a chance; he might be nice anyways.’ Gina thought to herself.

    “ this seat next to you taken?” Chanyeol asked as he interrupted Gina’s own world.

    “No, you can take a seat.” Gina gave Chanyeol the warmest smile

I missed that know Gina you used to always smile like that when I made jokes and tried to cheer you up...I missed you Gina...My Best Friend. Chanyeol was in deep thought as the math teacher came in.

    “Good afternoon class...Welcome all freshmen and hope we will have a fun MATH class together!” The math teacher said emphasizing the word MATH.
    “I am Ms. Hong and this year we will be learning about....” Gina stopped listening and stared out the window. She was enjoying the blue sky until she felt someone poking her waist.

    “Hey, Gina. Do you want to hear a knock-knock joke!!” Chanyeol whispered in excitement.

“Um.....sorry to turn you down but we are in a serious class right now.” Gina replied.


“Well, it’s boring and I want to lighten up the mood here~” Chanyeol yet again said in excitement.


Gina gave in and agreed to hear one of Chanyeol’s knock-knock jokes.


“Knock, Knock”


“Who’s there?”




“Sultan who”


“Sultan pepper!!” Chanyeol said in excitement wanting Gina to laugh. But all Gina gave Chanyeol was an are-you-serious look. After a few seconds of staring Gina bursted out laughing. Chanyeol joined Gina as they both laughed hysterically making the whole class look back at the laughing seat mates.


Gina took a quick glance at Chanyeol and saw one of his eye twitching. Wait a minute my best friend used to have a one eye twitching laugh. This can’t be right....THE Park Chanyeol can’t be my best friend Park Chanyeol?! BUT....HE GREW SO MUCH HE EVEN LOOKS DIFFERENT!! Gina’s thought were interrupted with a loud cough. She looked up to see a scary teacher looking at her....OH NO TROUBLE.....!!!!!


    “Ms. Han and Mr. Park DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL!!!” Ms.Hong yelled at the top of her lungs.


    “Sorry Gina.....I didn’t mean to get you in trouble...“ Chanyeol said while pouting.


    “No it’s ok at least I can enjoy my detention with my long lost Best friend~!” As Gina said the word BEST FRIEND Chanyeol’s eyes grew into big owl eyes and stood up from his seat in surprised.


“YOU REMEMBER ME!!!” Chanyeol exclaimed


“SHHHHHHHH!!!!!! We don’t want to get another detention Park Chanyeol!! and yes I do remember well not at first but when I saw your one eye twitching laugh..hehe...i knew you were you were my long lost best friend~ you are the only person I know that has one eye that always twitches when you laugh really hard~~” Gina said sweetly


“finally....thanks for remembering Gina~!”


“No Chanyeol...thanks for coming back into my life~ I missed my best friend so much!!!!”

Park Chanyeol....thank you so much for coming back to me....I thought I lost my guardian. Will you be there to hold me together like you did in the past?



Hey there guyss~~

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?