Who Are You?

The First Snow Without You




After dance class, it was finally time for lunch! WHOO!!


I walked to my locker, put my bag away, and got my lunch money for today. After arriving at the cafeteria, I immediately went to the lunch line before even looking for any of my friends. Dance class made me crave for food like a person stranded on an island for three weeks!! I looked ahead to see what was being served today for lunch. I decided to get tteokboki and payed for it when my turn came. Now came another obstacle, where the heck was I going to sit in this sea of students. I couldn’t find any of my friends, not even any empty seats!! Every table was occupied with at least one person! Even the table which seemed free either had short students or were really unstable or dirty from the trash left behind. I started to get worried when all of a sudden, I heard my name being called in the distance.


“Gina!!!” ‘Is someone calling me? Or another person called Gina?’ I thought. I looked around a little for the person who was calling me but couldn’t find anyone.


“Yah! Han Gina!!” Hey! That’s my name!! I looked around once more but couldn’t find the person. I tried walking around a bit while looking like a confused idiot. The same person called sounding much more clearer! As I turned to see who had called my name, I saw Ilhoon waving frantically at me. I noticed and smiled. As I walked towards them, I got a few glares from some random girls, wonder why? I sat down on the seat in front of DaeHyun and Ilhoon.


“So how’s dance? Do you like to dance? Did they ask for an audition from you yet?” Ilhoon began to blabber.


“AUDITION?” I choked on my food that I had just began to eat. “What do you mean?”


“I mean you have to have real good talent to get into that class...DaeHyun do you know who’s class she’s in? The one with the Dancing Machine!!!” DaeHyun head shot up. He looked at me like as if I was an alien or something.


“What?” DaeHyun swallowed his rice and looked at my with a surprised smirk. “Do you know that that class is the most tough and nerve-wrecking class ever! The teacher and the students and the expectations are toooooo much if you just wanna dance for a while. Do you know that if you get B in that class you are prone to be thrown out of the class?” I watched him as he showered the most TERRIBLY NERVE-EXPLODING information in the WORLD!!!


“Th-thrown out of the class?” I asked nervously. IlHoon and DaeHyun both nodded at me.


“I was almost kicked out from the dance class in the summer camp! After that happened, I just went to the easier class. That’s why we’re not together in the same dance class.” He told me. I had just suddenly lost my appetite.


DaeHyun whacked IlHoon on the head. “Yah! Look what you did to her. You scared her so much you can see she’s gone pale!” IlHoon looked shocked. “ME?!?! You were the one who told her about being thrown out of the class! You scared her!! Not ME!” IlHoon defended.


The two boys continued to quarrel as I tried to take in everything that was just told to me. Gosh, all of this is making my tummy hurt. I need my unnie~!!


No one’s POV:




“Hey guys~! How ya’ll doin’!?” HyoJung asked as she took her seat next to Gina. However no one replied to her. DaeHyun and IlHoon were still arguing and Gina had lost all energy to speak. HyoJung got annoyed by the quarreling two and glared at the two boys in front of her. “Aish, these two always arguing like an old married couple.” HyoJung turned to the girl next to her, “Gina-yaa~, are you okay?” HyoJung asked with a look of concern plastered on her face. After not getting a reply from Gina, HyoJung looked at the two boys with an angry face. “Yah what did you guys do to her? She looks as if she has just seen a ghost.”


“It was all IlHoon’s fault! He told Gina that she would get kicked out if she couldn’t dance!!” DaeHyun argued.


“Nuh-uh~!! That was you~!!” IlHoon argued.


“No! It was you; I remember it clearly!”


“You liar!” IlHoon pointed his finger.


“Oh! So, now I’m the liar?” DaeHyun asked.


“Why are you saying it as if it was never you?”


“Duh! Because it wasn’t.” DaeHyun said in an as-a-matter-in-fact tone of voice.


“Uhm... why are they arguing..... again?” Just then a blonde boy with a very confused look on his face took a seat next to DaeHyun. “YoungJae Oppa, HI!!!” HyoJung waved enthusiastically to the boy. YoungJae smiled and waved back, but frowned when he looked back at DaeHyun and IlHoon. “Those two arguing again?” YoungJae asked.


“Yup.” HyoJung said. She looked back at Gina with a worried look. “Gina.” She called.


“Hmm.” Gina finally responded.


“Are you okay?”


“No, not really. IlHoon and DaeHyun said that I was gonna get kicked out of my dance class if I wasn’t good enough for it. And I started to think how my skills aren’t good enough. Then what if I get kicked out or fail. That’ll look really bad and-”


“Yah! how could you say that to her? It’s so mean~!” HyoJung scolded DaeHyun and IlHoon. They both looked at her with shocked look while YoungJae just watched from the sidelines as if he was watching cable TV. “It wasn’t me who said that!!” DaeHyun defended himself. IlHoon looked at him in amazement.


“You know, I’ve never met a liar bigger than you!” IlHoon complained. DaeHyun gaped at him and was about to make a comeback before HyoJung made the two stop and apologize to Gina. “There! All better. Now Gina, I’ll teach a lesson right now. Never listen to anything these two idiots say! Okay? They never know what they’re talking about.” HyoJung explained to Gina in a comforting tone. DaeHyun and IlHoon just looked at her with shocked expressions. “I’m sure you’re a GREAT dancer and that you won’t get kicked out or even get considered to be thrown out! OK?!?!” HyoJung looked towards Gina. Gina just simply nodded her head.


“YAAYY!! That’s the spirit!! And you know, Gina, I would love to see you dance sometime, too! I’m sure you’re a superb dancer!” HyoJung said excitedly. Gina chuckled at her friend’s enthusiasm.

“You know it wasn’t me who made Gina sad, right?” IlHoon asked.


“Yes it was!!” DaeHyun exclaimed.


“Nuh-uh it was totally all your fault.” Gina chuckled at her friends arguing. She was about to continue eating when she suddenly noticed the new body in at the table. YoungJae noticed someone looking over at him and looked up to see Gina looking at him. He did a mini-bow and extended his arm out. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you. My name is Yoo YoungJae. I’m one of DaeHyun and HyoJung’s friends.”


Gina reached out and shook YoungJae’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Yoo YoungJae. My name is Han Gina.”


“Oh it’s okay we’re the same age, you can just call me YoungJae.”


“O-Okay, YoungJae, it’s nice to meet you!” Gina smiled. While the other two boys continued to argue, YoungJae, Gina, and HyoJung engaged themselves in a conversation.


“Woah, woah! What’s with the arguing?” HimChan asked.


“Seriously; these two arguing again. So childlike.” YongGuk said.


“HimChan Oppa~!!” HyoJung smiled at the sight of her favorite cousin, who just took the seat next to her.


“Yah! Why don’t I get any greeting?” YongGuk asked as he sat down next to YoungJae taking up whatever room was left and squishing everyone on that side, as well as making IlHoon almost fall of his seat.


“Sorry, YongGuk Oppa!  How have you been?” HyoJung asked.


“Good. Senior year is coming off to an easy start.” YongGuk smiled, revealing his gums.


“Yeah, Yeah, just rub it in will ya! My Junior year is starting off terrible!! So much homework in such a short amount of time!” HimChan complained. HyoJung and YongGuk chuckled at HimChan’s misfortune.


“It’s okay, HimChan Oppa. At least you have HyoSung Unnie going through it with you. ” HyoJung smiled. As everyone continued to chat, and/or argue, Gina was sitting there feeling overwhelmed by all the new people who had just arrived. DaeHyun noticed this and decided to try and introduce everyone to her.


“Guys, I think we should introduce everyone to Gina.” DaeHyun suggested.


“Who’s Gina?” HimChan asked. “Do you mean JiEun?”


HyoJung chuckled at her cousin’s stupidity. “No, HimChan Oppa, Gina is a new friend in DaeHyun Oppa and my’s homeroom. HyoJung leaned back revealing Gina to her cousin. “Oh! Hey there. How you doin’?” HimChan wiggled his eyebrows. Everyone laughed.


“Here, Gina, let me introduce to you B.A.P.” DaeHyun began.


“On the very opposite side of this side,” DaeHyun pointed to the side of the table he sat on, “Is the leader of B.A.P, YongGuk Hyung. As you might have already figured out he is a senior here.”


“Yo!” YongGuk nodded his head in a gangster then proceeded to smile at Gina. “I’m Bang YongGuk. Nice to meet you.”


“Then,” DaeHyun continued, “HimChan Hyung, who is a Junior along with HyoJung’s older sister, HyoSung. Then, there’s YoungJae and I. We’re all together in the same grade. And lastly, we have two other members, Moon JongUp, and Choi JunHong, or you can call him Zelo. Both are currently in 8th grade.” DaeHyun explained.


"HEY there is also BTOB you know..." IlHoon said.


"Right....BTOB...where should I start...well EunKwang hyung is the oldest of BTOB which makes him the leader and he is a freshmen in college." DaeHyun explained, "Then there is Hyunsik, Changseob, and Minhyuk who are seniors. Minhyuk hyung is one of the hyper ones of BTOB. After those hyungs, there is Peniel Hyung. He is a sophomore and his korean isn't perfect, so he usually prefers to speak english, if possible. After Peniel hyung it is Ilhoon...the skinship hater.."


"HEY ONLY TO CERTAIN PEOPLE!!" Ilhoon complained.


"Sure, Ilhoon, sure~ anyways as I was saying after Ilhoon is the maknae of the group Seongjae. He is still in 8th grade like Zelo and Jongup. Because of that the three maknaes are quite close." As DaeHyun finished explaining everyone looked Gina's way expecting her to say something. But Gina was in a mental break down trying to memorize everyone's name.


"Um.....Gina...you alright..?" HyoJung asked in concern.


"ya...HUH WAT!! Oh, sorry. I was just trying to get everyone's names down....this is going to be really hard." Gina said in a worried tone.


"Don't worry!!! Once we actually hang out and have some fun with everyone you will FOR SURE get to know them pretty well...it literally only takes one hangout to get to know everyone!" Youngjae explained in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone.


"OHHHH WE SHOULD ALL HANG OUT ON FRIDAY AFTER SCHOOL!!!" IlHoon shouted with excitement.


"OHH YAA that's a great idea!!!" YongGuk said in agreement.

The rest of the lunch Gina and the others made plans for Friday and what they think would help them bond with Gina even more. The signal for the end of lunch came when the bell rang. It was a sea of students trying to get out first from the cafeteria. Gina, who had to throw away her leftover lunch, went to the trash at the end of the cafeteria. As she was making her way to the trash can someone had bumped into her really hard making her collapse to the ground.

“I’M SO SORRY!” The guy that pushed Gina said in a very apologetic tone.

“Um..it’s ok I’m fine.” Gina said as she looked up to see who she was talking too. As her face became visible to the guy that bumped into Gina, she noticed his eyes growing into owl eyes.



“Are your ok.....?” Gina asked in confusion.


“.........HUH UM YA! A-are y-you o-ok?” The guy stuttered.


“Ya I am...You look familiar by the way...who are you?” Gina asked while smoothing out her uniform.

“I..um..wait...you don’t remember me?!”



Co-Author's note:: Ok so here's a really long chapter for all of our awesome subbies~!!!! Thank you, guys for subscrbing to this story we really appreciate it!! And sorry if it's been a little boring; but the story is gonna start getting better real soon :) 

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?