The Perfect Moment

The First Snow Without You


At the beach...


    “Um..Gina ya...”




    “When will we notice that DO Hyung will not come back with drinks.”




    “Um ya..I just looked through the basket and everything we need is in here.” That Hyung...I swear I will attack him the minute I see him. But at least I get to spent some awkward alone time with Gina.


    “um..I guess we can just sit here and go back a little is nice outside.” I looked over at Gina and nodded in response. I think it’s time to take action.


    “Um Gina do you want to walk a little?”


    “Sure why not~” Gina immediately got up and I followed behind her. Should I do it now?


Back in DO’s room(DO POV)...




“SHHHHH how did you know!?” I can’t believe he caught us...


“I knew something was wrong right when you told me you were “preparing” for tomorrow. We didn’t even make any plans! So...I followed you guys outside. But when I noticed you coming back leaving Kai and Gina alone I quickly ran back here. NOW TELL ME WHY ARE THEY OUTSIDE ALONE!!!”


“QUIET DOWN PARK CHANYEOL! I left them there alone so that they can get the awkward atmosphere out and become close! There you have it.” But the truth is....I just want Kai to confess...Chanyeol can’t know this yet.


“Oh I thought you left them cuz they have something between them. *Phew*” Wait...does Chanyeol like Gina..why is he so relieved.


“Yeol ah...Do you, by any chance, like Gina?”


“WHAT PSH NO ha.hhaha....haha..ah... well maybe.”




“SHHHH HYUNG! Quiet down I don’t want anyone else to know!”


So he...WAIT..NO Why does this have to get so complicated...Chanyeol ah...please say it isn’t true. I don’t want you to be heartbroken! Kai and Gina are meant to be Chanyeol...You and her are like family..and things can get quite awkward if a brother starts liking his sister.


“Yeol ah..are you really serious about liking Gina?”


“Um..ya i guess.. my heart always races whenever she is around and all I think about these days is........Gina.”


Back at the beach(Kai POV)...

    Gina and I were just walking silently listening to the waves crashing onto the sand. I cannot take this anymore! I need to tell her!


“Um..Gina ya~”


“Wae?” I stopped and looked at her as she also stopped to look at me.


“...........” I just kept looking at her angelic face that was lit under the moonlight.




“um..Gina I am only going to say this once so listen.” I took Gina’s hands into mine and I could see her shocked expression. “You are beautiful, you are smart, and your eyes sparkle anytime you smile. Your smooth hair is always covering your pretty face.” I took a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. “You always have that cute look when you’re looking into my direction. Your red lips are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Sorry, if I am a bit direct. I almost can’t resist them.” I felt myself blushing at my sudden confession to her.. but I just had to do it. As I looked up to see Gina’s reaction..surprisingly she was smiling.




“It’s going to be difficult to say this but Gina, I-” I took a deep breath and calmed my beating heart. “I like you. I know you might not like me back, but......Gina ya~ Will you do the honor and complete the other side of me?” I looked down...I didn’t know how I got to say these cheesy words but it’s worth it.


“Hehehe” As I heard her giggle, I looked up and saw her eyes sparkling while she was nodding like a little puppy. Without knowing a huge smile formed on my face. I unconsciously walked closer to her and wrapped my arms around her shoulder.


“ are mine now~” I inhaled her sweet vanilla scent. She smells so sweet.


“Yes I am~” I pulled away from the hug and gave her my a warm smile to show her I cared so much about her and that all my wishes and dreams came true. She is mine now. No one can take her away from me. You can trust me Gina ya I will protect you with all my life. I love you Han Gina.


“Oppa..should we go back to the house? It’s getting cold~” I noticed Gina shiver as soon as a wind began blowing her way. Her teeth chattered and she shivered at the cold. I took of my denim shirt and put it around her. Even if it wasn’t enough it was something to keep her warm.


“Ok Lets go. It’s getting late anyways.”


“Aren’t you cold???” She gave me the cutest worried face I have ever seen.


“Nah I’m fine. All that worries me right now is your warmth~” I could see her blushing under the moonlight and I chuckled a little. “You know you are really cute when you blush~” Her eyes became big and her expression turned calm again as she giggled and smiled.


“You do know I’m not the only one blushing~~” She pinched my cheeks and ran away. I stood there dumbfounded until I realized what she did.


“YA HAN GINA!!” I started running after her as we both enjoyed running around.


Due to my long legs and the fact that I am just faster I caught her from behind and swung her around laughing. As I stopped swinging her and she stood on her own two feet again I didn’t let her go and just stayed in the position we were in watching the waves crash on the sand.






“Why did you start liking me?”


“Does there have to be a reason to like you?”


“Ya...Something must have caught your eyes to notice me.”


“Well other than the fact that you were hanging out with MY friends your dancing caught my eyes at the very beginning. Then, I started noticing the little things only a person that likes you can notice~”


“Like what..???”


“Secret~~~ hahahaha”


“Annggg OPPA~~~ Ppuing Ppuing~OMG......SO CUTE!


“hahahaha ok ok You are just perfect in my eyes. You are cute, pretty, actually beautiful, and after the swing incident I just felt more comfortable around you. You are the first girl to make my heart beat a million miles per second. That’s why I fell for you. Now my turn...why did YOU fall for me?”


“hehe well....after the swing incident to be exact~ You were the only person that night to comfort me and to listen to what I had to say. I guess your kindness started everything~” She looked up at me.


“That’s it?! I’m sad Gina... How could you just think of me as kind *sniff sniff*”


“Ok ok fine You are handsome, kind, amazingly good at dancing, are also the first person to make my heart race.”


“That’s better~” I turned her around and I looked at her beautiful green eyes. I slowly leaned down never losing eye contact. As our lips were about to meet..


“JONGINAH~~~~ GINA YA~~~~” We both quickly pulled back and turned our heads to the one who disturbed out alone time. The person was no other then..DO Hyung.... “Oops was I interrupting something....”


“No No Umma~ We were just walking back to the house.” Gina explained while I kept on glaring at DO Hyung for interrupting our sweet moment.


“OH OK then Lets walk~~” DO Hyung quickly grabbed Gina’s hand and dragged her along with him leaving me behind still glaring at him.


As we went in the house luckily no one noticed we were outside. I tried looking for my now girlfriend to talk to her but......WHY THE HELL DID DO HYUNG HAVE TO RIP HER OFF FROM ME! Wasn’t he the one that tried to bring us together....Ugh.

I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink and who do I see washing the dishes~ My lovely new GIRLFRIEND~~~ It feels good to say that!


Gina POV

    As we came home I went to the kitchen to get some water but ended up looking at the sink filled with dirty dishes. So, I started washing the dishes. After about.....maybe...2 minutes of washing I was shocked to feel strong, long arms snake around my waist. Looking at the tanned arms I knew exactly who it belonged to~


    “Hey Oppa~ You scared me!!!”


    “Hey Babe~ Sorry for scaring you~ But why are you washing the dishes?”


    “Oh I came in here for water and saw all these dirty dishes so I ended up washing them. What are you doing here?”


    “Same reason, but instead of seeing dirty dishes I see my lovely girlfriend~” I could not hide my blushing face. He knows how to make my tummy all crazy~  


    “HEYO WAD- OMG WHY ARE YOU GUYS HUGGING!!?? *GASP* ARE YOU GUYS DATING?!” Kai Oppa quickly let go of me and we both turned around to see a shocked Baekhyun Oppa “DAEBAK!!! HEY GUYS KAI AND GINA ARE DATING!!!!” As soon as Baekhyun Oppa said this 12 shocked people ran to the kitchen to get clarification.






    “BUT I wanted Gina to be mine Kai Hyung!! haha But congrats~ This Sehunnie is not stingy~”


    “This is a dream come true!”


    “Awwww you guys are so cute!”


    “Be careful Gina~ Kai is one wild boy.” Kris Ge just winked after saying that...ok...awkward.


    The only people not congratulating us was Chanyeol and Nina Unnie. They seemed to be.....disappointed and sad? But why? They are the two people I want most to congratulate me. They are the two that I love the most! Especially...Unnie why do you look so disappointed in me? Did I do something wrong? All I did was follow my heart right? And...Yeollie Oppa... Why do you look so hurt? You are my BEST friend aren’t best friends suppose to be there for each other when something good happens? Aren’t you suppose to be on my side? Is there something between us that I didn’t know?

I am happy that I finally found the love of my life...but why is Nina Unnie and Yeollie Oppa not being happy with me?


Author's Note:


Sorry for the wait~


Also the confess paragraph where Kai speaks (only that part) i was inspired by one of the fanfics on facebook so I just wanted to give credit to them :) 

Hint Hint::

the next chapter is like my favorite so far~~ YOU GUYS WILL LOVE IT FLUFF FLUFF~~~ <3




aka. All the author's notes that will be below the story will moslty be mine :P hahaha just saying so there is no confusion :P


Hey Guys~

First time I'm actually online on AFF! WOAH~

Anyway...I didn't write this Chapter.

Next one is by me!



Thank you for subscribing and love appreciate your comments!

- 96NinaXing

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?