I'm never giving up!

The First Snow Without You



Chanyeol POV:


Gosh...I can’t believe what I just saw last night..! Kai and Gina acting all lovey dovey all over again!! Does my best friend not even see how much she’s hurting me? It’s because of her I couldn’t even sleep a wink last night!


I sat on the couch in the living room staring outside at the very spot where I saw last night’s scene unfold.  I sighed as it kept on replaying in my head over and over again. At last, I looked away from the spot as if it would help me forget everything from last night. I sighed once more, about to leave the living room when another figure entered.


“Oh Nina Noona, what are you doing up so early?”


“I should be the one asking you that question.” She yawned as she walked over and took a seat near me. “Tell me Chanyeol, what’s bothering you so much that it made you wake up so early?”


“Just something on my mind, it’s nothing really.” The last thing I want to do is bring down Nina Noona’s spirits so early in the morning. What kind of happy virus would I be if I did that?


“Chanyeol, you and I both very well know what’s on your mind, so spill the beans before I tell Gina about your true feelings.”


I should have seen that coming from Noona. I sighed for the nth time and turned to look at Nina Noona. How in the world do I tell her about my feelings.


“You saw those two last night didn’t you?” Noona asked me. I wasn’t even shocked that she knew. She could almost read me like a book.


I gently nodded my head and hung my head.



Nina POV:


I looked at Chanyeol and sighed.


“Nina Noona, what do I do?” ChanYeol began. “I really want to be with Gina. I’m sick and tired of just sitting around in the background and watching her be all lovey dovey with Kai. I’ve tried so hard to get her attention, and to show my feelings to her, but she never notices me. She only ever focuses on Kai. When Gina and I found each other in the beginning of the year, she was so happy when we were around each other but now I feel like she’s ignoring me. Should I just give up? I mean there’s no point in trying to show my feelings anymore now is there?” ChanYeol ranted.


Aish, what do I do with this kid. I want him to be with Gina as much as he does, but in the end, it’s really her choice. But ChanYeol just can’t give up on her.


“Listen, ChanYeol,” I put my hand on his shoulder and made him look up at me. “ Are you in love with Gina or not?” I asked.


“Yeah, but-”


“No buts! Just answer the question. Are you in love with Gina or not?” I asked again.


“Yeah, I am.” He answered.


“Then you shouldn’t give up on her.”




“What did I just say?”




“ChanYeol, in all honesty, I want you to be with Gina more than I want her to be with Kai.” ChanYeol gave me a shocked expression.




“Yeah. I wasn’t sure of Kai in the beginning. He seemed like a playboy, so I was worried that he would eventually leave Gina and break her heart. However, after seeing how Gina is so happy around Kai, I began to rethink things; but part of me still thinks that he’s going to do something to hurt Gina one day. So, I still support you; however, it’s not my choice, it’s Gina’s. I want the best for her, but in the end it’s her decision. I’m afraid Gina’s already made her decision, but it’s still not too late.”


ChanYeol gave me a confused expression. “What do you mean, Noona?” He asked.


“Even though Gina already made her choice, it’s not too late for you.”


“I don’t understand.”


“Even though she chose Kai, you can still try to change her mind and win her heart. So make your choice, Gina’s love... or her trust.” ChanYeol looked at Nina in astonishment. ‘Did she really just give me permission to interfere with Gina’s love life?”


“Alright, ChanYeol, I have to go back before the others wake up. Remember what I said, okay? I know you’ll make the right choice.” With that, Nina left the balcony and headed back to her room.


Kai POV:


I woke up to the sound of people talking. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. ‘Who in the world is awake this early?!’  I thought.


I jumped out of bed and began to walk towards the source of the chatting. Since I was still sleepy, I took a couple of wrong turns but eventually found my way. I saw Nina Noona and ChanYeol Hyung talking with each other and the closer I got, the more I was able to make out what they were saying.


“Nina Noona, what do I do? I really want to be with Gina.” Okay hold on, WHAT?!? I took a few steps back and hid behind the wall to not get noticed. Don’t tell me he’s trying to get Nina on his side so that she convinces Gina to break up with me! That evil Hyung!


I looked past the wall and looked at Chanyeol and Nina as I continued to eavesdrop on their conversation.


“No buts! Just answer the question. Are you in love with Gina or not?” Nina Noona asked.


“Yeah, I am.” Chanyeol answered.


“Then you shouldn’t give up on her.” Great! Just great! I guess Nina Noona is now on his side.


“Chanyeol, in all honesty, I want you to be with Gina more than I want her to be with Kai.”


What she can’t be serious!! I’m the one making Gina happy and all ChanYeol does is bring everyone down with his grumpy mood.


“I wasn’t sure of Kai in the beginning. He seemed like a playboy, so I was worried that he would eventually leave Gina and break her heart. However, after seeing how Gina is so happy around Kai, I began to rethink things; but part of me still thinks that he’s going to do something to hurt Gina one day. So, I still support you; however, it’s not my choice, it’s Gina’s. I want the best for her, but in the end it’s her decision. I’m afraid Gina’s already made her decision, but it’s still not too late.” Nina finished.


‘What is this Noona saying?! Me hurt Gina?!?! I don’t mean to be rude, but is she crazy? The last thing I’d ever want to do is hurt my Ginsy.’


“Even though she chose Kai, you can still try to change her mind and win her heart. So make your choice, Gina’s love... or her trust.”


Are you seriously kidding me.. did she actually just say that? She can’t be serious!! She wants Gina to be happy and she sees that with me, she’s happy; yet she still wants Chanyeol hyung to interfere.. this is just unbelievable. They’ll just have to wait and see that Gina and I are never breaking up and Chanyeol has to realize that Gina’s inlove with me and not him.


“Alright, Chanyeol, I have to go back before the others wake up. Remember what I said, okay? I know you’ll make the right choice.”


Oh crap!! Before Nina Noona could turn her head, I quickly pulled my head back and jumped behind the first piece of furniture that I could find. After Noona walked out the door I stood up from my hiding place and dusted off my knees.


“What are you doing here?” I stopped dusting and stood up straight. It was obvious who asked the question; I could recognize this hyungs voice from anywhere. I turned to look towards the entrance of the room.


“Oh KyungSoo Hyung!”


“What are you doing here, JongIn-ah. You too, Chanyeol. You two come down; it’s already breakfast time and you’re both late. Hurry up; everyone’s waiting.” D.O Hyung said.


At that moment Chanyeol hyung walked by and glared at me. “Kai, what are you doing just standing there? Hurry up!” D.O nagged.


We all went down and joined the rest for breakfast. I sat next to Gina as usual and we chatted happily throughout the entire meal with D.O Hyung and Tao Hyung who occasionally left the conversation to Kris or XiuMin Hyungs. We joked, we laughed, but I would always get distracted by Chanyeol Hyung’s deadly glare. I looked over at Nina Noona, expecting her to be looking our way but she was busy talking with LuHan Hyung and I’m guessing Lay Hyung as well since he’s currently focusing on Nina Noona.


“Kai Oppa, did you also finish your food.” Gina asked me. I looked at her with a smile and nodded.


“Yes! Let’s go wash then!!” We both stood up, grabbed our plates, and head to the kitchen to put them away. Just as we got to the stairs to go up, D.O Hyung shot up from his seat and pointed his finger at us. “YAH!! You two better not do anything stupid while you two are up there.”


“Don’t worry Hyung!!” I called and Gina giggle as we both ran up the stairs.

No One POV:


“Aish those two.” D.O said as he sat down.


“Hey, Channie, what’s wrong? You haven’t spoken a single word at all.” BaekHyun frowned.


“I think I’m full.” ChanYeol muttered and excused himself from the table.


“What’s wrong with that kid?”


“Tell me about it.”


He hasn’t been the as happy; and he’s the freaking Happy Virus.”


“Something’s not right with him.”


“I know! Who thinks they’re full? Either you are, or you’re not.” XiuMin declared as he stuffed his face with more food. He looked up only to see everyone staring at him.




“Gina, hurry up! You’ve been in the bathroom for five minutes! I think that’s more than enough time to wash up.” Kai banged his fist on the door and tried opening the door once more.


“There’s no use in trying, Oppa; you know I already locked the door.” Gina giggled.


“Aish that girl.” Kai muttered in annoyance but still smiled at his girlfriend cute antics.


At last, Gina unlocked the door and let her boyfriend in. She giggled as she tried to escape but Kai held her back.

“Oh no you don’t.” Kai grabbed Gina’s waist and pulled her back and held onto her with her back towards him.


“Oppa, let go~!!” Gina squealed.


“You think I’m going to actually let you go after you locked me out?”


“If you don’t let go, I’m going tell D.O Umma.” Gina threatened.


“Oh really?! Is that your threat?” Kai teased,


“Do you want to get nagged or not?” Gina asked. Kai paused and thought for a while before replying. “You have a good point.” Gina laughed as he let her go.


“Hey, Oppa!” Gina turned around and held Kai’s hands. “Meet me at the beach once you’re done washing! Let’s hang out before the others finish. Okay!!”




“Yaay~!! Hurry up and don’t take forever.” Gina leaned in and kissed Kai on the cheek before heading off to the beach.


Kai smiled and began washing up. He could barely contain his happiness as he smiled the entire time he was washing. However, his smile vanished when he walked out of the bathroom only to find Chanyeol leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom.


“Chanyeol Hyung, you already finished eating?”


“Let’s cut the small talk, Kai. We both know you were there eavesdropping on my conversation with Nina Noona, so I’ll just cut to the chase. I’ll keep it short. You know that I like Gina and frankly, I don’t care. Though you were able to win Gina’s heart first, that won’t last very long. You heard Nina Noona’s words, I have permission to interfere, a second shot at Gina’s love. I assure you that I will not pass up the chance to win over her heart.” ChanYeol glared.


“ChanYeol Hyung, why can’t you just accept the fact that Gina chose me. Don’t you want Gina to be happy? Yes, I heard Nina Noona’s words but haven’t you? You heard her. Gina’s happy with me, and if you really loved her then you’d let her go and let her be happy with the one she loves. I don’t see why you can’t accept-”


“BECAUSE I’VE LOVED HER FOR TOO DARN LONG TO LET HER GO!! Do you know how long I’ve waited and how hard I’ve tried to win over Gina’s heart? To be able to express my feelings to her or to even get her to notice me; not as a friend but something more! Do you?! I would always think about and carefully plan out my confession; and just when I finally get the courage to confess, she moves. Do you have any idea how depressed I was. I regretted it so much for not being man enough to just confess to the love of my life. I hated myself and promised if I ever got a second chance that I wouldn’t blow it up. I finally got my second shot; I was so excited  but then you came along and just stole her heart like that! Do you know how heartbroken I was?”


“I’m sorry, Chan-”


“NO! I don’t want your pity. I’m going to win over Gina whether you like it or not. I’m gonna do whatever it takes to win her love-”


“Her love isn’t just something you can win over!”


“And it isn’t something that I’m going to give up on. I’m gonna stop at nothing, so just you watch.” With a final glare, ChanYeol walked away to the other bathroom on the other side of the house.


“Did I hear yelling?” Kai looked to his left to see SuHo as he finished climbing the stairs.


“I...uh.. I accidentally stepped on ChanYeol Hyung’s foot.” Kai lied.


“Oh yeah, ChanYeol climbed up here a while ago. Where is he?”


“He left just a second ago, you just missed him.”


“Oh.. did you finish washing? I kinda need to.”


“Sure!” Kai moved aside and let SuHo enter the bathroom who closed the door. Kai stood there, the argument with his hyung replaying in his head.


He tried to get the argument but it kept on popping back into his head.


Kai shielded his eyes when he stepped out of the house and tried to spot his girlfriend on the vast beach. The second he spotted her, he ran to her and picked her up in his arms and spun her around.


“How’s my Ginsy~” Kai called.


“Kyaa~ Oppa! Put me down!.”


Kai did as told and planted a big kiss on Gina’s cheek.


The couple sat on a beach chair together with Gina sitting on Kai’s lap resting her head on her boyfriend’s shoulder.


“Isn’t it nice to finally have some alone time with each other.”


"I know~! Just you, me, peace and quiet along with a beautiful scene, which it's beauty doesn't quite compare with the girl right in front of me."


Gina giggled and lightly slapped Kai's arm.


"Oppa, you're so cheesy~!!"


"And that's why you love me!"


"You never fail to surprise me."


"How so?" Kai looked up at his girlfriend's face and waited for an answer.


"Well, at first you're cold, then you become warm hearted, next a loving boyfriend, and now you even cheesier than a large double cheese pizza!"


"Well prepare yourself 'cause I have plenty more surprises in store."


"Can I have a sneak peek at the next surprise?" Gina pouted.


"Well, because you're so cute, I'll allow a teeny weeny sneak peek."


"Yes! My aegyo is superior to all!" Gina joked.


"Oh we'll see about that." Kai smirked.


"You think you can beat me."


"Are you," Kai pointed a finger at Gina. "Challenging me at aegyo?" Kai finished while pointing his finger at himself."


"And if I say yes?"


"Then you better prepare yourself for some Kai-gyo."


"Ha! Please, I can't imagine you being cute Mr Kim Kai."


"Aww~ Ginsy, pwease! Give Oppa a chance~! Hmm? Pwease~ Bbuing Bbuing." Kai said in his cutest voice.


Gina cringed at her boyfriend's aegyo but squealed at the cuteness overload.


"Ok, ok, I will give you a chance this once!!"




There was a few minutes of peaceful silence until they both decide to stand up and start walking home before anyone else noticed that they were outside. As they were walking, Kai suddenly stopped and takes Gina's small hands into his manly ones. He pulls her closer to him and says, "Gina..... I want you to be mine forever." Kai leans in and goes eye-level with Gina and stares at her eyes for a few minutes.


"Oppa... what’s with the sudd-" Kai quickly pecked Gina's lips and ran away. "What just happened....OPPA WAIT!! COME BACK HERE!!!!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!!!" As Gina caught up to Kai ,who gave up and waited for her, she gave him a scary glare.


"Ok, ok, I just felt like being cheesy~~~"


"You are so unpredictable."


"I know and that's why you love me~" As they were having their sweet time teasing each other the almighty D.O Umma had risen.



Hey guys~~ sorry for not updating for a long time ㅠㅠ we were all quite busy.....BUT IN RETURN WE GAVE U A VERY LONG CHAPTER~~~ :)) 

Are you all having a great summer?? I AM~~ im going to carribean bay tomorrow with some friends and its going to be AWESOME~~~ <3 anyways....hope u guys stay with us till the end and forgive us for the long waits........



-98kaisoo :))-

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?