The First Snow Without You

Chapter 17


Gina POV:


    After the party, or should I say the “lockdown” as Chanyeol called it, Peniel Oppa offered to walk me home since his house was nearby. I was too tired to ignore or reject him, so I just went with him. We separated at the gates to my house. I watched as he walked into the street next to mine. Hmmm...lives nearby...*yawn* whatever... As I tried to look for my keys for the house the door opened, revealing a half sleepy Nina unnie. I looked at her and just walked in. This was normal. This is what made us sisters. No matter who came or what happened, in the middle of the night we aren’t bothered about details. Sometimes I feel lucky to have a sister like her. I mean, yeah she is protective, but only when I am in trouble. She allows me to make my own decisions and choose what I wanna do.


Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I was still with my parents. They’d probably lock me up all weekend and not let me go on any of the parties or socials that were happening in school. I’m soo glad I’m with ma sis. She’s cool.


I changed from my clothes into my Pororo pajamas. I love Pororo...yes yes i know it's childish but WHAT EVA i have my interests. As I slipped into my covers and shut my eyes, I began to dream of many wonderful things. The next thing I know I’m awake with the sun shining on my face.


I loved Korea because of this. It was bright and sunny every...most mornings. I stretched and a smile crept on my face when I looked out the window and saw my sister in the garden. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I walked out of the house and pounced on my sister.


“AAAHHHH!!!!!....OMG!!! GINA!!!! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!!!” She clutched her heart and looked at me like as if she had just been close to death. Then a smile washed over her face as I pouted and gave her my best aegyo. “ and you’re aegyo!”


“I’m hungry~ gimme foood~~~~pwease~~~~~” I said as I pouted at her. Just then I noticed something...or someone!


Chanyeol POV:


    O.M.G. That.....was....omg she just pouted? WOW that’s adorable. My heart skipped a beat when she did that. I stared at her and realized she noticed me. She smiled. My heart fluttered. I looked away. Blushing.


Gina POV:


    I froze. Then I smiled. Unnie saw me smile and turned around only to yell out, “Hey Yeolie!!!”. I looked and saw Yeolie stare at me. Nina unnie walked towards the gate and opened it only to find the rest of EXO, BAP, BTOB and Hyojung standing there. “Uhh...Hi?”. She awkwardly greeted them then looked at me. I saw the “HEY GUYS!!!! come in!!”. Unnie just rubbed her temples and shook her head at me. I stuck my tongue out at her. They walked in and surprisingly they all fit inside my house!


    “We decided that today we’ll all go to Everland!!! So we’re here to take you AND your sister. I looked out to call out to Nina unnie and my eyes widened. SHE WAS CARRYING THIS HUMONGOUS POT AND WALKING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GARDEN!!!!! I stared in awe. All the boys got up and their jaws dropped as they saw her. Her muscles flexed and you could see it since she was wearing a loose tank top. ‘WOW!! I didn’t know she was so strong!!’  We all gulped when she looked at us. She stared and then blushed when all the guys were gawking at her strength.


    “DUDE!!! CAN SHE BE MY TRAINER!!!???? I bet I’ll become skinny in 2 months!!!” HyoJung exclaimed while poking my arm non-stop. Nina walked in and looked at us nervously. “So, what’s the plan?”


    “We-w-e--we were t-thi-thinking of goin-going to E-E-E-Everl-land.” Yeolie stuttered out.


    “Ye-Yeah. Do you wa-wanna join?” Luhan Oppa asked her.


    “Um..I rather no--”


    “NO, UNNIE, YOU’RE COMING WITH US!!!” I grabbed Nina unnie and dragged her up the stairs into her room.


    She stood in front of me with an unreadable expression. I stared at her. “What were you thinking?! YOU KNOW HOW AWKWARD IT IS FOR ME!!!”.


    “But Unnieeeeee~~~~” I tried to do my best aegyo voice, “PWEASEEEEE We need more then two girls you know. PWEASEEEE~!! BBUING BBUING~!”


    “OK, FINE! How can you use your aegyo against me!” Nina Unnie playfully glared at me. I squealed and hugged her.




“Whatever. Now go change before I change my mind.” She smile and pushed me to my room. I ran into my room and quickly changed. I ran out squealing. Everyone stared at me.

    “LET’S GO!” Peniel yelled. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and stopped him. Although I almost choked him, he stopped and they all looked at me. “We need to wait for unnie.”




We waited for a few minutes before I started to get restless. Just then we heard a honk. I looked out and saw my sister sitting in her car, waving at us to come sit inside. Hmm I guess she went straight to the garage to get her car...Kris Oppa, MinHyuk Oppa and YongGuk Oppa got into their cars and we all loaded in. Some of EXO were in my car since we had three cars. Suddenly, Suho Oppa bent over and asked her, “Do you want me to drive? Its a long drive.” She stared at him with her WTF face and shook her head. He shrugged and sat back down. “GOD!! Noona! Just let Suho hyung drive!” Ilhoon pleaded to Unnie. “If you drive we’ll get there in like 3 years!!!” She shot him a death glare. He gulped. Yeolie began to pray for his soul’s peace since he and I knew very well that Nina didn’t like to be underestimated. Soon she was leading the way to Everland. She opened the moonroof and basically all the guys stuck their heads out.


Nina POV:


    It was like I was driving with a car full of dogs! They were even sticking their tongues out and drooling on my beautiful Jeep!!!!! I looked at the rear mirror and realized the other two cars were pretty far off, so I slowed down. Once they caught up, we drove in a straight line with me in the front, followed by Kris and MinHyuk.


    When we got there, I stopped at the main entrance and told them to get off so that I could got park the car. I quickly parked the car and made sure the other two cars knew where I was. Me, Kris and MinHyuk walked back. I started to feel a bit comfortable around them, but still a little awkward.


As we go there, I noticed blotches of them everywhere. Suho, D.O., Hyunsik and Changsub were waiting for us at the correct place, while everyone else was running around, chasing each other. Kris whistled and all of EXO gathered everyone and stood in front of him. Impressive. I should use that. Kris told us to wait and went to buy the tickets with Suho, Ilhoon, Yeolie and Kai.


I looked around and just watched proudly as my sister was mingling with everyone. She really is I’m sure she won’t end up like me....


Gina POV:


I was running around while Zelo, Baekhyun, Sehun, Peniel and MinHyuk Oppa were chasing me around because they wanted to know about one of my friends in Switzerland. When they finally caught up I hid behind Nina Unnie and she just stared at the two boys. I was watching her reaction to this whole situation and guess what I got....AWKWARDNESS!


“Noona~ Do you know if Gina has had know ‘physically appealing’ friends?” Baekhyun asked Unnie. My eyes widened and so did Unnie’s. “YAH!! BYUN BAEKHYUN!!!  WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE ASKING? Even if I told you about such wouldn’t be able to match up to their STANDARDS!” Finally the light bulb clicked in Baekhyun and the other’s heads. They all walked away depressed. I laughed out evilly.


After my victory dance and evil laugh I realized that the tickets were really taking a LONG time! I looked over at the group who went to buy the tickets and saw they were still waiting in line. I looked around to see if anyone else was bothered. No one seemed to be bothered until I saw Zelo, Sungjae and Sehun pouting and sitting on the floor.


“Hey, are you guys also tired of waiting for the tickets?” I plopped down next to them. They all gave me the saddest pouts and nods in the world. WHY THE HELL IS IT TAKING SO LONG?? I got up and stomped my way towards the line and poked Kris Oppa in the back. He turned around and smiled at me, “I know its taking a long time. I mean look at the amount of people here! Just a little longer.” He ruffled my head and smiled at me. I huffed. I never take that as a response. I turned around and looked and Suho Oppa with my most powerful aegyo. “Oppa~ can you ask them why its taking so loongg~ PWEASE~?~” I saw him gulp and knew that it worked. But what I didn’t realize that others would take action for me. I saw Kai and Yeolie shove through the crowd and ask the counter what’s wrong. I guess it also affected Unnie because she was also right there. I stood there watching as they were bickering with people. Suddenly, the line was short and  it was already Kris Oppa’s turn. I smiled and walked away, but as I walked away I heard Kai say, “What the hell, Kris hyung? There was this guy there who I had seen in the back of the line when we were here! How dare he?”.

As he was complaining,  I noticed every crease formed on his face due to his furrowed eyebrows. Every muscle on his arm flexing as the he tightened his fist, as if preparing to punch someone. The beastly anger that was oozing out of his dark brown orbs. Why am I noticing such small details? I looked at Yeolie to see if it was the same...but there was something missing. Even though both were wearing sleeveless shirts, I couldn’t see all the detail in Yeolie. I didn’t even dare to look at my sister...because everyone could see that she was really mad and she was even turning RED!


I stopped when I realized that I was staring at Kai. I turned around only to come face to face with creepy Ilhoon and HyoJung. They had the creepiest smiles that I have ever seen. I looked at them and then just turned away. As I turned around, I heard them whisper something, which I unfortunately didn’t I understand. Then they just started laughing and giggling and fangirling. Nina Unnie walked over to us and gave us each a wristband that allowed us to go ALL OVER THE AMUSEMENT PARK!!


I ran in while grabbing anyone who was with me...I mean ANYONE. After running in and staring at all the rides I realized the hand I was holding was soft, warm yet firm and big. Hmmm...this doesn’t feel like Unnie’s hands...they are usually smaller and rougher than mine. I turned around and came face to face with...the same dark orbs that had a tint of surprise. I stared at his face for a while and realized that it was KAI!!! I stepped away from him after realizing the small distance between our faces. Thanks to some random ahjumma I was now on the way to the floor. I closed my eyes waiting for the hard floor to hit me...but I felt the soft air against face and warm breathing on my nose. I felt long and slender yet strong arms wrap around my wasit. I opened my eyes and again was faced with those dark orbs, except this time they were filled with...worry.


“You are really clumsy and unaware of your surroundings aren’t you?” Kai asked me with a worried smile on his face. He helped me stand and I felt many ahjummas smiling at us and saying things like ‘ What a cute couple?’ ‘ They are so sweet’ ‘ I remember those days’. I blushed big time. He chuckled at the color of my face, it was like music to my ears. I never knew it would so be nice and nerve-wrecking to hear a guy chuckle. And what the hell is with my heart these days? Calm yourself, Gina. He’s a friend. I saw my sister shake her head and walk away. The heck what is she thinking...


I shook it all away and gave him a goofy smile. He shook his head, “Lets get on a ride! Come on!!!!” This time he was the one pulling me. I just shrugged and ran with him.


Kai POV:


    We ran to The Viking where everyone else was. As we were standing  in line, I saw her and HyoJung bouncing up and down like there’s no tomorrow. ehe~ she’s cute. As the people from before ran out, I saw Gina jump over the railing. Thankfully she wasn’t caught by the people who were there. Phew! Now she was in front of me. I could see the excitement in her beautiful green eyes.


As we got on The Viking, She ran all the way to the tip of the boat. This girl is totally...full of surprises. She waved to me to come and sit next to her. I hesitated at first but then gladly accepted her invitation and sat by her. Honestly, I was not very fond of sitting at the very ends of such rides. Just because they were the scaries-...uhh....they were just...not safe *coughs*. The safety gear attached itself to us and I held onto it. I could see all the other EXO members, some BAP members, and literally all of BTOB except for Peniel and Ilhoon , who were sitting next to HyoJung in the middle of the boat.


The siren went off, signalling that the ride would start. ! I haven’t been on a ride without any of the EXO members before! I’m gonna DIE!!! I felt eyes on me. I turned to my side and saw Gina looking at me with a worried expression. “Are you okay? Don’t worry. Its really safe.” She gave me a reassuring smile, to which I returned a smile. I gulped hard, and the ride began. I freaked out and realized that I had none of my members to hide behind and use as a shield. I looked at Gina and thought I couldn’t disgrace myself infront of a girl But I’m scared out of my witts!!!. I yelled at Gina, who was efficiently screaming her head off,








Gina POV:


    The minute I heard that, I blanked out. He’s scared? A guy? What the hell am I supposed to do? Without any further thinking I grabbed his hand in mine and squeezed it real hard. He squeezed back and shut his eyes. The Viking boat began to go higher and higher, I was screaming my head off and flailing my free hand. I looked at Kai. His eyes were shut tight and his knuckles had turned white because of holding the safety harness and his jaws clenched together to prevent him from screaming like a girl. Doesn’t look like he feels safe? Is he even enjoying? Or is this torture? Without thinking further I took his hand that was in mine and flailed it. His eyes shot open and he stared at me. I realized he was now looking at me. I smiled and yelled out “SEE!!!! IT’S FUN!!! TRUST ME! I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!~~~”


I saw him stare at me. I also realized what I said after I said it. The ride began to slow down. I was still holding his hand. I tugged on it a little to get his attention. He looked at me as the ride slowed down. I could see tears in his eyes. OH MY GOD!!! He was scared less!!! My eyes widened at the sight of his teary eye and as soon as the ride stopped, I unbuckled mine and his safety harness and he threw himself on me. He held onto my sweater like a little baby. I felt him shaking because of the fear. I hugged him and got off the ride like that. Once we were on land I grabbed his face and made him face me.


“Hey. Hey. Shhhh...Look here. Its over. See we’re alive. Don’t worry...we’re safe now.” With that I hugged him again and smoothed his hair. He finally calmed down and all of EXO came running asking him if he was okay, even the maknaes were worried for their hyung. I ran to Unnie and told her what happened. She came with a bottle of water and handed it to Kai. He gulped the whole thing down. He was still a little shaky. My sister has a soft spot for cute younger boys so she went and hugged Kai and he calmed down faster. I guess Nina Unnie can be a great mother one day~ After that ride I rode in whatever he felt was safe. But I guess he felt comfortable with me so he also went on the Rollercoaster with me. He actually enjoyed it and was screaming out of excitement but still had his hands safely on the safety harness.


After about 2 hours of constant scary and fast rides we all were tired and decided it was best to have lunch and then continue with the less scary rides. We were all at a cafe. Basically the whole second floor of the cafe was us, except a couple that was seated in the corner. I sat in between Nina Unnie and HyoJung with all of EXO in front of me. I wonder where BAP and BTOB went...No one seemed to mind so we ordered and were waiting for the food. I started to get a little impatient and was high on all the cotton candy and Coke I had. Just when I looked out of the sides of the cafe I saw people taking pictures in the picture booth.


“Unnie~ I wanna go take pictures downstairs now!”

“not now. after we eat”

“But Unnie~ they’ll close down the big booth. Then we all can’t have a group photo~” I threw my best aegyo at her. I quickly got up and pulled HyoJung up as well. “Sit down Gina.” D.O. ordered me. I looked at him like ‘no way’. He gave me the look. I ignored it and continued to get out of my chair. Just then I heard him yell “HAN GINA! SIT BACK DOWN AND EAT YOUR FOOD!” If I didn’t know it was D.O.  I would have thought that was someone’s mom. I quickly sat down and ate, and just for fun i cooed. “Neh~ D.O. UMMA~” His eyes grew big. “I’m not your umma” “Yes you are” “Don’t argue and eat your food. no leftovers” “Neh~ Umma~~~” I cooed again. He grew frustrated but then smiled when he saw me eating everything on my plate.


After having food, we all went to the Ferris Wheel and got on it as the last ride. We all had to pair up or go single because each cabin could only hold 2 people. I was gonna go with Unnie, but she said she didn’t want to ride and sat out. So did Luhan Oppa. This might get a little awkward for them....Anyways I looked around and spotted Kai. Should I go ask him? I wonder if he’ll be okay? With all my confidence and went up to him “Um...Kai...Do you wanna go with me?” “Sure! I was about to ask you but I couldn’t find you. Lets go!” He pulled me. I felt his soft hand on mine. I blushed a deep shade of red. Wait! Why am I blushing? He’s just holding my hand! But its so soft and warm and I feel so safe. I ignored my body’s reactions and got on the Ferris wheel with him. I ran to the window and sat down on the edge. I looked out and the scene was just.....amazing. Seeing the whole park light up and all the people made me feel at home. I felt Kai’s presence next to me and I looked up at him. He was looking out too. His side profile is...stunning. His cute nose, plump lips, deep dark eyes and his unmistakably sharp’s like a portrait. “I know I’m really hot and that you like to check me out but its a little weird when its sooo obvious.” He commented and I turned away blushing.


I looked down to avoid eye contact with him. After a while I felt eyes on me so I looked up and met with Kai’s gaze. We locked our gazes for what seemed like forever. Suddenly his hands s around my waist and hugged me. My eyes widened. I heard him say “Thank You for today. I think I would like to have a really nice friend like you.” I snuggled closer into him and hugged him back. “I think you’re a better person once people get to know you. You’re just not the kind that opens up immediately when meeting someone. I would gladly be your friend." I looked up at him and we both smiled eat each other not realizing that The Ferris Wheel stopped and we got off. Soon we were making our way back to where Luhan Oppa and Nina Unnie were awkwardly seating. They looked at us and smiled. We then exited Everland and got into our cars and Unnie led the way back, since neither of the guys knew how to get back. EXO, BAP and BTOB members had to split again, this time Kai came and sat next to me in the back of Unnie’s Fortuner.


Nina POV:

    Once all the youngsters were settled down and ready, we drove off into the horizon. It was quite late when we left and everyone was tired. I was leading the way, followed by Kris, BYG and Eunkwang. I looked at the rear view mirror when we were stuck in traffic and noticed how Kai, Gina and Yeolie were sound asleep in the back like kindergarteners. Kai leaning on the window, Gina leaning on Kai and Yeolie leaning on Gina. How sweet....Today was fun. Thank You Gina. Saranghae~


Authors Note:

Sorry for the long wait guys~~~ <3 As an apoplogy we put a lot of Kai fluff :D

ALSO IT WAS SO FUN PLAYING WITH CUTE ANIMALS FOR A WEEK but....i had donkey snot all over my shirt on the last day :P BUT IT WAS STILL A FUN WEEK~ :))

How have you guys been??

Hope everyone is happy~ ^(^.^)^


MY BIRTHDAY(author 98kaisoo) IS IN TWO DAYS~~~~~ APRIL1st~~~ YAYAY Heehehee i especially resquested to my dad (cuz he is a chef and the boss of the kitchen ;)) to ask his pastery chefs to make a special cake and their making me a BAP EXO LOGO CAKE (u know the one with their logos combined~) CAN'T WAIT <3

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?