The First Snow Without You

Chapter 23


Nina POV:

    I woke up extra early today, since I was having one of those sleepless nights again. I woke up about 4-5 times last night. Giving up I sat down in the beach and watched the sunrise.


    Not soon after I had come out, Kai came. He’s an early bird. Yeollie usually sleeps till late. Hmmm...Plus One. I looked at what he was drinking early in the morning. Coffee? Well, I like coffee and so does Gigi....I wonder if He’ll make it for her too?


    “Would you make Gina coffee if she asked you?” Sometimes I wonder if my mouth has its own mind. He looked at me in a surprised way. “What do you mean?” “I dunno really. It just came out when I thought of Gigi liking coffee as well...anyways...have you ever been in a relationship before Kai-goon?” I asked while sipping at my extra sweet Bubble Tea.


    “Well, no. I’ve had crushes before, but I could never man up to them. Now that I think about it, it’s good I didn’t. Then maybe I wouldn’t be able to understand Gina’s innocence.” His answer satisfied me. I smiled.


Kai POV:

    I tried to give the most honest answer in the world. I guess she was happy with my answer, since she let out a small smile. I looked at her in awe. She’s like....Gina...just colder...why? I didn’t bother with my stupid question.


“I know I will always get a heart-melting answer to this question and then the guy will just do the right opposite...but....How long are you willing to be by my sister’s side? Ignoring any fights or misunderstandings you two may have in the future.” I didn’t expect her to ask such a serious question. I looked at her. I don’t really know....


“I don’t really know, Noona. But I would hope and like if we grow old together...”


At this, Noona’s head turned slightly to me. She looked at me. I saw what I had never seen before. Worry. Was she worried about us? She gave me another small smile. I felt like she was trying to say something. “Really?” She asked, her voice now different from when she was asking the question. I saw that soft side of Nina Noona today. I felt like she was my sister...not someone else’s.


“Thank You Kai...Now I know someone, other than me, will be there to protect her. Actually other than Yeollie and me.” She was now looking straight towards the sun. “Did you know about Chanyeol’s crush on Gina?” My eyes widened. So it is true...Hyung does like her. WHAT DO I DO??? I HAVE TO TALK TO D.O. HYUNG!  


“I’m guessing you don’t know since you aren’t saying anything. Do wanna know?”


“Yes” I nodded.


“Well, Yeollie has liked Gina for god know HOW many years. I dunno I think it started when she was middle school. It was sweet to see them together all the time, having fun. But then she had to move with my parents to America. Being the rebel I am, I didn’t go because I wanted to stay in Korea. But the amount of pain Yeollie went through was just...too much to see. He said he would wait for her. But she had only seen Yeollie as a friend and I don’t think he can make her have any feelings for her, now that you’re here. That’s all I know.”


“I see.” I could understand why Yeollie hyung would like her. I mean she’s quite a person.


“So. What’s your reaction? Are you gonna bombard him and kill him? or...” She looked at me with an expecting stare.


“Well, as of now, I have no idea what to do. But if Hyung does tell her his feelings and Gina has to pick between me and Hyung, I hope she’ll make a choice that will keep her happy. Not one that she may regret. I know that if she doesn’t pick me, I’ll be hurt, but I can deal with that. I’m a big boy.” I gave her a wide grin, but I was sad even thinking about it. No matter what you do Gina-yah, I’ll always be there for you.



“Unnie!” I turned around and noticed Gina was looking for Noona. I looked at her. She wiped away what seemed to be tears. She stood up and ran towards her sister. Gina hugged her tight and Noona swung her around. She screamed and giggled. As she let her go, she bombarded me with a huge bear hug. I’ll never get enough of her. I swung her around and smiled at her as she squealed.


- Breakfast -


    Noona, Kris Hyung, Luhan Hyung and D.O. Hyung were preparing the breakfast table. I was starving. Me and the other EXO guys decided to play a game of Volleyball. Gina was in the other team with Chanyeol Hyung. I don’t mind who you are with right now...as long as you aren’t hurt. She played really well. I guess she will be on our Varsity team later this season.


    “COME GET YOUR FOOD!” Nina Noona yelled at us as we were sweating and resting on the sand. We all got up, some with others help. We sat all around a huge table which was beautifully set. I saw Nina Noona, making omelettes for us all. Luhan Hyung was helping her by bringing the done omelettes over.


After a few minutes, we were all at the table eating and drinking happily. Gina was sitting between me and Channie Hyung. I saw her reach for the Nutella jar but just couldn’t quite reach it, so I grabbed it and handed it to her. She looked at me with a huge smile. I couldn’t help but smile as well. I could feel someone stare at me. As I looked up, I saw Noona shifting glances between me and Chanyeol Hyung.


“So guys, today we have the whole beach to ourselves thanks to Kris’s parents. So after some rest time, no one is allowed to stay inside the house. Everyone has to be on the beach. Either in the water, walking along the shore or just enjoying the scenery from the sand. NO EXCUSES!” Suho Hyung warned us.


We all excitedly went back in and changed into swimming clothes. I came out in some trunks and waited for the rest to come as well. I saw Gina walk in, in a bikini; my eyes were about to pop out when I noticed her body. She was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Her peachish bikini top, revealed her toned and milky waist. The bottom was a skirt that reached a up to her upper thigh. It showed her milky skin and strong, thin thighs. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I saw Chanyeol Hyung just walk up to her and wrap his arm around her. I felt jealous. I watched as both of them chatted and came towards me. Chanyeol Hyung’s face darkened as she approached me. Her eyes formed a cresent shape and she hugged me.


We were now waiting for the rest of EXO-M, not including Xiumin and Chen, and Nina Noona. Where are they?


“I’m gonna go find these chinese idiots” D.O. Hyung left to see where they were. Soon people started to relax in the living room. Gina sat with me on the couch. She rested her head on my side and hugged me from the back as I laid on the couch. We saw the rest of EXO-M come.


Gina POV:

“ Mei mei, you’re jiejie*(big sister) needs help. I dunno what’s taking so long.” Luhan Oppa told me. I got up and walked to her room, only to find her sitting in her PJ’s. She looked at me. “What’s wrong Unnie?”


“I don’t wanna go outside”


“Eh~ Unnie you know the rules.Today all have to be outside.” She looked at me again. I could tell she was feeling awkward amongst everyone. I sighed, “Unnie, if you talk to them little by little then you’ll surely feel good around them as well. If not the rest of my friends, at least EXO. Pwease~?” I reassured her with my undying aegyo.


She sighed and got up, changed into a little black dress that ended around her mid-thigh. I looked at her and smiled. At least I can tell by the way you dress, that you’re comfortable around them, but don’t quite know how to communicate with them. My poor Unnie.


We walked out together. The guys were a little surprised to see Unnie like that, since she wore full clothes all other times.


“Did it really take that long to put that dress on Noona?” Yeollie Oppa asked her.


“No...maybe” Everyone laughed together and we all head out. Suho Oppa actually LOCKED the chalet. I was calmly walking to where Unnie had made herself comfortable. We sat next to each other, I read fanfics (hehehee) online while Unnie was listening to music. Halfway I watched the guys kill each other in the water. They’re so childish. I wanna go too~. I looked at Unnie, she was asleep. I don’t understand her. Unnie took of her Gucci shades and looked at me with a smile. We both stood up and dusted the sand off. I put my laptop in its cover and Unnie wrapped her iPod up and threw it into her bag.


We were walking when....


Kai POV:


    I noticed Gina and Noona just sitting there in the swimsuits. Looking around, I spotted Lay. I waved him over.


    “Let’s go get those two mermaids back into the sea~” I whispered to him, which he chuckled and we sneaked around them. They didn’t see us coming. I saw them smile at each other and get up. This is it. “You take Noona. I’ll take Gina”. We started to walk up to them when Lay pulled me and asked, “Do I carry her and run into the water?” I nodded. He had this huge and wide grin after that. We stopped when we were a good 3 meters away from them. We ran.


    “Ahh!!! WE’RE GONNA GET YOU!!” I yelled as we sprinted across the beach and grabbed the girls. Gina squealed and shrieked but was smiling. I saw Lay easily grab Noona, who didn’t seem to notice the fact that I had yelled. She was clearly shocked.


    “YAH!!! KIM JONGIN!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? DON’T YOU DARE RUN INTO THE WATER WITH ME!!!” Gina screamed while looking at the water coming closer and closer.


Gina POV:


    OMG!!!! What the hell is Kai doing?....well, I guess I was kind of waiting for him to do this. But I didn’t think it would be so sudden! I looked at him smile and run carrying me on his shoulders. I saw the water getting closer. As we got closer, Kai--- no Jongin Oppa began to jump so that he can move faster in the water. He stopped and walked slowly to a deeper area. “ Jonginnie Oppa~ please don’t do this to your girlfriend! Pwea---AHHH!!!” I tried my best aegyo, but he just shook his head and dropped me into the water.


    The cold water, run all through my body. I quickly shot up and glared at Kai. Until....


    “AAHHHH!!!!” I heard Nina Unnie scream. I hadn’t realized that she was also taken by Lay Oppa! ! She doesn’t like to be forced into doing things! Especially not MANHANDLED!!!!! AND SHE CAN’T SWIM !! I stared at where Unnie was dropped hoping it wasn’t too deep for her. But......She didn’t come out. My eyes widened.


Lay POV:


Noona is soo freakin light! Oh My God, she’s like completely the opposite of what I thought she was. I was carrying her and running while Kai was running with his girlfriend. I tried to hold my laughter in as Noona just stared at me like as if I was not a human! As we got closer to the water, her eyes turned towards it and they widened. Maybe she didn’t realize what was going on until she saw the water. hehehe...that’s funny. I dropped her around the same area where Kai had dropped Gina.


AHHH!!!” She screamed like her life was being taken away. Wow! She’s loud. Chen came and high-fived me. I saw Gina stand up and stare at where I had dropped Noona. Eh? I looked down and realized she was no where and that she hadn’t come out of the water. My eyes widened. ! Does she know how to swim???!!! I didn’t have time to think. I just dived.


Gina POV:


As soon as I started to swim towards him, he had already dived into the....HOLE??? I realized that this part had a hole, which made it deeper than all the other places. OMG!!! UNNIE!!!! HOLD ON!!! LAY OPPA IS COMING!!!!  I could see the other members scrambling around and trying to get to Unnie as soon as possible.


Finally, Lay Oppa’s head rose from the water and he carried Nina Unnie in his arms. We all got out of the water and ran towards Unnie. Kris oppa came running with her towel. I sat by her side and shook her.


“Unnie~...Unnie wake up!” I shook her by the shoulder. She didn’t open her eyes. Lay Oppa was freaking out. Luhan Oppa scolded Lay.


“Yah! Lay! Do CPR!” LuHan commanded.




“Pump her chest, the water will come and she can breathe again! QUICKLY! AND YOU GUYS GET SOME WATER!!” Lay did as told and pressed Unnie’s chest and soon enough there was water coming out and her eyes shot open. She drank the water DO Umma had.


“Gina...Gina....” She kept on chanting my name. I pulled her up and hugged her. “Its okay. You’re safe now. Calm down Unnie. Shhhh....” I could feel her shivering. Just then Lay Oppa covered her with the towel and helped her feel warm. I feel like killing him but also thanking him. I know I should have told them...this is all my fault.


“Gina-yah, I’m okay. Don’t think its your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. I didn’t remind you guys that I don’t like deep waters very much since I can’t swim. I’m sorry for ruining your day guys.” It’s like she read my mind; but her voice tore me apart. It was so weak and almost inaudible. I should have protected her.



Nina POV:


I looked around to assure them I was fine. Their faces were racked with guilt. I couldn’t take it anymore, I let out a small chuckle. They were so funny, when they all looked like that. It was so unnatural. No one ever felt this when I am hurt in anyway, other than Gina that is...they usually laugh and keep hurting me...Should I reconsider?


I stared at all of them. Then, I hugged Lay. Okaaaayyy.....first time hugging guy other than Yeollie.....feels...kinda the same....except he ain’t huggin’ me back!  I looked at him and he was just staring at me with a blank expression. “He’s probably shocked. Oh God! He probably thinks I’m some kinda weirdo”


Before anything else could happen. Kris stood up with SuHo and clapped his hands. “Okay, I think this is too much drama for one day.’ SuHo said.


“That’s it, everyone! Back to the house. It’s gonna start getting cold and we don’t want people getting sick!” Great! Now everyones’ fun is ruined just because of me! I thought I shouldn’t feel guilty but now I’m feeling more guilty than before!


Everyone walked back to the house excitedly after hearing that DO would make everyone some hot chocolate since it was starting to get a bit chilly. I was at the end of the group walking with Gina who wouldn’t let go of my arm.


“Gina-yah~ I already told you. I’m okay now, you can let go.” It really hurts me having to see Gina like this. She’s so worried and it’s all my fault. If it wasn’t for me she would be over there playing around with those weird friends of hers meters in front of us.


“Noo~ it’s okay! I wanna stay with unnie~!!” Gina did her signature aegyo. As always, I just gave in and didn’t even bother convincing Gina to go ahead and run to her friends. She continued to tightly hold onto my hand as I’d just slip away the moment she let go. She didn’t even let go when we arrived in the house; she even ended up walking me to my room.


By the time we arrived, we finished laughing at a joke Gina had told on the way. We entered my room and Gina finally let go.


“I’ll see you down, Nina Unnie~!!” Gina called back. “And don’t even think of staying too long in your room or else all of DO Umma’s hot chocolate will disappear! See you~!!” Gina cutely waved before heading back to her own room. Just before she entered I saw Kai sneak up behind her and gave her a back hug just before he lifted her up and spun her around. I heard Gina’s delighted squeal just as I walked back into my room.


I sighed as I sat on my bed. I put my iPod on the nightstand next to the bed and did nothing else but stare at the floor. The events from earlier today kept on replaying in my head. Me almost dying, Lay saving me, and me randomly hugging him. I should probably apologize for that. I mean he did save my life and I was thankful; but we barely know each other and out of the blue, I just hugged him like that! Me, the ugly weirdo wallflower of the grade.


Knock! Knock!  


“Can I come in?” Surprised, I looked up to see LuHan entering my room and closing the door gently behind him.


“Well, there’s no point in asking if you’re just going to suddenly barge in.” I said a bit meaner than how I intended it to be.


I looked at LuHan who seemed a bit taken aback at my remark. “Sorry.” I bluntly apologized. LuHan rubbed the back of his head with his hand and let out a nervous chuckle. “Uhh.. no, it’s okay.”


Just great! I probably just scared another boy in less than an hour! As if my reputation wasn’t already bad enough, now I’m gonna become the scary monster of the Junior class!! Perfect! That is just what I need! Not.


Suddenly, I felt some extra weight next to me on the bed. I looked to my side to see LuHan sitting next to me. Eh!?! What’s he doing? Did I not scare him? “You’re right, I shouldn’t have just barged in without getting your permission, I’m sorry.” LuHan did a quick cute little bow of his head before looking back up at me.


....Has this boy gone crazy or what?


“What? Is there something on my face?” LuHan asked as he put his hands to his face and checked for anything out of the ordinary. I gave him a confused look.


“What...?” I asked quietly.


“Sorry?” LuHan leaned in waiting for me to repeat what I said.


“Huh? Oh! uh.. nothing. Why are you here again?” I asked as I turned to look at him.


“Oh right! I came here to check up on you.”


Did I hear him correctly?


“Y-you..you came to..to check up on m-me? W-why”


“Well, you were on the brink of death not too long ago.” LuHan lightly chuckled. “Oh, sorry; I didn’t mean to laugh.”


“Oh no, It’s okay.”


“But you seemed surprised that I came up here for you?”


“Oh no. It’s not- I-... It’s just that no one ever bothers to check up on me other than those who I’m close to... so basically.. just my sister.”


I looked down at my feet and played with my fingers.


"Well now you can add all of us to the list." LuHan suddenly said.


"What?!" I looked at him with a shocked expression.


"Yeah!! Sure! I mean, why not? We've spent the entire vacation with you guys, so I don't see why not?"


"Really?!" I asked, still in a state of shock.


"Yep!" LuHan cutely nodded his head. "Come on, let's go downstairs! DO made hot chocolate and you really can't miss out on that! DO's hot chocolate is the best!!"


Unexpectedly, LuHan took my hand in his and dragged me out of my room and downstairs to where everyone was relaxing. I was still in a huge state of shock that I didn't even bother to protest and just let LuHan drag me to where everyone was. Only when I heard the loud laughter and chatter of the crowd did I finally come back to my senses.


I quickly pulled my hand away from LuHan's grip and stayed standing still in my spot.


LuHan turned and looked at me in surprise. "Is there something wrong?" He asked.


"Uhh.. no, not really. I uh.. I just need to go get something from my room."


"Oh okay, I'll go with you." But before I could even reject LuHan's offer, a younger looking boy, whose name I remembered to be SeHun, came up to LuHan and tugged at his shirt.


"LuHan hyung~! DO's not going to make me any Bubble Tea and he promised to make me some! Can you please come tell him to make me some? Please~!!"


"Uhh.. sorry, SeHun. I-"


"Oh no, it's okay, LuHan-ssi. You can go, I'll catch up." I told LuHan my made up excuse.


"Okay, I'll see you there then! See you!" LuHan waved before SeHun dragged him away to where I believe the kitchen was.


‘Okay now, quick!! Before anyone stops you! Runaway~!!!’  I turned, ready to run up the stairs and run back to the safe haven which I call my room.


"Nina Unnie~!! Where are you going? Everyone is over there. Come quick! You NEED to try DO Umma's hot chocolate! It's amazing~!!!" Gina praised as she came up to me and began to drag me towards the big crowd.


Before I even had a chance to protest, I had already been dragged to the mini ‘party’ going on in the living room. As Gina went off with her beloved boyfriend ; I was left standing there like an idiot in the middle of the ‘party’.


I saw an empty seat and unknowingly my legs started walking over to that seat. I sat awkwardly sat down hoping that none of the guys noticed my presence and didn’t bother starting a conversation with.


Time passed and neither Gina or LuHan had come back to look for me.


I sighed. What’s the point of being here? No one’s talking to me and I’m not drinking any hot chocolate!


I walked to the kitchen counter and decided to just sit and relax. I looked straight at the sink remembering the first time Gina and Kai looked so happy to be by each other. I was in deep thought when I saw steaming hot cup of hot chocolate appear right before my eyes. I look at the long, slender pretty fingers holding the cup and my eyes unconsciously followed up the arm of the person only to end up seeing Lay’s face.


Woah! What? Wh-when did Lay come here?!? I hadn’t even felt it when he sat next to me!!


I stared at Lay’s face, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.


No One’s POV:


Lay nervously looked at Nina and held up the hot drink to her. “This is for you.” He said.


Nina accepted the drink and quietly thanked Lay. She took a sip and Lay awkwardly turned around and coughed. The two awkwardly sat there; not knowing what to say or do.


Everyone around them was lively talking and having fun as they sat there quietly.


“Uhmmm... I’m sorry about earlier.” Nina quietly apologized.


Lay looked at her with a confused expression. “Why are you apologizing to me?”


“I’m sorry for randomly hugging you back then.” Nina shyly explained.


“O-oh no, i-it’s okay. You were about to die so..”


“Yeah.. thanks for saving me by the way, but I’m still sorry for randomly hugging you.”


Lay lightly chuckled. Nina gave him a confused look which only caused Lay to laugh a bit more. “Why? Why are you laughing at me? Do I look weird?”


“No, not at all. It’s just that.. you don’t have to keep apologizing.”


“But, I’m-”


“You don’t have to apologize for just hugging me; besides, I kinda did enjoy it.”


    Before Nina could say anything else Lay was dragging her to the couch where Gina and Kai snuggled against each other and the other EXO members teasing them for being so open all of a sudden.


    “Unnie~ You decided to join us~!!”

    Due to the of the awkward stares, Nina just smiled at her younger sister and sat at the corner of the couch next to Lay who started to join in the conversation EXO was having. However, Nina noticed that there was one problem in the atmosphere of the living room......it was Chanyeol.


This is just a sneak peek to Nina's love life ;) hehehe can you guys guess who she will end up with?? EXCITED~! hehe anyways next chapter hint: A LOT of Kai and Gina time~ <3



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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?