Cuddles and Loneliness

The First Snow Without You


No One’s POV:


As Gina and Kai walked in the house they spotted a fuming Owl.




“SORRY DO UMMA~~~ AINGG~~~ We just wanted to take a walk outside for the last time.” Gina tried to use her aegyo on D.O.....which.....might have worked.


“FINE since Gina said her reason you are dismissed; but KAI YOU COME HERE!!!” D.O commanded.


“BYE, OPPA!! GOOD LUCK~” Gina quickly ran away scared that DO might kill her, too.  


“Now, I guess it’s just you and me........” DO stared at Kai with a sly grin until... “COME HERE YOU!!!! I TOLD YOU LAST NIGHT THAT WE NEED TO PACK EARLY AND LEAVE EARLY AND WHERE DO YOU GO!!! TO THE BEACH TO HAVE A DATE!!! I KNOW YOU GUYS LOVE EACH OTHER, BUT WE ARE IN A HURRY HERE!!!” D.O started chasing the poor Kai around the living room.


“HYUUUNNNGGG I’M SORRRY GAHHHH! I SAID IM SORRY!!!!!!! KRIS HYUNGGG~! SUHO HYUNNNG HELP MEE GAHHH!!!” This scene was like a mother chasing her disobedient son around the house, but sadly the rest of the members were too busy packing to help the poor Kai.


Soon after, Kai was able to escape to his room before D.O could hit him with a spatula just as he threatened to do.


“AND YOU BETTER PACK UP QUICKLY!!” D.O yelled from the bottom of the stairs.


Gina laughed as she heard D.O yell at her boyfriend while she was in her room packing her stuff.


“What are you laughing at?”


Shocked, Gina spun around to see her sister at the door. “Oh thank god it’s just you. Unnie, you scared me! I didn’t even hear you walk through the door.”


Nina chuckled. “Hahaha... did I scare you that much?”


Gina nodded in response. “Yeah, you did.” Gina also chuckled looking back at her silly action.


“But Unnie, why are you here? Shouldn’t you be packing?” Gina asked.


“I already finished and I came here to see if you needed any help; and by the looks of things, I think you’re going to need my help.” Nina responded looking at the pile of clothes that Gina has yet to pack. Gina looked back at the pile of clothes and scratched the back of her head. “I guess I could use some help.”


The two sisters began packing up and with Nina’s help, Gina was able to finish packing much faster than she expected. “Is that the last of your stuff?” Nina asked as she finished zipping up the last bag. “Yep! Thank you so much Nina Unnie~!!” Gina hugged her sister.


“I’m going to go check up on Kai Oppa. He’s going to need a lot of help and I don’t think he wants to get nagged by D.O anymore.”


“Alright, just take your bags downstairs first. SuHo-ssi said he doesn’t want everyone trying to take all their luggage down together and cause a traffic jam on the stairs.” Nina said as she left her sisters room.


Ay yay, Captain!” Gina raised her hand to her forehead and saluted her sister. Nina chuckled in response and saluted Gina back.


“Alright, now to take these bags down.” Gina walked over to one of her bags and tried to pick it up but failed miserably. “Ugh, maybe I shouldn’t start with the heavy ones.” She reached for the lightest bag and began to drag it down stairs where she found a pile of other peoples’ bag. She put it off to the side and went back to her room to get the other bags.


Kai’s POV:


“AND THIS IS THE LAST TIME I’M EVER LETTING YOU OUT BEFORE WE HAVE TO PACK! BECAUSE OF YOU, WE’RE GOING TO BE BEHIND SCHEDULE!! FROM NOW ON I WANT YOU TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO FINISH PACKING!!” D.O continued to nag. After I escaped to my room, I thought I got rid of him; but not even 5 minutes into packing and he’s already back in my room to nag me some more! Well, at least he got rid of the spatula.


After about 15 minutes of D.O’s nagging, he finally decided to leave. Now I can see why Gina calls him ‘Umma’ all the time; ‘cause he nags like one! I chuckled to myself only to receive a hit on. “OW!” I turned to see D.O glaring at me as he held up his spatula.


“I leave for a minute and you’re already fooling around! Don’t make me have to monitor you like a little child until you finish packing.” D.O hyung threatened.


“I’ll be back in 5 minutes and I better see some progress when I get back!” And with that, D.O Hyung finally left my room


***At the airport***


“Ok. EXO, Nina-ssi and Gina, listen up. I have the tickets ready and some random forms we have to fill in apparently. So everyone get a pen and begin writing. I’ll hand put the papers and once you’re done head to the immigration counter and wait on the other side.” With that we all started to grab pens the forms from Kris Hyung. I walked up to Gina to ask for a pen.


“Gina-yah do-”


“Here you go Oppa~ I took this out for you.” She said as she handed the pen to me. I smiled and hugged her. I saw everyone walk to different places to use as a table. I leant on the check-in counter and wrote while Gina used my back as a table. It felt weird the way her fingers made their way down my back. It sent shivers down my back. And to make it worse I was wearing a thin light blue wife beater with a slightly dark blue shirt on top.


“Kkeut~(finish)” I heard Gina chime. She looked over my shoulder and down at my paper. I continued to write a few more things while she left me and ran to her sister to ask some things. I saw Noona giggle and pat her head while Gina smiled vibrantly. I stopped and just stared at her beauty and started noting down her perfection. She was much taller and leaner in comparison to her sister. Her hair was a natural hazelnut brown and her monolid eyes were a beautiful green. She stood out in all ways. No wonder Chanyeol Hyung would have felt attracted to her. But!! That doesn’t mean I will share her with anyone or even let her go to anyone other than me.


A pat on my shoulder brought me out my trance and I turned around to see Yeollie Hyung. He looked in the direction I was previously looking at and scowled a little. He looked back at me with dark eyes. I could see the amount of love he had for her but that didn’t mean I didn’t have as much love for her. I stood my ground and looked at him right in the eye.


“YAH! Guys, everyone’s going! I know you want to stare at eachother more but do it later in the dorm!” I heard KyungSoo Hyung shout at us. I broke the contact, grabbed my bag and was about to leave.


“Don’t think she’s all yours Jongin-ah. I have known her since her childhood and I know her better than you. She will come to me one day and that day will the be most sad one for you.” I looked at him as my own Hyung was now threatening me. I smirked.


“I may not have known Gina for long. I may not know all the little details about her, but I know I can learn and I know that my love is true. There’s a saying that if the love is true then nothing can break or separate the two people who share that bond. I love her. You love her. I know for a fact she obviously likes me. I don’t know what her true feeling are but my love for her is true and it will not disappoint me.” I turned away and walked to the Immigration gate. I could feel him bore holes into my back as he glared at me.


ChanYeol POV:


That little! What does he think? Just by dating her and giving her a few hugs and kisses his attraction toward her can be called love? Love is something that can persevere all kinds of pain and waiting. That’s it! I’m done playing nice guy. Jongin-ah, watch out, Hyung is gonna make you feel the pain Hyung has to go through everyday!


I felt a little evil after all those thoughts but, I have to fight to get what is to be mine! I can’t let him win without a fight. Just because he has looks that are godly and to die for his body according to the girls, doesn’t mean he can get everything he wants. I am a man and I will fight to the end for what is mine! I huffed, making my bangs fly up in the air, and walked toward the immigration gate. I stood behind Kris Hyung and for some reason I felt completely pissed off.


I made the worst mistake by looking forward. I saw Kai standing behind Gina and back hugging her. I don’t know what got into me and I almost bit Kris Hyung. He turned around and looked at me with a ‘what-the-hell?’ look. I just widened my eyes and continued to look around. I caught Noona watching Kai and Gina. She was smiling at them. What the? I thought she was on my side! Did Kai take her on his side too?! I can’t believe this! Noona you know how much and how long I’ve loved Gina. She knows what all I would do for her because of my love for her. This is just not right! I guess I need to befriend someone who won’t ever betray me!


Sadly my seat was with Noona right in front of Kai and Gina. My blood boiled when I saw him put the seatbelt for her. SHE’S OLD ENOUGH TO DO IT! My thoughts were interrupted when Noona nudged me.


“I saw you glaring at me at the immigration gate. What’s wrong?” She looked worried that she had done something wrong.


“Noona~ I thought you were with me on the fact that Gina should be with me and-”


“I never said she should be with you. I was just needing someone to hear my thoughts on Kai. Because he looks so good, I couldn’t help but think that this would be a use-and-throw situation. I don’t want her to be hurt. I will support Gina and agree with whatever she truly wants.” She looked at me with soft eyes. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. She never supported me??!!


“It’s not that I never supported you. I only spoke to you because you know Kai and wanted to know if he would ever do anything hurtful toward Gina. I was just a little skeptical about the relationship when they began. But now I feel like as if all that worry was completely pointless and stupid. The love each other and I can see it in their eyes” Then what about me Noona? Can you not see the love I have for her in my eyes? What does Kai have that I don’t? I don’t understand….


Gina POV:


I sat next to Kai Oppa and hugged his arm as we made our way back to Korea. I laid my head on his broad strong shoulder and began dozing off while thinking of all the events of the past few days. A small smile sprang upon my lips as I was swept into dreamland.


I woke up when I felt someone placing small kisses on my cheeks. I giggled knowing that it was Kai Oppa. I opened my eyes with a huge smile on my face and looked at him lovingly.  


“It’s time to eat~” I looked forward and saw the air stewardess bringing the trays of food on a trolley. I saw Yeollie Oppa coming out of the bathroom and smiled at him. He was walking behind the stewardess and and making funny faces, making it hard for me to stifle my laughter. I giggled into Kai’s chest and he just looked at me like I was weird.


“What’s wrong Princess?” I looked at him and then began to giggle at the nickname.


“Nothing. I was just giggling because of Yeollie Oppa. He was making weird face behind the air hostess and I couldn’t just laugh at him because she was in front of him, or she may think I am laughing at her.” He looked at me in an amused way and laughed.


“What?” I asked while pouting.


“Nothing. You’re just so adorable!” He said while he pecked my pouty lips. I smiled and nuzzled my face into his arm, causing him to laugh out even more. He knew I was blushing at his compliment. He lifeted my chin and kissed my nose. I almost closed my eyes thinking he actully kiss me. Like on my lips. He chuckled lightly and let my chin go, a small smile accompanied by a slight tint of red appeared on my face. I cuddled into his arm more as we ate.












I hope this is not a short story for Kai-Oppa......I really wish we can be like this forever......


Hey guys~~~~ sorry for not updating for a long time ㅠ.ㅠ school has been stopping us and other personal things. BUT THANK YOU ALL AND I LOVE U ALL FOR STAYING WITH US AND NOT LEAVING US~~~ <3 You guys are seriously the best <33333 hehehe the next chapter is currently being written so i hope we dont let u guys wait so long again...but anyways BIG HINT COMING UP~~~~ the is coming sooooonnnn ;) heheheh >:)


--98Kaisoo :3

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?