Getting to Know You

The First Snow Without You

We were having breakfast with everyone together. First breakfast after Christmas. Unnie had cooked up a lot of waffles and pancakes and all kinds of other goodies!

I smiled as I sat myself down on the kitchen counter, prepared for the beautiful plate of waffles that was coming my way. But instead of Unnie, serving me, it was Oppa.

I sat there in shock but a small smile bloomed on my face as he kissed my cheek. Happy now that i had gotten my morning kissy~ I grabbed my fork and was about to eat my waffles when I noticed something on it.

Get ready at 10:30. I already put out a cute outfit for you~ Hope you like it.


I smiled as I took the note out and set it aside, preparing to eat my waffles.

After breakfast, I quickly showered and changed into the 'cute outfit' that Oppa prepared for me. I smiled as he knew my size pretty well. I made my way down to the living room when I saw Unnie coming back into the house. She was sweating; meaning that she was outside running again. I looked around but found no one there.

“Unnie, where is everyone?” She looked at me as she dried her face.

“Oh, they’re all in the different rooms, catchin up on more sleep because they’re too lazy. But I think Kris and Lay are in the gym.”

I wiggled my eyebrows at her when she mentioned Lay Oppa. She just rolled her eyes and walked away. I head toward the cloak closet to grab my coat. As I slipped my coat on, I felt Oppa’s arms circle around me and envelope me in a back-hug.

“Ready?” His deep, husky voice vibrated into my right ear.

"Yup" He released me from the hug and I looked at him and gave him a big eye-smile.

I opened the door and the cold winter air hit me right on the face and I shivered at the sudden change of temperature. I guess Oppa saw me because he chuckled and pinched my cheeks while telling mg how cute I am. In response I just kept giving him a playful glare and ended up laughing it out. 

We both decided it was best to go by bus and experience a romantic walk to the bus stop...well that's how Oppa called it...I would have prefered the car. BUT who cares, as long as my boyfriend is with me~

So we got to the bus stop and that was when I asked where we were going.

"Oppa...You still didn't tell me what you planned for today."

"It's a surprise~" I tried to use my aegyo once again and pouted VERY cutely and I repeat VERY cutely. "OH NO NO NO I am not falling for that!! It's a surprise and it will stay a surprise!!!" I pouted even harder but he just looked away and I just gave up and stood there arms folded across my chest waiting for the bus like a little kid who was angry.

The bus finally arrived and we got on and sat in a two person seat and went the rest of the way just holding each others hand and pointing at random things outside the window as we pass through the busy city streets.

When we finally got off the bus I noticed we were infront of the movie theatre.

"Oppa, are we watching a movie??"

"Bingo~! I thought we could come to the movies and you know kind of have a calm, chill date like every other couple." But I don't want to be like every other couple Oppa. We should have our own little thing. These kind of dates are so cliche. But of course I couldn't say this to him and make him sad and feel at fault; so I just smiled and we walked into the building hand in hand.

"Gina-ya I was thinking we could watch a romantic-comedy. What do you think??" Just when he asked me that I turned to see my options and I saw Despicable Me 2 on the screen. My eyes rounded and I looked adoringly at the screen. I didn't watch the second part yet!!! OMG IT'S OUT!! MY SWEET MINIONS I'M HERE!!! Yes I am in love with minions. A 16 year old girl can like these kinds of things...IT IS NORMAL

"Gina!! HELLOOOOO GINA!" I snapped out of my little minion world and looked at Oppa.

"Yes??" He gave me a confused look.

"So do you want to watch that romantic-comedy I suggested or not??"

"Ummmm....Oppa....can we pwease watch Despicable Me 2!!! PWEASEEE" Aegyo ready one two three ACTION!! JongJong Oppa just chuckled and nodded.

"Whatever ma lady wants~" At least I can watch something not too cliche for a date hehe~

Oppa bought the tickets and the popcorn and we walked to Theatre 4. I noticed that we were the only couple in there and everyone else were families and children.....I guess most couples like to watch romatic movies with each other. I turned to Oppa and squealed in excitement; he just chuckled and the cinema turned dark and we watched the movie.


After the movie we walked out of the cinema hand in hand talking about the funny scenes from the movie and how much we like it.

"I guess couples don't always have to watch anything romantic on dates. Honestly, I kind of felt worried that you suggested Despicable Me 2 cause I thought our date would be ruined, but I was wrong."

"HA SEEE not all date have to be so cliche oppa~"

"What...cliche? I thought all girls always want to watch movies on their dates...?"

"See cliche! And really...Since you've dated me did I seem like any other girl!?"

"NO that's not what I meant. I just thought you like to watch movies and hold know that kind of thing. So...then what do you think of as a perfect date?" Ya...What do I think of as a perfect date......I sat there for a few minutes thinking and then I thougt of my perfect dream date.

"My perfect dream date is taking a walk hand in hand with you in the park. Also, since it snowed yesterday it would be more romantic walking in the snow just having fun talking~"

"Huh..So simple, yet I couldn't think of that."

"ALSO No money is needed~ I hate wasting money on things that aren't necessary."

"Gina. You are the perfect girlfriend for a student like me hahaha!" We laughed at his comment. I guess that is true since we are all still students money is short for all of us... "Come on let's go to the park then~" I nodded in excitment and we exited the cafe hand in hand and walked towards the park near the house. The city is covered with snow and everything is white. The perfect date with the perfect guy.


We were walking in the park, which was covered in snow when suddenly JongJong Oppa's phone started to ring.

"Hello? Hyung?"

"Jongin-ah!! Where are you guys???"

"We are at the park near the house. Why?"

"We were all thinking to hang out with you guys today~~ WAIT IN THE PARK WE WILL BE RIGHT THERE!!! I'll call you when we arrive with the picnic things~ WOOHOO picnic in the snow!! K See ya~ BYEE"

"Hyung Wa-"

"What happened??" I shook his arm to get his attention because he has been staring at his phone for more then a minute now...

"I think those hyungs want to barg in on our date....." He turned to look at me and started speaking again. "Gigi do you want to call Nina Noona and makes some kind of plan to get away from them?"

"O..k.... What plan you thinking of?"

"We can call her and ask her to let them come to the park and when she calls us to make it clear that they left the house we can go and just continue our date from there~"

"OK~~ I'll call Unnie"

After making all the plans with Unnie and clarifying that they have officially left the house, Oppa and I started to walk to my house. When we got in no one was home... I guess Unnie went out too... I walked into the kitchen with a clingy boyfriend behind me. I made popcorn and Oppa took come drinks out from the kitchen and we walked up the stairs to my room. I set the popcorn in the middle of my bed and just sat with my back facing the headrest. JongJong Oppa sat across from me with crossed-legs and staring at me with curiosity.

"Why are you staring at me like that??"

"Cause I just realized that I don't know much about you...and i am your boyfriend. I should know a lot of things about you! Now tell me about yourself baby~"

"Hm.. What do you want to know?"

"Anything! Favorite color? Favorite types of music? Favorite food? Favorite thing to do on the weekends? Favorite sport? Favorite subject in school? Favorite type of dance move? Do you sing? and last but not least about your family!" 

"Woah so many questions... ok first off my favorite color is lavender or any pastel tone. Favorite type of music is KPop obviously~ Favorite you really expect me to pick one! I am an eating monster!!! Favorite thing to do on the weekends is be on my computer and sometimes exercising alone in the park. Favorite sport is volleyball. Favorite subject is math and dance. Favorite type of dance....well I like everything~ And yes I do sing and actually well enough to win first place in a competition. Lastly, my family...... well you know a little about Nina unnie. But one thing you might not know is that she is adopted. My parents thought that they couldn't have kids on their own ability so they adopted Nina unnie when she was a baby and then two years later a miracle happened and I was born. My parents are very sweet and kind people and they care about me and Nina a lot. When Nina Unnie decided to move out and come her to Korea my parents kind of freaked out, but still let her go cause they knew how independent unnie is. After like a year and I want to follow unnie's footsteps.....they kind of freaked out and wouldn't allow me to go. I know I am their yougnest child and I may seem like a baby to them I still wanted to get out of Switzerland really badly so unnie helped me convince them and that took another year...but now im here~ My parents call me like every other day just to see if I am fine and I know it's out of love, but sometimes I need my own space and they trust. I always feel like they can't trust me as much as they trust unnie....It's always a stressful thought. ANYWAYS~ Now it's your turn~ Same questions!! GOGO"

"But wait a and your sister seem so close."

"We are. It's just that sometimes I feel like my parents overreact on me and they are fine with whatever unnie does. It's just the usual sister stuff you know.. anyways ANSWER!"

"Ok fine. Favorite color is red, black, and sky blue. Favorite type of music is hip-pop or anything micheal jackson! Favorite food definetly anything Korean. Favorite thing to do on the weekends is obvously spending time with my amazing girlfriend~ hahaha but before I met you was just listening to music and sleeping. Favorite sport is soccer and basketball. Favorite subject in! Favorite dance move is hip-pop, ballet, and jazz and no I don't sing.....but I do rap! Lastly, my family....I don't think you would be interested." 

"WHYYY!!?? Anything to get to know you is interesting Oppa~"

"Fine fine but I am warning you my parents aren't as sweet as your parents....well my mom is. She is the sweetest person I know..despit being my mother and she cares a lot about me and my 2 sisters. And yes I have two sisters and 3 dogs names Jjanggu, Jjangah, and Monggu they basically are my bestest friends in the world, and yes I know I sound like a looser but I love them that much~ My two sisters are awesome, but sometimes kind of know sibling fights. So basically that is my family."

"Oppa....what about your dad??"

"Oh him. Ya he is cool..." I noticed that his face suddenly became dark and gloomy, so I slowly lifted my hand to his face and carressed his cheek. Our eyes met and I could see saddness in his eyes. I gave him a gentle smile to assure him that I am with him. He responded with the same type of smile and continued to talk about his father. "My father is a very strict person. He is a CEO of Kim's company and earns a to-"

"You mean THE CEO!! OMG He is like the most successful man on this Asian continent!!! YOU are his son!!??"

"Yes yes I am...He earns a ton and brags about it at all the rich people parties and it annoys the hell out of me. My mother is very modest...but him....he is just arrogant and rude to people he think are not his level of success. He is very straight-froward so if he doesn't like what I am doing he tells me directly with no sugar coated on it. Also....My father is depending on me to get awesome grades so that I will have a good image when it is my turn to take over the company. Honestly....I want to be a performer and not a boring buisness man who is stuck in the office for the whole day doing nothing active. I want a life that I choose not what my father plans for me. So I had so much stress with studying and the small pep talks with my father, but everything changed when I met you. I am happy everyday and everytime I see you smile I feel like every burden is lifted off of me. Gina you are the best thing that happened in my life."


"I seriously am in love with you and I don't know what I would do with you." I scooted closer to him and hugged him really tightly.

"Oppa...I love you too~ Seriously I am glad I declined every other guy because I wouldn't have met you!" I kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly at him. He turned his head to look at me and smiled before our lips met and we shared a passionate, yet soft kiss. He slowly leaned forward causing me to lean backwards lying down on my bed. I circled my arms around his neck and we went on with out passionate moment.

As we both pulled away Jongin Oppa just placed his forehead on mine and we just stared at each other with such loving eyes. He lied down beside me and his arms circled around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Before anything more could happen I put the popcorn bowl on the side table and just comfortable laid there enjoying his warmth.



"If you do actually have to take over the company....will you have to leave me...."

"Gina-ya" He gently pecked my neck. "I will never leave you for such stupid reasons. The buisness is not for me and I will do everything to avoid going in there. Most importantly I will avoid all causes of leaving you. No matter what happns we can't be seperated. Ever." I just smiled and tried to loosen his arms around my waist so that I could turn around to face him. I pecked his lips again closed my eyes feeling his warmth surround once again.


"Yes my love~"

"Can we just stay like this for the whole day?"

"I was just thinking the same thing."

As minutes past we both fell into deep slumber in each others embrace.








Nothing and I really mean NOTHING can seperate us. No matter what troubles comes at us we will love each other even more and our relationship will grow stronger with every trouble that pasts by.

Oppa...You and I will obtain the lives we want with each other always by each others side. I love you so much Oppa.

Yoyoyo~~ We are baek!! (eh eh you see what I did there ;)) Anyways here is a long update and a lot of fluff in apology of not updated for a long timeeeee <3 you guys know a little bit of background info of both Kai and Gina~

Hope you guys liked it~ Next chapter is back to school y'all!! ^^

BTW...have you guys notcied we have a new cover image~~ Thanks to Jiyeonxia6 from Kpop Love Star Request Shop~


--98Kaisoo :3


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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?