First Date Part 3

The First Snow Without You

Chapter 26

Gina POV:

    When Kai Oppa told me he loved me I knew I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. Everytime I see his face my heart will race and everything he does makes me go crazy. I was totally in love with him and I couldn’t deny it. I didn’t hesitate to tell him my feelings too. I want our relationship to be more than just liking each other and breaking up after a few months. I wanted this relationship to last and have some seriousness in it. Nothing could separate us now.....



As Kai Oppa stopped the car and we got out my eyes rounded at the building in front of me....we were at a bar? Hm..why would he take me here....we both are minors....


    “Oppa?” I was very curious...




    “Why are we at a bar?”


    “This is not really a bar. This is a restaurant that is designed like a bar for minors like us. We can eat dinner here~”


    “Oh. Ok LET’S GO~~ I’m so hungry~~~” We walked towards the entrance of the restaurant hand in hand.


    “Table for two please.” We were lead by the waiter to a table near which looked like a dance maybe I can dance a little later~ I miss dancing!! even though it was only a month since I last officially danced.....hehe


    “You miss dancing huh?” WHAT?! HOW?! DID HE READ MY MIND?!


    “How did you know? hahaha ya I miss it so much...”


    “Come on let’s eat first, then may-”




    “I didn’t even finish what I said!!!”


    “Ya but you will say ‘maybe we can dance’ right right?!”


    “Nooo haha I was going to say maybe we can go home! HA!” I made a pouty face and I could see it affected him right away. “Fine fine I was going to say dance there! Now stop pouting before I kiss you in public~~”


“Oppa!! You y!” I can tell this would be a perfect night~


Kai POV:

Hahaha she is so cute~ But seriously...I could not resist those lips when she started pouting....I think I might just kiss her anyways. muahah~


    “Come on sit and let’s eat!!” This girl...she must really be hungry hahaha.


    We both looked at the menu and took a few minutes to choose what we wanted and then ordered. Now one thing left to do...ask her one important question....




    “Wae oppa?”


    “Do you think Chanyeol hyung has feelings for you?”


    “Um i don't know..why the sudden question?”


    “Just wondering about how you feel about him...”


    “Is someone jealous~~~” tsk. this girl such a tease haha


    “NO!! I am serious Gina....I want to know how YOU feel.”


    “Um. Chanyeol Oppa is like a brother to me...nothing else. He is there when I need him and I can always depend on him. I never thought of him as a guy that I like....and I am sure he has the same thoughts as me oppa so don’t worry.” I knew better than to NOT worry....I am sure those eyes last time....those eyes are eyes of jealousy...he likes girl.


    “If you had to save someone from drowning in the ocean would it be me or him?”


    “What kind of question is that!!?? Of course you~”




    “Ya~ cause Yeollie Oppa can swim~ hehe”


    “YA! I am serious!! and...I CAN SWIM TOO!!”


    “hahahaha ok Oppa. But seriously....don’t make me pick between you two...I can’t. Because I love you both. I love you as my one and only boyfriend and I love him as my brother. Remember matter what happens I will always love you.” Now that’s the Gina I know. Thanks Gina~ I love you too~


    Before I could give her a response the waiter walked to our table with the food. Once the food was put down on the table Gina’s eyes twinkled and I could tell she was starving.


    “Gina.....DIG IN~~ haha”


    “THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL OPPA~~~” She quickly grabbed her fork and started eating her pesto pasta. Aigo~ this girl~ I silently laughed to myself and ate my meal too.



    “Wa~~~ I am so full~ Thank you for the food oppa!”


    “Anything for ma lady~" She was smiling at me with such loving eyes that I couldn't just turn away without looking at her the same way. "Gina-ya... shall we?" I stood up and went to her side to offer her my hand.


       "But I am so full!!!" I looked at her with pouty eyes.


    “Pwease~” Gosh I hate it when I have to use’s just not my thing.

I saw a small smile form on her face and without a second chance I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the dance floor.


Gina POV:

    As we walked onto the dance floor, Kai Oppa dragged me to the center and I looked at him an uneasy look. Does he really expect me to dance with a full stomach while all these people are looking at me? However, all my worries disappeared when Kai gave me a reassuring smile; but even with that smile I still continued to awkwardly stand in my spot.


"C'mon, Princess, let's dance~!" I chucked as Kai grabbed my hands and began swinging my arms from side to side before letting go and dancing like a weirdo. It wasn't totally Kkab style but it wasn't the same as when he was in dance class and more serious.


I covered my face in embarrassment and turned around. As a result, Kai danced his way around to the side I was now facing; I laughed and turned back; again he danced his way back in front of me. "Come on, don't act like you don't know me"


"It's not that!" I laughed.


"Then join me!" He smiled.


Does he really expect me to dance like this? I watched Kai dance for a minute and thought about it. Should I join him? And risk embarrassing yourself? No! I argued with myself. I decided it best not to join Kai but seeing how much fun he was having made me rethink my decision. I eventually stepped toward my boyfriend and joined him in the crazy dancing. We swung our arms, rolled our hips, kicked our legs, and shook our heads for three songs straight!


Afterwards, we dizzily laughed our way back to our table.


"Hahaha That was so much fun!!"


"See, I told you it was a good idea for you to join me."


"Hahaha... I never doubted you Oppa~! Ahh~ I feel so dizzy after all that head shaking." I held my head in my hands.


"Aww~ my poor Princess~" Kai leaned in and kissed my forehead.


"There. All better?" He asked with an angelic smile.


I giggled and nodded. "Much, much better." I smiled.


Just then our waiter came. "Have you finished?"




The waiter picked up our plates.


"Can we have the check please?" Kai asked.




The waiter brought the check and we thanked him.


I saw Kai reach for his wallet but I stopped him.


"Oppa, you don't have to. please~ please~ let me pay this time~"


"No, Gina. We're on a date, I shouldn't be letting you pay for anything." Kai shook his head.


"PWEASE~" I asked in an aegyo voice


"N-no, Gina, I will not let you pay." I can see that my aegyo has affected him.


“PWETTY, PWETTY, PWEEASEE~~!" I asked in my best aegyo voice and put on the cutest look I could ever make. I saw him think about it before sighing.






"But, only on the condition that you can make a better dance move than me."


    “GAME ON!” We walked onto the dance floor once again and he did a professional ballerina spin. How is he doing perfect. When he caught his balance he looked up at me and did he famous Kim Kai smirk.....


    “Try that! It won’t be that easy. 10 years of ballet~”


“Hmph. I can do this!” I got into position and off I was...WAIT WOAH BALANCE!!


I tried to do my spin but lost balance and landed onto something hard. I looked up only to find myself lost in Kai's eyes. We stared into each others eyes for a few minutes only to be awakened from our trance with a slow song [cue music~].....


“I guess I get to pay.” He quietly laughed and gave me a big smile.


“Fine I guess I loose this time.” I was getting ready to turn around and go back to our table.


“Wait! Gina-ya~ May I have this dance...princess?” He held out his hand and waited for my response.


“Sure, my prince~” I held his and he pulled me in and snacked his arms around my waist as I s my arms around his neck. I leaned into his chest and laid my head right where his heart was.....hahaha oppa..your heart is telling me I love you~ I guess my heart is too.


Kai POV:




    “Hmm.” She slightly pulled away to face me.


    “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?” I could see her blushing. Cute. “And I will take you in my arms and hold you right where you belong till the day my life is through this I promise you....”




    “Shh...I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before and I promise you never...will you hurt anymore I give you my word I give you my heart this is a battle we've won and with this vow, forever has now begun...Every word I say is true this I promise you...” I saw her eyes tear up as a small smile formed on her beautiful face. I slowly leaned in and kissed her pink tinted lips. Our lips moved in sync and at this moment I felt like the whole world is in my hands. We both pulled away and she looked into my eyes.


    “Jongin Oppa. I love you~” I guess my charm worked~


    “I love you too Princess.”


    “Oppa....shouldn’t we go back and pay now haha the waiter must be waiting..”


    “Just one more slow song~” To my luck the DJ a fast song, which wasn’t matching the mood.... “FINE! Let’s go...” We walked to our table and I took my wallet out to pay.



I parked the car and went to the passenger seat to open the door for my princess. She got out and faced me with such a playful expression....I have a bad feeling about this....


    “I never knew you could be so cheesy oppa~ I wonder if it really was Mr. Kai! hahahaha”


    “But I was being serious!!! I meant everything I said...Yes it was from a song, but it is still from my heart! You meanie! Making fun of your precious boyfriend!”


    “Hahaha This is why I love you oppa~~ Cute, handsome, tall, can dance, and I just love that you are you.”


    “Awwww thank you princess~~ this is the first time you complimented me you know right!?”


    “Ya ya whatever.”


    “But Gina-ya...honestly I am so blessed to have you by my side. You don’t know how blessed I feel every time I can have you in my arms. I really love you Gina with all my heart.” I once again leaned in and for the first time we had a very passionate kiss.

lyrics source:


HEY GUYS~ 98kaisoo is back~~

WHAT TIME IS IT????!!! SUMMER TIME~~ WOOHOO~ Finally! I am going back to my home country~~(well half..haha my other home country is in europe ;)) KOREA~~~ I can see my friends and and and I am planning to go to Music Bank to see EXO with another friend!! CAN'T WAIT~ <3 JONGIN OPPA, KYUNGSOO OPPA, CHANYEOL OPPA, AND THE OTHER OPPAS....I'M COMING FOR YOU~~~ :3 hehe

One more thing any of you know a shop that makes pretty posters?? I feel like we need a new poster for this's getting kind of old. Or~ do any of my precious subbies know how to make one? Please let me know~



-98kaisoo :))-

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nice story ^^
Chapter 30: awwww... cutie...but i don't really like Nina Unnie's attitude anymore. I will help you guys once I fully update the 4th chapter of ma fic. NO WORRIES DUDETTES!!!!!!
Chapter 29: really gina... really.. -_-
Chapter 29: i envy you author-nim
Chapter 27: where is this suprise.
but seriously there a cute couple
Chapter 27: Awhwhh <3 So cute~~ <3
Chapter 26: first date together.
how would it go
Chapter 26: So cute~~!^^
Chapter 25: Chanyeol better not ruin what Gina and Kai have going!
& Nina with Luhan or Lay? Hmmmmmm.... Who to chooseeeee...?